Horrible day

Marrying Mr. Greasy

"Eomonnie. Baekhyun is kinda... uh... drunk and I didn't have the time to him home. I instead drag him here to our house " Chanyeol mentally sighed as Baekhyun's mother were like the most happy woman in the world. He can hear his mother spoke some english words in a cute way, since Koreans aren't that fluent in english.

That what makes Koreans cute, even mothers goes with the line.

"Omo! Really?" there was a brief pause over the line, just Baekhyun's mother squealing and making Chanyeol's ear drums blast off. "Alright! I will send Baekhyun's things there." Well that's nice since she's just quickly answering Chanyeol's damn request. After that, she hung up immediately. He layed back on his bed. For a second glimpse, just before he close his eyes, he heard soft knocks on his door. Surprising at the moment. He rolled onto his sheets.

The door opened and to surprise, Baekhyun shyly entered the latter's room. He scratched the back of his head as if he was something to utter embarrasing. "Uhm... I... Since I don't have clothes, I feel sticky, my breath , and little clumsy... Can I borrow some of your clothes? And use your shower? And your brush?" he scratched again the back of his head, embarrased. Why can't he just barged in to his shower since they were getting married and they are rich anyways. But he wasn't that kind of person, he is a human living on earth and talking about human. And why did ever since Baekhyun got so dramatic?

Chanyeol blinked his eyes several times and slowly nodded. He would remember him just run errand anywhere in his house and touch everything he wanted to. He is reall showing a new side of him, but somewhat crazy to found enough. Chanyeol shrugged and sitted up. Was he just ordering him to get him his clothes? Heck?

Chanyeol scoffed, walking over to his mirrored closet, as he just walked over he wink at himself and slide it to reveal bunch of sweaters, jackets and tees. Beneath them were a hundreds of caps. Rummaging at it, there wasn't even a exact tees for Baekhyun. Closing it and sliding the other one, revealing pants, shorts, boxers and some of his favorite jerseys. He took his mostly cherished jersey shirt and his boxer. He turnned around and threw it at Baekhyun, muttering 'thanks' he dashed off out of his room. Great.

He knocked down himself on his bed and took his phone only to be crashed by his . He stared at it as if they were making a staring contest. Enough and he threw it away. How dumb. Chanyeol's tummy growled making him flinch. He was damn hungry. He looked at his watch, reading 21:2o. How fascinating. Walking undeadly down the stairs, making up to the kitchen, grabbing eggs. He stared at it again as if he know how to cook. Yes he know but egg isn't enough for his stomach. Cereals? No. Again cooling at his refrigerator, there's a meat. But having it cook over minutes he can just take cereal instead. Chanyeol literally groaned. How could a rich son of top companies in Korea have not foods in their kitchen?

Life really when mother is not there by your side. Even she's a chef and owned one of rated italian restaurant, she can't make home and cook his own son a delicious meal, though it was a rare time being with his mother, Chanyeol never stop to thank and love his mother for giving him such things.

Life without mother. And life would be better if Park Yura never been borned. Chanyeol laughed forgetting about his appetite. Oh. Just thinking about his mother made his stomach full. But he is freaking hungry. Grabbing the phone hanging on their kitchen, he ordered three boxes of pizza to make his night. And this would be great if he's watching a movie.

Within five minutes, the doorbell rang and he quickly stood up, and ran to the doors. He didn't even notice the made just dissappeared. Well, no one cares since he can take care of himself. He open the big doors and to surprise, Chanyeol's ajar mouth dropped when it's not pizza! It was a some guy and he was wearing fancy suit. Oh. Maybe this is Baekhyun's chauffeur. He handed the pink suitcase. Woah. Just Whoa. Maybe pizza is there just a special offer or something? The guy who's wearing fancy suit just leave without a word. Nevermind. He walked with the suitcase rolling it behind.

