IV. Colors of the sound: Yellow

Little pieces of love we have


It has been a week since he sketched that sunshine boy.

Baekhyun feels helpless. He can’t stop thinking about how perfect the light was on him, how beautiful his features were, how the breezes ran through his hair and how his smile lightened up the whole street.

Such an ideal model he was, Baekhyun thinks, it’s very hard to elicit my inspiration these days but somehow that boy managed to succeed without even trying. But no matter how hard he tried (within his power) to search for the boy, he couldn’t find him anywhere. Baekhyun went to the park at that same time everyday that week, but to no avail.


Sometimes coincidences make wonders.

Or at least something like that, Baekhyun thinks when he finds Chanyeol introducing himself before the Level One Braille class he just signed up for exactly a week and a day ago. Definitely wonders they are, he watches as Mrs. Kwon slowly leads Chanyeol to the table next to him. Chanyeol turns halfway to his side and oh my god those features are blinding him again. Baekhyun’s fingers are itching with excitement. The sunshine boy is close, so close, he just wants to grab a pen – any pen – and starts sketching him again. Baekhyun’s breath hitches a bit. And as if on cue, Chanyeol slowly but fully turns to face him, then his mouth starts moving.

Chanyeol immediately stops talking as he feels a finger pressing on his lips. So soft, and full of jasmine scent, he thought, it reminds him of the stranger he met that day at the park. The blonde keeps his head down, a light shade of pink blooms on his cheeks, chocolate brown eyes twinkling with unknown shyness. He waits for the other person to talk, but even after the finger leaves his lips, there’re still no words from them.

Chanyeol raises his head up, brown eyes don’t know where to focus at, he can only turns to where the breathing sounds the loudest, face filled with silent questions. Suddenly his hands are grabbeb and put on a pair of something that he assumes are ears. The pink shade hasn’t fully gone from his face starts blooming again, this time even bolder. What does this action mean? Why is this stranger doing this?

Something snaps inside his head, is this person scared of his voice? Did he talk too loud? He tries to speak smaller, but a finger on his lips tells him it wasn’t because of his volume.

While Chanyeol feels utterly confused, Baekhyun, on the other hand, feels like his ears are going to burn from the touch. Why is this boy so dumb, why can’t he understand, Baekhyun’s going crazy with his innocent face. He has tried to imply his situation as clear as possible, he should’ve already understood! In his anger, the brunette doesn’t realize, those hands he’s been holding are slowly sliding down his cheeks, grabbing his hands back. Chanyeol writes something on Baekhyun’s hand with his finger, something oodly similar to letter C.

C – A – N – Y – O – U – S – P – E – A – K

Even until years after, Baekhyun still gets flushed remembering that time. He has thought of thousands of ways to communicate with the blonde, but never thought of this. And he even thought that Chanyeol was dumb… Baekhyun’s mouth jerks a bit, index finger slowly tracing on Chanyeol’s left hand.

N – O

This time it’s Chanyeol who feels stupid. Of course this person can’t speak! If they can, they would’ve answered him before. Why am I so silly, Chanyeol sadly thinks, writing down another sentence.

S – O – R – R – Y

He wanted to say more than that. He wanted to say that he was really sorry for being so silly all this time, that he just wanted to be friends if this person didn’t mind, and that he wondered if they were truly the artist he met at the park the other day. But everything could only turned in to this five-letter word, Chanyeol suddenly feels so lost.

I – T – S – O – K

Baekhyun stops a bit, waits for the sentence to sink in the blonde’s mind, then continues. I – M – D – E – A – F, he writes, C – A – N – T – S – P – E – A – K. Chanyeol raises his head up again, this time somehow looking straight into Baekhyun’s eyes, both his hands are held tightly, as if saying, I understand now, I’m sorry.

This is not a very bad beginning after all, Baekhyun smiles to himself.


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BaeksAss #1
chanbaek for life <3
leecrannie #2
Chapter 3: wow I enjoyed this update :) great job, author-nim!