Chapter Eight

Daddy's Girl

Yuri woke up the following morning and found Martin lying beside her with his arm around her waist. She quickly moved it without making a sound though she really wanted to express her disgust.

I slept with Martin? How drunk was I? Yuri started to feel all spinny and dizzy from last night. She quickly stood up and ran to the bathroom to get dressed when she remembered that she didn’t have any dresses with her. All she had was the dress on her body and the shoes on her feet.

“Dammit!” she muttered under her breath. First she kissed him then she slept with him. Yuri could sense something wrong already. She pranced around the room, thinking of what to do. She could no longer spend time with Martin, feeling extremely disrespectful and awkward towards him. She couldn’t stand the sight of him, his scent, his presence. Things just got really complicated between him and her as far as she was concerned. Yuri walked to the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. fell to the floor when she saw how much she had changed. Before she had her hair neatly kept, she always remembered to remove her makeup before going to bed, and she always dressed neatly. Now she looked like a wasted e and even felt like one after sleeping with a man old enough to be her father.

“Yuri! Yuri!” he began to call for her with his raspy dad voice. Martin tried to get up but found himself struggling with the sheets. Yuri just wanted to disappear in shame. She locked herself in the bathroom and tried to wash the makeup off her face and hopefully straighten the curls out. Yuri splashed some water on her face in an effort to calm her nerves but Martin’s mere presence only made her situation worse.

“Yuri! Are you there?” he called once more.

“I’m here in the bathroom. I’m washing my face. I’ll be out in a while.” Yuri answered.

“Yuri, we’re going home now! Hurry up!” Yuri finally washed the makeup off her face and slowly exited the bathroom, gently closing the door behind her. Martin saw her in all her natural form, without the makeup and all and he decided that she was the most beautiful girl in the world. He would have her one day, he thought.

“I’m here. Sorry I’m a mess.” Martin nodded and led her out of the room. Yuri bowed and walked with her head down. Martin closed the door behind him, walking with Yuri all the way to the reception room. As Martin was checking out, Yuri sat on the small couch the motel had in front of the reception table. After checking out, Martin led Yuri to his car.
“Thanks again for last night.” she said. “That was the best birthday I’ve had.”

“Welcome to the adult world.” Martin said with a wink.

“Thank you. I really appreciate that.” Yuri said avoiding his stare. Martin drives back home and parks the car in his garage. He steps out of the car and looks to his left and right with hints of paranoia, as if he was watching out for something or someone. He carefully entered the house that he now lived in alone, not feeling the slightest pang of nostalgia for his son. Martin actually forgot that Minho was dead and was really close to calling him out. Then it hit him.

Oh yeah. My son’s dead already. Martin let out a deep sigh, a sigh that could only come from someone who’s missing a loved one. He took out the keys from his pocket and used it to open the door. Once inside, he looked around for any sign of paranormal activity or anything unusual, maybe a police team was hiding in his room waiting for him to come in before arresting him. Sensing that nothing was wrong, he sat in front of the television and turned it on, hoping to watch some good sitcoms. His conscience began to bug him, telling him he didn’t care enough about his son’s death and even had it in him to celebrate his girlfriend’s birthday when he should be planning for his son’s funeral. He finally gave in to his conscience and called up his wife.

“Hello, Jane.”

“Martin? What do you want?”

“I don’t know if you’ve heard but our son died in an accident.”

“WHAT?!” Jane cried out loud. She nearly dropped the telephone in shock. “M-Minho? Died? Is this some kind of a joke?!”

“I’m afraid not.”

“When did he die?”

“Just a few days ago.”

Jane broke down on the phone. Martin remained emotionless.

“Why? What did he die of?”

“His motorcycle got hit hard by a truck and it sent him flying all the way to a tree.” Jane cried even more at the gruesomeness of his death.

“Have you started planning?”
“That’s why I called you up. So we can start talking about our son’s funeral. So it up, come on over, and we’ll talk here.” Martin said, obviously annoyed with his estranged wife’s crying.

A few hours later, Jane arrived at Martin’s house and hurriedly rang the doorbell, repeatedly.

“YES! YES! I’LL BE RIGHT OUT!” Martin walked over to the door. He was busy hiding the ographic envelope when Jane came. He opened the door and greeted his wife with a fake, sympathetic smile. Jane noticed his this and acknowledged it, refusing to have any bodily contact with him. She entered his house and sat on the sofa, her handkerchief pressed on her nose and . She had been crying since their conversation and cried while driving. Now, she was on the brink of crying again.

“Oh my poor Minho. My poor, poor Minho!” she sobbed. Martin wanted to touch her but he knew how sensitive she was to his touch. She always felt awkward towards him touching her so instead of comforting her with touch, he comforted her with his words instead.

“Minho’s in a better place now. He’ll be fine in the hands of God.”

“But it could have been avoided! What the hell was my son doing biking on the highway?” Martin remained silent and just let his wife release all her emotions.

