A Vacation Gone Wrong?


Sungmin sighed after closing his suitcase, locking it and took a few steps back to stare at the luggage that lay innocently on his bed. He wiped away the few beads of perspiration that trickled down his forehead, jumping and landing back down on his bed. Sungmin looked up at the plain white ceiling of his room, his chest heaving up and down slowly as he faded into the silence. In just an hour Eunhyuk would come with the rest of the angels in the van he had borrowed from his uncle, and they would be setting off to Min Young’s family beach house.


Sungmin was really looking for it. But he couldn’t help but still feel awkward with Yesung. Sure he was living under the same roof as him now, but he just couldn’t stand the fact that he will be staying with Yesung in a beach house, away from all his maids and Mr Wang… Sungmin squealed as he covered his reddened face with his hands, rolling around on his bed. He couldn’t believe he was actually fanboying over someone who he had hated ever since he joined the academy. Everything was still so confusing to Sungmin, his feelings for the angel and the angel’s feelings for him. How Sungmin wished he could go back to school, back at the music room, playing the piano and calming down his thoughts. That might be the only thing he will miss when he was away for the one week stay.


“What’s up with you rolling around on the bed like that?” The sudden husky voice that broke the silence scared Sungmin out of his wits, as he stumbled and fell out of bed, rubbing his sore that had came into contact with the ground. Yesung raised and eyebrow, smirked at the clumsy yet cute scene in front of him. No matter how much he likes Sungmin and is willing to change for him, the bad habit of not knocking on the door before entering is one thing Yesung would find the hardest to get rid of.


“L-learn to knock!!” Sungmin yelled, avoiding Yesung’s question. Getting off the floor, Yesung’s eyes trailed down to the Sungmin was rubbing to ease the pain. Yesung let out a fake cough to get rid of the urge to pounce on the Shiroi.


“Get your suitcase out, Donghae just called and they are reaching in a few minutes.”


Wow they were faster than he thought.


Sungmin nodded silently and started to drag his pink suitcase out towards the living room with much difficulty. Yesung chuckled at the cute sight. Sungmin blew his fringe that covered his face to the side with a pout, sitting on his pink luggage as Yesung plopped himself onto the couch. Sungmin turned as he heard footsteps that headed towards where they were and spotted one of the butlers pulling in Yesung’s black suitcase, with Mr Wang following behind. The butler took his leave yet Mr Wang stood rooted to the ground, standing next to Yesung by the sofa.


“What’s up with her again?” Yesung asked, breaking the awkward silence. He had went straight to the point, knowing that the only time when Mr Wang would keep silent yet at the same time wanted to announce some news had something to do with that woman.


“Mistress… Mistress said she shall be returning later in this week with guests. And she hopes that you will present when she returns.” Mr Wang replied, his voice a bit shaky yet his tone kept sophisticated.


“She can hope all she wants. But I won’t.” Yesung replied shortly, and Mr Wang didn’t try convincing Yesung either. He knew the boy inside out, and it would be a waste of his breath trying to get him to change his mind.


A loud horn sounded from outside the mansion and both angels immediately stood up and waved goodbye to Mr Wang, who bowed courteously. They pulled their suitcases out towards the van as Eunhyuk helped them to load them into the vehicle. Sliding the car door open, the angels inside greeted them happily. Ryeowook and Min Young were sitting in the first row, while Shin Yin alone at the second and Kyuhyun at the last. Eunhyuk and Donghae were both sitting at the driver’s and passenger’s seat at the front.


Yesung’s eyebrows furrowed, he glared at Kyuhyun who looked up from his game console after feeling the intense stare. Kyuhyun raised an eyebrow. “Why can’t you sit beside your own cousin?” Yesung said through gritted teeth.


Not only Shin Yin, but everyone knew what Yesung meant from his sentence: he wanted to sit beside Sungmin and not anyone else.


“I’ll move instead…” Shin Yin suggested as Kyuhyun’s expression just showed that he wouldn’t budge. Sungmin immediately sat beside Shin Yin, obstructing her from moving out. He wanted to show Yesung that not everything always had to go his way. Shin Yin sat back quietly after knowing Sungmin’s intention, only with Yesung furiously confused and cursing before sitting beside Kyuhyun.


The ride towards the beach house had been a rather quiet one. Donghae had his eyes on the road while Eunhyuk was busy reading manga. Min Young had herself busy chatting with Ryeowook who only replied in one word answers. Yesung was still pouting while Kyuhyun didn’t stop playing his game. Both Sungmin and Shin Yin had fallen asleep, with Shin Yin resting her head on Sungmin’s shoulder with Sungmin resting his head on hers.


What is with those two? Sure they are really close friends, but this was waaaayy too intimate!! Yesung thought angrily, unable to contain his jealousy any longer. Little did he know that another angel had exactly the same thoughts as him.


“GET UP!!!” the loud booming voice freaked both Sungmin and Shin Yin out, rubbing his eyes, Sungmin could only make out the shape of Yesung as his eyes adjusted to the light and someone whacking Yesung on the head. Most likely Kyuhyun.


Stepping down the van, the group of angels gazed in awe at the beautiful beach house that stood in front of them, and the crystal sea not far from it. The waves sounded melodious, and the smell of sea water was addicting. Well, except for Yesung who looked dully at the beach house and Donghae who seemed non-different. Rich angels are rich angels.


