Chapter 3

My Jojo (HIATUS)


            “And your point would be…?” Jonghyun asked, holding out the last word.

            “C’mon hyung, you can’t tell me you don’t miss being treated like a normal guy.” Key said, his voice almost desperate.

            “Of course he does, we all do.” Onew said, crossing his arms over his chest, “But that doesn’t mean—“

            Key cut him off, “Hyung. Please.”

            Taemin spoke up now, “Kibumi hyung… Why exactly don’t you want her to know?”

            Key fought not to glare at the boy, “You out of everyone should know that life is a lot easier when people don’t know you’re a celebrity, Taemin.”

            Minho frowned, “Hyung. Don’t start.”

            Taemin’s face twitched with an emotion but he turned away, “I won’t say anything.” He said softly.

            “Thank you.”

            Claire, who had been leaning against the table, now stood up straight, hands stuffed into her pockets, “Wait, so I understand them.” She gestured at the boys, “But why bring me into this?”

            “Because you’re a girl. She’s going to get closer to you faster. Duh.” Jonghyun said, seeming to read his friend’s mind.

            Key nodded, “Exactly.”

            She pinched the bridge of her nose, “I’ll avoid the subject. But I’m not a liar.” She said firmly.

            Key smiled, “Thank you. Anyone else?”


            “You weren’t invited to the huddle either, huh?”

            Jojo yelped, grasping her chest as she whirled around to find that the sound of the voice had come from a pretty Korean girl behind her. The girl had shoulder length black hair, cut cringed at the ends with straight bangs across her forhead, she wore glasses and sported a cute blue cardigan over a white button up shirt with faded bluejeans and a pair of pristine converse.

            “Uhm. No, I guess I wasn’t…” Jojo said, running a hand through her hair nevously.

            The other girl smiled, “It’s okay. They’re always rude like that, don’t worry.” She said, sitting down next to the new girl. “what’s your name?

            Jojo blinked at her , why the sudden introductions? “Uhm… I’m Julia. But Call me Jojo.” She said softly.

            “Ye Na Pak. It’s nice to meet you. So what’d they ditch you for?”

            The smaller of the two girls furrowed her eyebrows, “Uhm… I’m not sure.. Kibumi—”

            “Kibumi?” Ye Na grinned, “You’re older than him? Oh I bet he hates that!” she gushed.

            Jojo couldn’t help but laugh, “well, yeah. Sort of.” She admitted, blinking over at the man happily.

            “Oooooh. You like him don’t you?”

            Julia blinked up at her suddenly, “Why does everyone keep asking us that?! We just met!!”

            Ye Na let a sly smile spread across her face, “I see…” she stood up suddenly, waving her arms, “YA! WHY WOULD YOU BE SO RUDE AND LEAVE YOUR NEW FRIEND ALL BY HERSELF?!” she shouted across the courtyard.


            “Who in the hell is yelling?” Key turned around to see the source of the noise.

            Onew’s face lit up suddenly, “Nae yeoja chinguneun nomu yeppo!” he sang across the courtyard as he took off running.

            “Aigo. This is why I love you!” Ye Na grinned, running over to meet him as he gathered her in his arms, swinging her around in a large circle, kissing her cheek before planting her firmly back onto the earth.

            “How was class?” Onew asked eagerly, tucking her hair behind her ears.

            “It was alright. Quiz next time. I’ll dominate.” Ye Na said casually.

            He beamed at her, “Of course you will.” He said kissing her forhead lightly, grabbing her hand, “come here.” And with that he pulled her away back to the table of friends, leaving Jojo alone again, chuckling to herself.


            “Jesus, could you guys get anymore cutesy?” Minho laughed to himself as the two walked up to greet the others again.

            “We could, but we thought we’d spare you today.” Ye Na said nonchalantly as the rested her rear against the table top next to Claire after the two girls exchanged hugs. “So, what am I missing and why isn’t Key’s girlfriend here to discuss it with us?” she asked, smirking as Key’s face lit up red.

            “Jojo doesn’t know about the band.” Taemin said before Key could come back with a retort. “And hyung wants it to stay that way.”

            Ye Na pursed her lips into a kissy face before she pushed them to the side, running a hand through her hair, “Aaaaah. Normal boy syndrome.” She said thoughtfully.

            Onew grinned over at her, “Have I told you I love you yet today?”

            “You have.” She beamed.

            “cut the crap guys, I just need to know if you’ll help me or not.” Key said, getting grumpy.

            Minho sighed, “I’ll help. If it makes you happy, then go for it.”