Just as time. Baekhyun got out from their bathroom, wearing the towel hanging on his waist. Baekhyun seemed to not notice Chanyeol and directly walking up emotionless towards the living room. Litting up his face. Baekhyun just have like seen a ghost, his eyes was about to pop out from his sockets and completely forgetting about his half body in minutes. Baehyun gasped, "Oh my god." He placed a hand over his non-existent chest and one gripping the knot of the towel covering his lower part, as if it will fall down somehow, making it all embarrased.

He ran beside Chanyeol, that must have been left when he got in the shower. Through the closest place to hide, in the kitchen. He was cursing under his breath while wearing the clothes that the younger gave him. "Oh god, oh god. It's really embarrassing!" Wearing the shirt. "I felt sorry for myself. God. Even if I haven't done anything, but someone seeing my body. Oh hell! My body is not anymore! Oh.... I'll just look at it when I'm with my mirror. Heck!" he mentally cursed and slowly attempt to get out behind the walls. "Okay. Do not even mention any of it what have just happen. Or I will kick your here out of my house." he sighed and damped his blonde hair, making his way to where his friend was.

"This is my house." Chanyeol reminded him and pointed out his fingers on his tummy. "I'm hungry." Chanyeol tilted his head, waiting for the older to fed him, because this is his house and he just let someone in. No one to be rude, but he is hungry. Baekhyun raised a brow. And slowly chuckled. "You're totally idiot. Did we just got into a restaurant? Luckily I'm sort of full. And if you're asking me to make you food, I am not going to." Baekhyun scoffed and chuckled histerically. "As if you wanted to taste my cooking skills." Baekhyun made the dumbest face ever. Longing his chin and making his nose flat, eyes looking somewhere below, and head shoking every milisecond.

Chanyeol scoffed. And to think about it, Chanyeol's order would be here some time and what if you had this guy cook for you to make your tummy satisfied? Oh that would be great. "I'm hungry." Chanyeol said blankly, looking at the pink suitcase, having a plan. He held the suitcase, "Your mother have just dropped your things here, so if you insist getting this... Go cook something that will satisfy me." he said giving a cocky smile and Baekhyun was just about to say something when Chanyeol decided to not let him speak, "Do not even think of fighting back, I have your things. You are in my house, I can easily do something not neccessary to you." he gave a smirk at him. "So... cook me something." Baekhyun glared at Chanyeol and to his suitcase and begin to pout. He wished Chanyeol won't open it because, his mother would be crazy to put some of his things there. And if the younger would open it, sure Baekhyun would have the suitcase at Chanyeol's head and would burry him six feet under this house.

Baekhyun eyes turned into dusts, if it really his mother... oh god. He will kill his mother if he had seen him. Th-there... No! Dang it. Baekhyun flustered a fake smile, okay, just to please the younger boy, and Baekhyun knew that Chanyeol isn't the type of person who will open other's things. And one thing. Chanyeol seemed to be different because he know that this boy couldn't cook. And afterall he would complain when he would see the dish burnt. And the most cocky thing here is when Chanyeol have to sneak some of Baekhyun's underwear because he didn't bring them when he know it's their field trip and swimming, and at the most lucky time, Baekhyun entered their shared room to seen a Chanyeol taking - and wearing them sneakly, just the perfect time, perfect time... Seeing a gross Chanyeol.

Holy! Why does he even think of it? Just beacause it was the same pink suit case that he grabbed stealthly before? Ugh disgusting. "Hey!" Chanyeol punched him across the face, because some greasy bacon here was just dreaming. "Hey! What the heck." Chanyeol cursed, causing him to drop the pink suit case on the soft carpets. "Oh? What's happening?" Baekhyun blinked severely at him, cutting his deep investigation recalling scenario. Is it even ivesting?

"Because you're drooling!" Chanyeol flick his forehead. Making Baekhyun finally back at reality.

"Oh that is it? Where are we now? I though you were just ordering me to cook?" Baekhyun asked, tilting his head. He was just really out.

"NO! It's not! Go cook the water with oil instead! Oh this punk." Chanyeol said, sarcastically. Baekhyun nodded slowly getting it. Making his way over to the kitchen. He glanced back at the boy if he really was going to touch his suit case. No he wasn't. He was just flipping channels.