“Where were you then? Why didn’t you stop him from biking. It must’ve been nighttime because he could’ve seen it. If only I were there, if only I lived with Minho, I wouldn’t allow him to go biking on the highway, especially at night.” Jane continued to sob.

“I’m a bad parent, I get it.”

“No I am. I shouldn’t have let Minho stay with you. Not keeping him was my decision and so I am partly responsible for his death.” Martin could care less.

“So let’s just plan the funeral, okay? We’re gonna invite all the people that touched Minho’s life. All the people that were there for him from the start so that includes us, and Yuri…”


“His girlfriend.”

“He had a girlfriend and I didn’t even know about it!”

“You never called to check on him.” Jane fell silent at the mention of her own fault. She simply nodded and wiped her tears with her soggy white handkerchief. Martin looked at her and studied her face. Yes, she was sad alright. The circles under her eyes were a pale shade of red, her nose was really red, and her cheeks were blushing. The memories of when he and his wife were together flashed back before his very eyes. He remembered everything they had and everything they went through from the day he met her. He remembered them all and shoved them at the back of his mind. Why? Because he felt nothing for her. Right now, this woman to him was like a funeral house client who was crying nonstop over the death of some rebellious 17 year old punk who lashed out on his father after seeing a few o shots and left the house for a little drinking only to find out that he was never coming back. All this meant nothing to Martin. The only thing that he needed was , , and Yuri.

Martin’s head snapped back into reality and he actually didn’t know that he stared into space for far too long. He only realized it when Jane snapped her fingers in front of him twice.

“Sorry, what were you saying?” Martin asked. Jane repeated her funeral plans, the arrangements, the expenses, the embalming and whatnot.

“So I’m going to pay for all this? Because I’m the responsible one, right?”

“Yes. But I’m going to give you some money so your bank account, your very big bank account won’t cry.” Jane said coldly in between deep breaths. When all was sorted out, Jane brought up the topic about Minho’s girlfriend.

“So Minho had a girlfriend?” asked Jane.


“Where is this girlfriend of his?”

“She lives a few houses away from this house. Would you like me to bring her over.”

“Tell her to come over tomorrow.”

“Will you come tomorrow?”

“No. I assume you have a guest room with all your riches. So kindly please allow me to sleep there.”

“Deal.” Martin and Jane stood from where they were seated. He led Jane to her room and left her alone to think there. Martin on the other hand had other business to take care of. He needed to talk to Yuri. Martin leaves the house and walks over to the pleasant looking peach house over at the end of their street and rang the doorbell. Out came the beautiful maiden in a simple white dress with her hair let down, a far cry from the way she looked earlier that day with a slinky black number and a lot of makeup.

“Good day. What brings you here?” asked Yuri.

“I just want to talk to you.” Martin confessed, rubbing his nape.

“Oh. Alright. I made some carrot and banana muffins if you’d like a bite.”

“That would be nice. I just want to talk right now. It’s about Minho.” Yuri’s beautiful morning smile faded away at the sound of her ex-lover’s name.

“Come in.” she invited him. Martin entered her house and waited for her in the dining room. Yuri was fetching the freshly baked carrot and banana muffins. She emerged from the kitchen with a tray full of them and set them down on the table. Martin looked at them and returned his gaze at Yuri.

“You made those?” Yuri nodded, taking her mittens off.

“I did. Go ahead, get one.” Yuri pulled herself a chair and sat in front of him, watching him as he took a bite of the carrot muffin. Martin grinned and nodded his head in approval of it. It was good.

“You’re a really good baker. You should make these often.”

“Glad you liked them.” Yuri said. “So what did you come here for?”

“See, my wife is in town. We just discussed Minho’s funeral and we were talking about people to invite and I just had to bring you up because you particularly touched Minho. You were his girlfriend right before he died. You were his last and by far the only woman he loved truly despite of the many that came into his life. My wife wants to meet you so if it’s okay with you, I’d like to invite you over for dinner.” Martin explained, pretending to be suffocating with grief.

“I’d love to meet your wife. I think she’s a good person. You two raised Minho well.” Yuri said.

“Thank you for recognizing our efforts to rear our son. But I guess you wouldn’t say that we’re good parents now.”

“Don’t say that.” Yuri took his hand and gave him a tap on the shoulder.

“You know what,” Martin started. “You are by far the only teenage girl that I really see as a friend. I never felt as comfortable with any of Minho’s ex-girlfriends the way I feel comfortable with you. It seems as if we have a connection. I love the way you comfort me and I enjoy being there for you when you need me. I’m really glad that I met you. A young friend to keep me young.” Yuri found this awkward but as a gesture of respect, she bowed down to Martin and acknowledged his compliment.

“I appreciate that.” Yuri said once more. “Would you like me to bring more muffins for you and your wife later?”

“That would be beautiful.” Martin said. In his head, though, he was thinking of all the dirty things he would be doing to Yuri if he had the chance to her.


Yuri came over and rang the doorbell. She was received by Martin who had been waiting for her with his wife before eating dinner. She wore a pretty floral patterned dress and had her hair up in a bun with a few loose strands on the sides. Martin thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world and he would kill to have her by his side.

