Chapter 2

Your the one who I love

Kyungsoo: Saranghae... 

Soo-Jin quickly went back up and looked away and started to blush. 

Soo-Jin: K-Kyungsoo-ah, w-what are y-you saying...? W-we're not even dating....  

Then Kyungsoo became quiet and closed his eyes slowly. 

Kyungsoo: Soo-Jin, you will figure it out soon. I'll wait patiently...and please don't get upset when i'll be doing somethings that's going to distract you. I don't want you loving another person... (this was in a quiet voice) 

Soo-Jin didn't get what Kyungsoo was talking about, but she is already a little bit in love with Chan-min. 

Soo-Jin: K-Kyungsoo-ah, how did you become sick? What were you doing? 

Kyungsoo didn't answer for a while, then answered her back with this reply... 

Kyungsoo: Soo-Jin-ah, i've became sick because of love....and pain....a lot of pain... 

Then tears started to water his eyes, but he looked like he was trying his best to hold back his tears. Soo-Jin just looked at him confused. 

Soo-Jin: Your in love with whom...? What pain...? .....What are you even talking about...? 

Kyungsoo: You will figure it out on your own.... 

Kyungsoo turned his head around facing the other way and Soo-Jin thought he was going to fall asleep, but when she looked at Kyungsoo, he was crying in pain. Then it hit Soo-Jin too, so she patted Kyungsoo on his head gently. 

Soo-Jin: Kyungsoo-ah, mianhae if i don't know, but please do not cry because it also hits me hard when people cry...So please don't cry... 

Kyungsoo: I think its best for you to go home. 

Kyungsoo slowly got up from Soo-Jin's laps and started to slowly walk up the stairs to his room. Then Soo-Jin got up and ran after him and grabbed onto his hand. 

Soo-Jin: Kyungsoo-ah....

Then Kyungsoo removed Soo-Jin's hands. 

Kyungsoo: I will be okay, so just go home. Don't worry about me. 

Soo-Jin: How could I not be worried about you! You've been sick! I may not know you as much, but the memories i've been gaining back slowly is showing only a lot of you! I maybe have a past with you, but i still don't get the reason why i have you popping up into my memories. But, at least let me help you get better...You were by my side that night when i was at the hospitial.... 

Kyungsoo didn't answer and just started to go up the stairs and Soo-Jin followed  him. When you guys got to the top of the stairs, he opened his door room  and got in and went in and closed the door on Soo-Jin. 

Soo-Jin's thought: YAH! -boils- -boils- 

Then Soo-Jin opened the door and Kyungsoo was there lying down on his bed not looking so good. So then Soo-Jin walked into his room and closed the door and was going to go sit next to him, but she tripped over something and fell next to Kyungsoo on his bed. Then she looked up at him, and he was sleeping like a cute puppy, but that is only sick. While Soo-Jin looking up, she got carried away because of how the way Kyungsoo is sleeping, she put her hand onto his cheek while looking at him. All of the sudden, Soo-Jin's head started to hurt again. Then a vision popped up and it was pretty clear for her to remember. The vision was her and Kyungsoo. They were lying on the bed, and Kyungsoo's arms were around Soo-Jin, and they were laughing and being lovey dovey. After the vision Soo-Jin just had, she smiled. Then Kyungsoo slowly opened his eyes and the moment when he opened his eyes, he was shocked. Soo-Jin quickly removed her hands and sat up. 

Kyungsoo: W-What are you doing?....

Soo-Jin: S-sorry...I-I didn't mean to invade your bubble... 

Soo-Jin got up from the bed and started to get off the bed, but just in time, Kyungsoo grabbed her hand with a weak grip. And Soo-Jin looked back at Kyungsoo confused. 

Kyungsoo: Soo-Jin-ah...wait... 

Soo-Jin: y-yes...? 

Kyungsoo: I'm sorry for my bad attitude.... 

Then Kyungsoo let of her because he was getting weaker. 

Soo-Jin: I-it's okay, but i think i will go stay out there so you would be more comfortable. 