“There are only three bedrooms, so Shin Yin and I are taking one while you guys have to be split into three!” Min Young announced, and almost immediately the guys started fighting over their room mates. Yesung obviously wanted to be in the same room as Sungmin, while the latter wanted to be with Ryeowook and Eunhyuk. Kyuhyun swore that he didn’t want to end up in the same room as the Kuroi, while Donghae was the only person who was fine with anything.


But in the end, an annoyed Shin Yin ended up splitting the boys into groups. With Kyuhyun, Sungmin and Ryeowook in one, while Donghae, Yesung and Eunhyuk in the other. Of course Yesung ended up chasing Shin Yin around the house, who squealed and hid behind Sungmin, with Ryeowook glaring holes into the Kuroi.


“Ooh I want the bed beside the huge window!!~” Sungmin ran like a little boy towards the bed, Kyuhyun chuckled while Ryeowook smiled after his best friend. After unpacking their luggage and changing into more comfortable clothes, they made their way out to the kitchen for lunch. Sungmin had a white sleeveless shirt on and black Bermudas, while Yesung wore a black sleeveless shirt and white Bermudas. They stared at each other in shock, with the other angels laughing at their expressions. Sungmin couldn’t control himself, letting out a giggle while Yesung could only scratch his head with a goofy smile.


Sandwiches made by Ryeowook and Shin Yin were eaten quickly, as the group couldn’t wait to jump into the sea after their food. The angels raced towards the waves that were calling out to them, and soon every single one of them were soaking wet.


Sungmin sat down on the sandy shore after he got tired splashing in the sea water, gazing out at the beautiful sun that was soon setting. They had been playing for so long. Donghae was under a huge umbrella reading a book while Ryeowook, Min Young, Shin Yin and Eunhyuk had started a game of volleybal. Kyuhyun had already returned back to the beach house, most likely to get his hands on his laptop.


The Shiroi stared around the beach, watching a couple of kids building sand castles and some couple holding hands strolling along the coast of the beach. They all looked like they were having the time of their lives; the atmosphere was intoxicated with the feeling of Love.


Where’s Yesung though?


Sungmin wished he hadn’t let that thought cross his mind, as his heart sinks at the sight of Yesung with a couple of female angels, chatting intently with one of them. The girl giggled and suddenly a pair of beautiful pearl blue wings sprouted out from her back. An Aoi. The lady looked, Sungmin really had to admit, gorgeous. And he couldn’t help but feel inferior to her.


He was a weakling. And she’s not.


For some reason, Sungmin felt hot tears prickling his eyes as he turned his head away from the now smiling so sweetly Yesung. He laid his head on the knees that had been pulled up to his chest. “Hey.” Sungmin turned to see Shin Yin sitting beside him, grinning.


“Weren’t you playing volleyball?”


“Yeah but I got Donghae to cover me a bit. I can’t have fun when oppa is looking so sad.” Sungmin smiled at the answer and rubbed the Momoiro’s head. Nothing can escape this little angel’s eyes. Yesung watched Sungmin from the corner of his eyes, giving a fake smile to the girl he was talking to while he try to hold back his anger.


And so was someone else.  “OW WATCH IT THAT HURT!!” Eunhyuk yelled as he clutched his stomach, the place where the beach ball had previously hit.


Mr Wang cleared his throat as he answered the ringing house phone.


“Yes, Mistress?”


“Call Yesung to the phone. I have something to tell him.”


“I’m… afraid that is impossible Mistress… Young Master had headed out for the beach house stay with his friends.”


“Didn’t I say he was to stay?!”


“… I am sorry, Mistress… But he was persistent.”


“Fine. Just prepare a bedroom for our guest. We are arriving home in four days time.”


A/N: HEYYYYYYY I AM SO SORRY FOR SUCH A LATE UPDATEEE!!! BUT I AM SO GLAD I FINISHED MY MAJOR EXAMS TODAY!!! OMO OMO OMO!!! I am only left with Higher Chinese and English papers~ so now i am free to update!! will be updating my other fics as well as this one so enjoy!!!~

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395 streak #1
Chapter 1: you got my interest, gonna read this asap
Chapter 24: waiting for the updateeeee <3
spring8655 #3
This is just DAEBAK! :D
Update soon! author-nim ;)
Can't wait! ^^
Bluecassy7 #4
Chapter 24: Just finished the 23 chapters that you wrote.
YeMin is couple that I've never expected to. but this couple seems cute ^^
Hope you can find time to update soon.
Chapter 24: Hmm...I finish reading all the chapters so Author-Ssi, will you please give me permission to kill Kim Bong Cha??!>:D I will kill her get rid of the evidence that she ever existed!!:/

It is getting so good and the two broooke up!!!T^T is all that motherfreakn two-faced Biiiiitch's fault!!!>:o

Cannot wait for an update!!:)
Chapter 24: Oh please update... we are waiting for your updates for months now~
Zhozky #7
Aigo... I'm still waiting for your update TT TT Please come back soon, neh? YeMin shippers are craving for our precious YeMin story. Love ya <3
sharksuju #8
hope you know that there are readers who are still waiting for the next chapters... like me T.T
bonchan #9
Already read chapter 23 TT___TTT no sungmin yesung please comeback together soon. And don't engage. This is out of topic but I have an imagination that when kuroi and shiroi have a child, the baby will have silver wings just like Yesung mother