            Jonghyun and Onew both nodded, each grabbing their respective girls, “We want you to be happy,” Onew said, smiling at Ye Na, “You deserve it.” He ruffled Key’s hair, “We’re in.”

            Key grimaced as his hair was destroyed but then smiled, opening his mouth to say something before he was interrupted

“Uhm… GUYS!”

The group looked over to see Jojo being flocked by two young women, the group of friends laughing imidiately.


“Who is she?”

“No idea. Look at her hair. I’m jealous.”

“Right? She’s like, adorable and stuff.”

“I think she’s your unni, you can’t call her adorable.”

“She doesn’t look like she could be anyone’s unni, are you kidding? She’s so tiny!”

“You’re one to talk.”

“Stuff it Elli.”

“You love me Juli.”

“Uhm… Hi?”

Jojo was staring up at two girls, one who looked very much like Claire, a mix of Korean and American just like Jojo herself, but more American than Claire did. The other girl was just white. Gorgeous, but not Korean in the slightest.

“What’s your name,” the girl on the left spoke. This was the one who resembled Claire, maybe they were sisters?

Jojo, who’s face showed just how overwhelmed she was, blinked slowly with those big blue eyes, “Jojo?” she made the word a question.

“SO CUTE!” the girl on the right gushed in english.

“thank you?” Jojo asked, looking over at the group walking back from the table.

“Don’t harass the poor girl, Elli. Christ, you’ll scare her off and then Key will have to beat you.” Claire said, coming to stand next to the girl named Elli. The resemblance was insane. They had to be related. No doubt about it.

“But look at her. Sitting there all perfect like. It’s not fair.” This time it was the other girl who spoke, Juli was it?

“Why don’t you just introduce yourselves instead of scaring her, hm?” Key suggested, trying not to laugh at how cute Jojo looked with the lost look on her face.

“Oh yeah, there’s always that.” The girl on the left bowed, “My name’s Elli, I’m Claire’s twin sister. And this stud’s girlfriend.” She said, pointing her thumb at Minho who promptly turned red.

“And I’m Juliette. Or Juli. Whichever you prefer.” The girl on the right said easily.

 Jojo nodded, bowing to both of them, eyeing Taemin who was staring at Juliette intently, but not saying anything. “It’s nice to meet the two of you.” She glanced over at Key, “Did you need to talk to the two of them too?” she asked, her face serious.

Key forced a laugh into a cough as he cleared his throat, stretching, “Uhm, nah. Claire and Ye Na can handle it, yeah?”

The two girls nodded as the group convened at the old table once more.

Jojo nodded, “So. Do you all go here?” she inquired of the large group now in front of her.

Elli, Juliette, Taemin and Minho all shook their heads.

“Elli and I are in our last year of high school” Minho said.

“And Taemin and I are juniors.” Juli said with a nod.

“Oh. So what are you doing here?” Jojo asked inquisitively.

“We always meet here before the boys go to practi—” Claire smack her hand over Elli’s mouth.

“Excuse us for a moment.” Ye Na said with a forced smiled as she and Claire led the younger girls away.

Jojo blinked, “O… Okay?” she asked with a confused laugh. “So…I guess I should get home…” she mumbled, more to herself than to anyone else.

“Let me walk you home!” Key blurted out before he could stop himself.

Onew and Jonghyun grinned, high fiving each other before Jonghyun forked out 200 won to his friend. Onew grinned and pocketed it happily.

Jojo blushed and nodded, “I… I guess that would be nice.” She said, gathering her things and bowing to the rest of the group. “It was really nice meeting you all.” She said as Key led her away quickly, hearing squeals erupt from Elli, Juliette, Claire and Ye Na.

Jojo laughed as she looked over her shoulder, seeing the girls point at her, “I like you friends. They seem fun.” She said happily.

Key smiled, “They like you.” He said, slowing his pace when they were out of the courtyard. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and glanced over at her, watching her amazement as she gazed around at the campus. Maybe this could work after all.

He’s just have to cover his tracks. Make legitimate excuses, make sure the guys and girls stayed quiet about rehearsals, recordings, concerts… yeah. He could totally do this.

He grinned over at Jojo who had pulled a piece of paper out of her pocket, directions back to her new apartment.

This was gonna be good. He could feel it.

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hattieinkorea #1
DEAL. At least Juli's IN KOREA. js.
hattieinkorea #3
Dumb question Maknae. Lol
Are Taemin and I dating yet?<br />
hattieinkorea #5
Ah! Thank you! :3
WOOAAHHH this is good I hope yu update soon :)