Soo-Jin got off the bed and walked to the door and was about to open it, but all of the sudden, Kyungsoo came behind her and backhugged her. Soo-Jin was shock by Kyungsoo's actions. 

Kyungsoo: Don't go. I feel comfortable with you by myside better, but don't know how much it hurts to see you talking to some other guys and not regconize me....? (mumbles) I really do wish you and i didn't get into a fight that day. I regret that.... 

Soo-Jin: ....w-what...? Kyungsoo, please let go. It maybe make you comfortable, but it doesn't make me feel comfortable...So please let go. I will just take care of you until you feel better. So, i will be out there. If you need anything ju- 

Kyungsoo: I need you... 

Soo-Jin was a bit shocked and confused, but she looked at Kyungsoo and he was patting his chest and it looked like he's trying to hold back his tears. 

Soo-Jin: K-Kyungsoo-ah...What are you saying? when i'm not the one you love, and your not the one i love? 

Kyungsoo froze there looking straight in Soo-Jin's eyes. Then tears started to come down his eyes. 

Kyungsoo: Soo-Jin, i think its best for you to leave right now. 

Soo-Jin: But Kyungsoo-ah! Your not even ge-

Kyungsoo: Just leave. I don't need to be in your care. I can take care of myself. 

Soo-Jin: Kyungsoo! 

Kyungsoo: Soo-Jin-ah! Just leave! ...-big sigh- 

Soo-Jin became frightened by Kyungsoo raising his voice, so she opened the door and started to walk down the stairs. Kyungsoo closed his door. While Soo-Jin reaching the bottem of the stairs, she didn't leave. She sat down on the sofa and then laid down with a big sigh. 


Kyungsoo woke up and went down the stairs with three blankets around him shivering. Then he noticed that Soo-Jin was sleeping there shivering too. So he went up to her and put a blanket on her, but he only put one blanket on her because he is still shivering and sick. 

Kyungsoo's thought: How always... -smiles- 

Then Kyungsoo stared at Soo-Jin while she was still sleeping, then she moved and it made Kyungsoo quickly get up and he cleared his throat. He went back up stairs to the restroom to get cleaned and change. After he was done changing, he was still cold so he put on two layers of sweaters on and two sweat pants on. Then he went down stairs to make food, which is his good point. He went to the kitchen and started to cook goodies for the two of them to eat, while Kyungsoo was still cooking some food, Soo-Jin woke up and looked. She noticed that she had a blanket over her, then she smelled someone making really good food, and she looked to see who it was. Then she looked to see who it was, it was Kyungsoo that is awake and is cooking. Soo-Jin looked at him, and stared at his back for a while, but when he turned around, she quickly faked sleep. Then she slowlys open one eye and then the other when he turned his back to her. She smiled at him and she started to act like she just woke up and yawned. Kyungsoo looked back at her and ignored her. Soo-Jin was confused still today and yesterday and then Soo-Jin told her self not to over think and hurry up and go wash up. So she did, when she was done, she saw Kyungsoo finished setting the table. It was full of food that looked so good! Then Kyungsoo sat down and he told Soo-Jin to sit down in a quiet voice. So Soo-Jin sat down and looked at the food. was drooling and then she looked up at Kyungsoo who was about to ready to eat. 

Soo-Jin: Jalmeoguelgeos! -chuckles- 

Kyungsoo looked at her with a confused look. Then Soo-Jin started to dig in the food. When she took the first bite, she was so amazed by his cooking!

Soo-Jin: mashta!!! 

Then Kyungsoo said he's glad. Then Soo-Jin's head started to hurt again, so she put down her spoon and fork. 

Kyungsoo: A-are you okay...? 

Soo-Jin: -smiles- of course! I'll be in the rest room for a bit. 

Kyungsoo: o-okay... 