Baekhyun focused in cooking. Tapping his chin, deciding if what would he cook, because this is really hard, he bearly know cooking, he can only boil ramen, fry hot dogs, eggs, bacon, just the easiest thing to live properly. Recalling it back-Cook the water with oil instead-Should Baekhyun give it a try? He remembered his teacher said that oil and water isn't best friends.



He haven't tried it, instead he fried eggs, and frozen bacons in their refrigirator. He would place it on the pan, and sometime he would flinch just watching it, the oil started to pop up every where, making the boy rub the skin have just got fried. Until the sides turned black he flipped it and nodded. It's cooked. When he is done removing the oil on it (because of some person, he was taught to dry off the oil because it wasn't good for your health,) and somehow, he would have the urge to get the hair dryer to get this thing off. So he just banged it using the tongs.

But if he just gotten the hair dryer, it would be fast.


"Here it is mister." Baekhyun placed the meal infront of the glassed-table. Chanyeol eyes were in glee, he was really hungry, so hungry that he would it this life-sized bacon. Until he was finish digging up. Baekhyun was grasping tightly his pink suit case beside the sofa, hiding it. He grinned idiotically, when the doorbell rung just as the good time to celebrate his victory getting this stupid suit case. "Oh it's here!" Chanyeol jumped off, and beamed out of the door, and bringing a three boxes of pizza placing it on the glassed-table.

Baekhyun jaws dropped, confused, wheter he should smile because there was pizza infront of him or just rip this boy down on this stupid carpet six feet down using this lovely suit case. He slowly gazed at Chanyeol, the younger seemed to notice it and gave the stern look back, "What?" making Baekhyun wanna punch him.

"What my ..." he hissed, enough for the younger to hear with his gigantic ears. "You ordered me to cook then you just bought these pizzas?" Baekhyun scowled. Making a face.

"Why? I'm hungry." he said with mouth full of damn food.

"Yeah I know! Why just don't... share..." he shyly said. Avoiding the younger's eyes beacuse of embarassment.

Chanyeol huffed and smirked. "I've bought three boxes to share it with you," Baehyun quickly turned around flustering a happy eyes, "and watch movies." Chanyeol said.

"Call!" Baekhyun hollered, kocking the pizza out.

And the last thing is just when, Chanyeol brought a bottles of soju infront of them. Making Baekhyun's eyes flash in excitement.







Baekhyun woke up with a throbbing pain in his head. He groaned in the slight pain. Why does his head hurt again? Did he think over acting or did he sing fully with voice? No, it wasn't.

Ah! He drinked soju with- just as then he eyed this room, this wasn't th guest room and probably Chanyeol's room. The soft sheets, the smell of bad scent (from his pet), the tainted walls, the agonizing men scent of pillow beside him, that is basically not him. To think about it. Baekhun's mind synched. One thing, the perfume's not his, and probably this room's not his. And think about it again...

Did Chanyeol slept here? So it means... When they got drunk, Baekhyun was the one to dose off, yeah because he's not reallly fot at handling his liquor, So Chanyeol who was wide awake... Carried him through here? And then slept beside him? Oh god. So, being the detective Baekhyun he is, he started to smell his shirt if it has the evedence that some how, the younger boy placed his hands on his waist, and to his thighs and to his . He touched it and he didn't fell any.

He touched his lips, but it was the same just as he woke up every day. He have seen this on movies, mostly, they were getting drunk and then the men would secretly remove the girl's shirt, pants and then the result is- dung dung dung. Did he... perhaps.... Baekhyun? He touched his head again to remember things. No, he wasn't. Chanyeol is not the ideal of that person. He differently fromrs. He is a virus, a good virus. That would everyone could dump him.

But what if he did it? Oh gosh.



Baekhyun was quiet the whole time, when the two ate they're breakfast, he didn't speak like he used to before. It's really a huge change for Chanyeol, and since now, Chanyeol would raised a brow from driving to confirm if something is bothering him. Baekhyun's hands here clapsed and slightly shaking, he wasn't this nervous before.

