A Gift By The Sea


Sungmin and Shin Yin headed back to the beach house first before the others to prepare dinner. Cooking is one of the things that can distract Sungmin from all the heartbreaking emotions he was feeling. And Shin Yin knew that.


“Oppa, please cut the vegetables!” Sungmin fetched the vegetables from the fridge and started flaunting his chef skills, with Shin Yin to stare after in awe as she washed the seafood. Sungmin had managed to forget the thoughts he had back at the beach about Yesung, finally back to his high spirits as he whistled while he prepared the food. They were going to have steam boat and Shin Yin was off to set up the pot and lay out the utensils on the dining table. It was only after two hours did the sound of laughter and footsteps could be heard as the front wooden door was unlocked.


“Welcome back!!” Shin Yin’s squeal was heard. Sungmin begin to bring out the plates of prepared seafood as he continue to hear grumblings and complaints of their hunger and the sound of chairs being dragged and utensils noisily hitting the table. Eunhyuk cheered as Sungmin placed the plates and Kyuhyun stood up to offer help which Sungmin had politely declined. Yesung was not back yet and Sungmin didn’t want to figure out why.


But as he heard the sound of girls giggling which Sungmin was sure couldn’t be Min Young and Shin Yin who were already seated at the table, he turned to only feel his heart drop as the Kuroi walked in with the pair of girls he had been talking to.


“Prepare another two bowls of rice. They’re eating with us.” Yesung announced to no one in particular, and Shin Yin had immediately shot Sungmin a concerned look. Looking at the floor, Sungmin scrambled into the kitchen and shakily scooped rice into two empty bowls, carrying them out and placing it in front of the two girls who had situated themselves on the seats on either side of Yesung.


Shin Yin stood up, wanting to give up her seat to Sungmin so that he wouldn’t have to sit beside one of the girls. Suddenly, a hand grabbed hers and pulled her back down to her seat. Shin Yin turned to Ryeowook who was beside her and stared at him questionably. But the Midori could only stare at his own bowl of rice as he intertwined his fingers with hers, holding onto her hand even more tightly, not intending to let go.


Sungmin gave the Momoiro a reassuring look, as he settled beside the lady who was an Aoi. Dinner was ate rather slowly, as everyone was busy in their own conversations although Shin Yin had tried to pull Sungmin into a conversation. But the Shiroi was mostly quiet as he tried to finish his food as fast as he could, ignoring the trio beside him who were chatting happily like they were spending the time of their lives.


The next two days had been the same. Yesung seemed to only hang out with the two angels, who most likely were also having a beach stay, and it was only Shin Yin who sticks to the Shiroi. Yet sometimes she will get dragged away by a seemingly irritated Ryeowook. So Sungmin was also alone at times. How he wished he was back in school… in the music room… his hands playing melodious music from the piano… He missed all that so much…


But then things took a turn on their third night. A HUGE TURN. It was just a peck. A brotherly peck on the cheek from Sungmin to Shin Yin; just to show his appreciation to the Momoiro for being there when he was emotionally down. It was when they were busy having a barbecue at the back garden of the beach house. Sungmin has sneaked up behind Shin Yin who was busy flipping over a few lamb chops, and planted a chaste kiss on the angel’s cheek.


All hell broke loose. The next thing that the couple knew they were wrenched apart, Sungmin dragged back into the beach house and Ryeowook was glaring holes at Shin Yin herself, who had no idea why Ryeowook was so furious. The two ladies were left alone at the bench with all the barbecued food, with no idea what was happening.


“WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT?!” Yesung shrieked as he let go of Sungmin’s wrist, glaring at the angel once they were in the living room. Sungmin, who was boiling in anger towards the sudden harshness of Yesung, retorted back, “Oh you saw that?! I thought you were too busy flirting around with those two girls!”


“At least I am not like you, having a fling with someone else whom you claimed as a best friend!” Yesung slammed his hand down on the couch. “WHAT?! Who is the one who brought back two unknown girls on the first day and cared about them and no one else?!?” Sungmin was yelled as he fought back his tears.


“AT LEAST I DON’T ACT LIKE A PATHETIC GIGOLO AND THROW MYSELF AT OTHERS!” And that did it. Yesung regret the moment those words escaped his mouth. He mentally cursed at himself. WHY DID HE SAY THAT!? He faltered the moment he heard snobs, as the Shiroi who stood in front of him broke down in tears.


“I-is that how lowly you think of me?... I k-knew it… I knew you could never accept me being the lowest of status in this world. EVERYTHING YOU SAID HAD ALWAYS BEEN A LIE!!” Sungmin screamed as he ran pass the Kuroi, who tried to grab hold of the crying angel. He failed of course, only to hear a loud slam of the bedroom door.


nononono Yesung screamed in his head. WHAT HAS HE DONE?! He was suppose to make Sungmin confess to him by the end of this week, and because of his stupid mouth, Sungmin is gonna end up HATING him by the end of the beach stay.


Yesung, you idiot.


“You bet you are.” Shin Yin’s voice sounded as Yesung turned, only to see the Momoiro with her arms folded and looking pissed.


The only thing worse than being yelled at is being ignored. And with Yesung who had everything especially undivided attention since he was young absolutely cannot handle that.