Soo-Jin got up from the table and went up the stairs to the bathroom. She sat down on the toilet lid and a vision started to come up in her mind again. The vision was about her and Kyungsoo again. It was where Kyungsoo was cooking for Soo-Jin and Soo-Jin backedhugged him while he was cooking and they both were laughing. Then Kyungsoo turned around and gently kissed Soo-Jin on the lips. After the kiss Soo-Jin chuckled and told Kyungsoo to hurry up and start cooking again before the food gets burnt. So she helped Kyungsoo cook, when they finished cooking and setting the table, they both laughed and looked at each other. Then Kyungsoo told Soo-Jin to eat and same did as Soo-Jin. Then Soo-Jin grabbed a spoonfull of food and fed Kyungsoo. She was laughing because his mouth was full and he was trying not to laugh because if he did, food would come out. (end of vision) After the vision, Soo-Jin smiled, but then her head hurted a bit, but she tried to look normal and went back downstairs. When she got to the kitchen and sat down, she saw that Kyungsoo didn't really eat yet. 

Soo-Jin: Kyungsoo, why aren't you eating? Hurry up and eat! -smiles- 

Kyungsoo: I don't have an appetite. 

After that, he stood up from the table and went up the stairs to his room.  And so Soo-Jin followed him to his room and he was lying there on his bed trying to sleep. 

Soo-Jin: Kyungso-ah, hurry up and come eat. You've gotten skinny, so come eat. Don't starve yourself. Even if you aren't hungry, at least eat something. It's better then starving yourself or not having anything in your tummy...So please come eat. 

Kyungsoo didn't say anything and so Soo-Jin sat next to his side. 

Soo-Jin: Why are you ignoring me...? It hurts me... (in a voice that is about to cry) 

Kyungsoo: at least you know how i feel..huh? ...

Soo-Jin: W-what....? 

Then Kyungsoo got up from the bed and grabbed his socks and put them on and went down stairs and he put on his shoes. He grabbed his keys and phone that was on the table and left out the door just like that. Soo-Jin put on her shoes and grabbed her purse and opened the door and locked it and ran after Kyungsoo. She kept on yelling out for Kyungsoo's name, but he kept ignore her. She kept on running and yelling out his name, then she fell and Kyungsoo never stopped to help her. He kept on walking even without a glance back at her. Then someone helped Soo-Jin up, and she looked up to see who it was. It was Chan-min. She smiled at him and he smiled back at her.

Chan-min: You okay? 

Soo-Jin didn't say anything and quickly hugged Chan-min and started to cry quietly. Chan-min patted her back to calm her down. 

Chan-min: What's going on? 

Soo-Jin: C-Chan-min, i-i'm so s-stressed out... I don't even know what to do...! 

Chan-min: What's making you so stressed out...? 

Soo-Jin: That guy....Kyungsoo... -hic- 

Chan-min:'s okay. You don't need to be stressed out over someone. 

Then he pulled a little distance from Soo-Jin, but his hands on her arms. He smiled at her and she smiled back. Chan-min looked at the direction Kyungsoo  was walking, and he stopped there watching the two of them in a small distance. Then Chan-min turned back to look at Soo-Jin and went closer and closer to her face, and all of the sudden, Soo-Jin and Chan-min kissed. After the kiss, Soo-Jin became a little bit dumbfounded or became troubled by the kiss. So she quickly got up and said sorry and looked to the side and saw Kyungsoo. She stood there looking at him with a shocked face because Kyungsoo who saw everything,he had a upset expression on and tears started to come down from his eyes. He looked away and started to walk. Then Soo-Jin looked down at Chan-min who was also looking at Kyungsoo, he was smiling. Evily. Then Soo-Jin looked at Kyungsoo again and ran after him. When Kyungsoo got to a corner, he was supposed to stop, Soo-Jin told him to stop, but he didn't stop and he didn't even  look at the signal to stop, so he kept on walking to cross the street and then... 

-sirens- -crying- 


Sorry for the super late update!!! And a lot of drama, sorry, but i hoped you guys liked it!! And next chapter will be updated tomorrow or the following day! 


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Chapter 3: Haha! I love the ending! Overdose~