But what if he was really a rappist? Baekhyun huffed, making the younger stop driving and looked at him, concerned. "Are you okay?" he said, voice kind of soft.

"Y-yeah." Baekhyun utter and Chanyeol eyed him once more, then continuing driving. Baekhyun secretly glanced beside him and turned away the opposite direction. Baekhyun's mouth twitched open, ready to question him.

"D-did you me?" Baekhyun suddenly asked, stuttering, leaning uncomfortably on his seat, And Chanyeol would have to give him the biggest damn face if he heard the words right. "What?" he asked, reassuring if he was right. stupid question

"I said, d-did you me at all? Because I-I was sleppinng at your bed last night." Baekhyun begun to stutter. He was now handling the door handle ready to jump off. Like his life depended on it, instead of being . He would lose his ity to this men.

Chanyeol dropped his jaw, slowly looking at Baekhyun again who's now terrified than ever he had been. Chanyeol laughed hysterically. How would he do that? Just because he is in a damn marriage? No. He have just stated it clearly this guy who's infront of him, hated him for the rest of his life, or should we say forever in his life?

He gave him a precious sarcastic look, "No, I was to. But are you really hoping that I will?" Chanyeol couldn't help to smirk. He can see the boy being uncomfortable. As Baekhyun look at him once more, his mind processing again, " you." Baekhyun hissed and kicked his feet above the car's glove compartment. Chanyeol glanced at the wild thud and his eyes were in fear. "Don't! Get off your feet there!" he gasped, while reaching for the compartment to cares it.

Baekhyun gape in surprise, really? Is he going to take care of his car first than apologizing to him? Hah. Nice.

There was spread silence between the two, Baekhyun again was too aware where would he take him, and he notice they're wearing their school's uniform. So it doesn't mean he will drag him to somewhere and probably him for his dearest life. Gosh. Why would he even think of it, instead to worry about his academics.





Guys. im sorry for the fail FLUFF. This is out of the line! I tried to come up to my senses but im a coward to all of you. even with social life, sorry i dont want to bring up school problems, family problems or anything. But I will promise to you! I'll update a fully long fluff chapter before my exam slash birthday. Yehey for me. And about the facts of Baekhyun and Taeyeon? Sorry I AM NOT A ByunTae shipper. So please please please oh freak I cant even open up sns because of horrible news about sm encountering this ty news. fckfckfck. Okay Im out of hand. Sarry. I'm Cheon Song Yi's Sister. We're both loving an alien and that's a reason why we ship BaekYeol. They're gei aliens and thats what we love from both of them.

P.S.: I am truthfully sorry for this crap update. I can remember that I've wrote this before school. Sorry hah.

P.P.S: GRAMMARS AND SPELLINGS AND FAIL FLUFF. EW. I cant even read this and rephrase it. just ew. too clumsy.

P.P.P.S: I am still angry about the fact Baekhyun and Taeyeon are dating.

P.P.P.P.S: And sorry about the long AN and PS. This is the only thing that I can share my thoughts about our angels. Truthfully i am suffocating myself on a side just to talk about myself of EXO things. I don't have friends in school >< Bye!

P.P.P.P.P.S: Sorry again. Bye!

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suju-blue-elf #1
No please update this ><
543216 #2
Chapter 3: More more more..hehehehe..Update soon ^_^
Chapter 3: Lol I want to give many thumb up to u that u still can wrote this. After knowing baekhyun and taeyeon date I have no more feeling to write. The fact that he date a girl and older than him XD lol I still shock.
joonssi #4
Chapter 2: But baekhyun doesnt have balls. update soon hahaha.
joonssi #5
Chapter 1: Haha. Nice
Chapter 2: So baekyeol xd
Chapter 2: LOL Chanyeol xD
woanikai #8
Chapter 2: hehe iloved chanyeaols reaction tho .update ssoon :)
Chapter 1: Hahahaa I didn't notice! bourbon chicken sis! let's get it later hahaha.
woanikai #10
Chapter 1: ahhahaahaahh love it