Daddy's baby girl

His Baby Girl

Chanyeol had always been focusing on his work; singing and rapping wholeheartedly, dancing with every dance move etched in his mind and, of course, doing fan service was a must. That’s right, Chanyeol was always focused in doing his work but just not today. Since morning, right after he had left his house, he had been checking his phone non-stop. Well, no one could blame him; his wife was heavily pregnant and was about to pop any time soon. Chanyeol really didn’t want to leave the house, especially the fact that his wife would be alone once he leaves but his wife threw him out, saying that he needed to earn money for the little one. Chanyeol could only chuckle as he left the house, of course, after giving his wife a necessary speech about not to climb up any chairs or ladders, not to go out alone and so on but even after giving the speech and making sure that his mother-in-law was in high alert mode and ready to go over to his house if anything happens, Chanyeol still felt insecure. He felt uncomfortable, like something big was going to happen. He just wanted the fansign event to quickly end so that he could go home to lie on his comfortable bed and snuggle with his wife, if that was possible with her huge belly, however it seems that the fans were teasing him because there were many fans here for the event. ‘Many’ was an understatement though. Hundreds of fans were there, screaming his band name.

Chanyeol wanted to groan and cry and groan even more but he couldn’t just disappear. His fans have been supporting him through bad and good times from the start. Even though they could get a little crazy sometimes (Chanyeol understand their fangirl hearts though because Dara was so pretty. Don’t tell his wife), Chanyeol still loved them and he needed to repay them for the everlasting support.

“Chanyeol!!” Kris called, nudging him as he gestured to the fan standing in front of him. Chanyeol smiled and apologised.

“Chanyeol oppa!!” The fan said when he was signing her album. “What are you going to call your baby when she’s born?” Chanyeol flashed a bright smile and gave the fan her album.

“Jaehwa. I’m naming her Jaehwa.” Jaehwa meant respect and beauty. Chanyeol wanted her baby girl to have respect for everyone and that she would be as pretty as her mother. The fan smiled and squealed, saying that his baby girl would be look like him. Chanyeol laughed and thanked her as the fan went on to the next member. A smile remained etched on his face because any topic about his baby girl would keep him happy for the next few hours. He pulled out his phone, wanting to call his wife to check up on her when he saw the numerous missed calls and messages. The smile disappeared and a frown replaced it. Not wasting any time to read the messages, Chanyeol called his wife immediately. As the number of rings got larger, Chanyeol started to panic. How could he miss his phone ringing and vibrating? Damn the thick jeans he was wearing. Did his wife fell down, when she went to the bathroom, hit her head on the sink and was bleeding? Chanyeol was so close to cursing when the call was answered.

“Hello? Baby?” Chanyeol called. What Chanyeol least expected was his wife screaming and cursing in reply, causing him to shoot up, standing up and ready to leave the stage.

“Chanyeol?” His mother-in-law asked. “Hurry to the hospital.” That’s all that got Chanyeol running off the stage, yelling for his manager for the car keys. He arrived at the hospital exactly 15 minutes later. He had violated many traffic rules but he really didn’t care. Chanyeol ran down the hospital hallway, ignoring the hollers of the nurses as they asked him to slow down. His shoes screeched to a stop when Chanyeol arrived in front of the room. The door was slammed opened by him and as he panted, he kind of looked like he was crazy, especially with the amount of makeup and hairspray he had put on. His wife was on a bed and there were a couple of nurses busied around the room, preparing to bring the pregnant woman to the labour room.

“Thank god, I arrived.” Chanyeol panted under his breath when he took his position beside his wife, holding her hand tightly. “I’m so sorry.”

“Damn it, Yeol. Were you deaf?” His wife complained weakly, a mischievous smile on her lips. Chanyeol could only smile back in reply as he greeted his mother-in-law. The couple were then brought to the labour room, where Chanyeol’s wife was given the go ahead to push. Never did Chanyeol feel like his ears were going to burst and his hand was going to break. His wife’s screams could be compared to Baekhyun’s and his wife’s strength could be compared to Tao’s. Chanyeol leaned down to peck his wife on her forehead and whispered encouraging words but only for her to push him away.

“Park Chanyeol!! You are never going to touch me ever again!!” His wife hissed. Chanyeol only laughed.

“And I dare you to say that when we have later on.” His wife threw a glare over at him and he shut up immediately. The doctor told her that it was the last push and she made it a good one. It wasn’t seconds later when the baby’s screams filled the room.

Chanyeol never felt so proud before in his life.

He gave his wife a kiss on the forehead again and praised her for doing a job before reaching out to take the little one from the nurse. She was perfect. Jaehwa was perfect. It was all he ever wanted. Chanyeol played with the little bush of hair on Jaehwa’s head and giggled. He felt tears gathering in his eyes as he gawked at his baby girl.

“God, I swear, you’re going to be a heart-breaker when you grow up.” Chanyeol said, laughing as he kissed the baby on the cheek. The wails of the little one stopped and Chanyeol cooed at her because he knew that she was going to be a Daddy’s girl. 


A/N: Second part coming soon!! :)

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20/4/14: Decided to add more chapters xD Daddy!Chanyeol FTW ;)


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Chapter 3: aww..the cute little interactions between daddy chanyeol and his baby girl is too much for my heart... :) awww...
Chapter 2: Ahhh cute
Chapter 2: Awwwh this is so cuuute, i can imagine chanyeol being wrapped in his baby girl's little finger haha
Chapter 2: Its so cute,make me melting with their cuteness..daebak author-nim
kevingalaxy #5
Chapter 3: AHH, this is so cuteee! *squeling* hahahaha. ahh, channiee sooo cuttteeee and sweeet.
Chapter 3: Eh typo I want to say nomu
Chapter 3: Uuuu nominated kyeoptaa ngee
lovestory123 #8
Chapter 2: Aw~ I want to marry Park Chanyeol NOW!
kpop2000 #9
Chapter 2: This is soo cute!
_jeonchi #10
Chapter 2: Omg Chanyeol really is a perfect daddy material