Especially if it was coming from someone he loves.


No matter how had he tried to talk to the Shiroi, the angel would shun him, and not sharing the same room as Sungmin added to the frustration. Both Sungmin and Shin Yin had stuck to together for the whole trip, both were silent. The Momoiro seemed to be ignored by Ryeowook who seemed to start accepting Min Young now and not reject her physical affection anymore for an unknown reason, and the rest of the angels tried to lighten up the moody atmosphere by initiating more games on the beach. Yesung stopped contacting with the two girls immediately after the event that had occurred; it was not like he was really interested in them anyway.


It was the last night at the one week beach house stay, and Yesung still hadn’t manage to talk to Sungmin, let alone carry out his plan to make Sungmin confess. He couldn’t delay it anymore. It was now or never.


Tracing Sungmin’s footprints that were left on the beach, Yesung managed to find the angel sitting beside a huge rock, far away from the beach house in the middle of the night. The rest of the group were busy having a last night party bash, but Shin Yin had not been in sight, and Yesung was inwardly happy she was nowhere to be seen near Sungmin either.




Sungmin jumped slightly, but not turning back to acknowledge the Kuroi. Yesung walked till he was behind the Shiroi, crouched down and hugged the angel. Sungmin flinched at the sudden intimacy and tried to break free, only to feel the hug tightened and a soft whisper beside his ear, “I am sorry. Please don’t do this to me.”


“What did I do to you?!” Sungmin fought back.


“Nothing. That’s why.” Yesung answered, releasing his grip and sat down beside Sungmin who tried to move away from him. Holding onto his wrist, Sungmin continued to struggle against the Kuroi.


“Let me go.”


“Stop acting so childish.”




“You know I didn’t mean what I had said that night, Shiroi.” Yesung turned Sungmin to face him, staring deep into the angel’s eyes.


“In fact, I think you did. You never ever called me by my name before, always referring to me as ‘hey’ or ‘shiroi’ or-“




The word that was said so seriously and with so much love escaped the Kuroi’s lips. Sungmin was taken aback, unable to hold onto Yesung’s gaze, Sungmin pouted a bit as he stared at his lap, his cheeks turning red.


Out of nowhere Sungmin felt Yesung reached behind him, and something dangled from his neck. As Yesung pulled back, Sungmin looked down and spotted… a necklace.


It was a gold locket. And it reflected the moon’s light around Sungmin’s neck. Looking up at the Kuroi with a confused look, Yesung had pulled the angel into an embrace.


“This belongs to my mom. She gave it to me before she left the world on her deathbed.”


“W-what?! Then why are y-“


“She made me promise her. That I will wear this necklace around the person whom I know I will love for eternity, and whom I am willing to give up everything for.”




“Open it.”


Sungmin pulled away from the hug, as he gazed at the stunning locket that lay on his palm. Shakily, he opened the tiny latch at the side of the locket, gasping to see the content.


There were two frames, each on the inner shells of the locket. One frame contained a photo of Yesung smiling with his hands forming a heart shape, and beside it on the other shell, a photo of himself laid in the frame.


Him, Lee Sung Min, smiling in the picture, also doing a formation of a heart with his hands.


“W-what, h-how did you g-“


“It was during valentines’ day when you were talking to Eunhyuk in class. I made him secretly take a photo of you.” Sungmin cursed under his breath after hearing Yesung’s words as he remembered Eunhyuk’s awkward request asking him to do exactly what he did in the photo.




Sungmin looked up slowly to meet the gaze from Yesung. He could feel the splashes of water at his feet as the waves rolled up the beach. Without knowing, without thinking, without considering anything other than the beautiful angel that was sitting in front of him, telling him that his feelings for him had always been true…


Sungmin leaned in, and clashed his lips on Yesung.


A/N: Updateee!! hehe another chappie!!~ i am now getting worried i can't find time to update this!! i currently have 4 ongoing fics, and boy are they full of demand!! but i will try to update this as frequent as possible!!

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395 streak #1
Chapter 1: you got my interest, gonna read this asap
Chapter 24: waiting for the updateeeee <3
spring8655 #3
This is just DAEBAK! :D
Update soon! author-nim ;)
Can't wait! ^^
Bluecassy7 #4
Chapter 24: Just finished the 23 chapters that you wrote.
YeMin is couple that I've never expected to. but this couple seems cute ^^
Hope you can find time to update soon.
Chapter 24: Hmm...I finish reading all the chapters so Author-Ssi, will you please give me permission to kill Kim Bong Cha??!>:D I will kill her get rid of the evidence that she ever existed!!:/

It is getting so good and the two broooke up!!!T^T is all that motherfreakn two-faced Biiiiitch's fault!!!>:o

Cannot wait for an update!!:)
Chapter 24: Oh please update... we are waiting for your updates for months now~
Zhozky #7
Aigo... I'm still waiting for your update TT TT Please come back soon, neh? YeMin shippers are craving for our precious YeMin story. Love ya <3
sharksuju #8
hope you know that there are readers who are still waiting for the next chapters... like me T.T
bonchan #9
Already read chapter 23 TT___TTT no sungmin yesung please comeback together soon. And don't engage. This is out of topic but I have an imagination that when kuroi and shiroi have a child, the baby will have silver wings just like Yesung mother