“You look very lovely.” he said.

“Thank you.” in her hands was a Tupperware container with muffins inside. She handed it to him and said, “As promised.”

“Come inside, my dear.” Yuri walked slowly into his house and was met by the sight of his wife, Jane. Jane smiled at her as a way of acknowledging her presence.

“Good evening.” said Jane.

“Good evening.” Yuri bowed.

“Take a seat now so we can start.” Yuri pulled a chair and sat down next to Jane. She was seated in front of Martin.

“Where are you from?” asked Jane.

“P-Pusan.” Yuri stuttered.

“Hmm. You’ve been here for some time?”


“Well, sensing that you are a good girl, we would like to invite you to Minho’s funeral. I hope you can make it.”

“I will. Minho was a good man to me. There’s nothing bad I can say about him.” Jane was touched with what Yuri had said.

After dinner, Yuri helped Jane clean up the table and before she sent her home, Jane had a few words for Yuri at the doorstep.

“You are a very beautiful young girl.” she said with all sincerity. “You have to take care of yourself. A beauty like you is hard to find.” Yuri’s brows furrowed with wonder at the woman’s words.

“Thank you.” she said, shoving the desire to question the lady’s intentions to the back of her head.

“I bet you’re probably wondering why I said that.” Yuri spun around to face Jane.


“Just heed my words.” Jane closed the door on Yuri and sent her off. Yuri slowly walked away from the house, slightly creeped out by what Jane had said. She began to think this over and wonder…

Was it a warning?


Everyone was there. Minho’s friends, classmates, relatives, his parents, and of course, Yuri. Yuri was dressed in a simple black dress, not bothering to exert any effort in dressing up. Why make yourself look pretty if the guy you usually look pretty for is dead? That was her principle at the time. In the funeral house, all of Minho’s dear loved ones were crying and talking about how Minho was when he was living. Since Yuri’s friends couldn’t make it to his funeral, Yuri opted to just sit quietly with Minho’s parents. None of Minho’s classmates wanted to talk to her not because they hated her but because they felt that she needed some time for herself. Her love affair with Minho was no secret. Her personal life wasn’t so secret either. They knew her hardships and how Minho was the only person who gave life to her when all just seemed dead. Losing Minho was like losing more than half of her life, according to them. So while the youngsters chatted, Yuri took a good look at the coffin where Minho lay.

“He was a good man. And I screwed us up. He was all I needed, all I wanted. And I let him go. I don’t deserve to be loved by another. If it’s not Minho, let me die alone.” Yuri solemnly swore to herself while glancing at his coffin. Seeing him all stitched up and white and presumably cold, Yuri couldn’t help but cry. She didn’t sob uncontrollably, though. She just let the tears flow from her eyes without a sound escaping from her thin, beautiful lips that were pale now painted red. Yuri’s teardrops fell on the glass of the coffin. Nobody noticed this and since she was totally ignored at the funeral, she continued to let these silent, painful tears fall on the glass above her lover’s body. Over and over she uttered his name in what seemed like a soft whimper for help and a silent call brought about by longing. Yuri’s life couldn’t get any worse.

“I’m sorry…” she whispered. Yuri leaned forward and kissed the glass, smearing it with her lipstick before walking back to where his parents were seated. Yuri looked like a daughter to Martin and Jane when she sat in between them. People continued talking and talking about Minho’s life and when their words filled Yuri’s heart and mind, she broke down and cried. Jane and Martin looked at her surprisedly and exerted every effort to comfort Yuri. Even Minho’s classmates saw her crying and needless to say, their heart went out to her. Yuri loved Minho so much.

“I regret everything.” Yuri muttered with her hands covering her face and her hair all messed up. “I regret fighting with him. Even during his last days, I wasn’t able to make up for all that I lacked. I wasn’t able to apologize. He died knowing that I was angry at him and he’s gonna bring that to Heaven. He thought I never forgave him but I did. I never hated him. I love Minho…God! What I’d give to bring him back to life. He’s all that I have…” Yuri cried out all her frustrations and regrets amongst a crowd of teenagers comforting her.

“Minho’s in a better place now,” said his best friend Taemin. “You don’t have to worry about it. Besides, he’s looking down on you from Heaven saying, ‘That’s my girl! That’s my girl and I love her’.”

“It’s not that…”Yuri sniffed and wiped some of her tears with a handkerchief. “It’s just that I have so many regrets. I have so many things to tell him that I’ve not told him yet. I can’t bear the pain of seeing him in that coffin about to be buried 6 feet deep.” Taemin and the rest of the class hugged Yuri. They pulled away after a few minutes and remained for a while to comfort her.

After the service, Yuri stayed with Martin and Jane. Yuri was somewhat stable but often broke out uncontrollably. Jane held her while Martin finalized some things with the funeral parlor owner. As soon as he was done, he walked with his wife and Yuri back to the car. Jane held Yuri in her arms while walking to the car. Martin sat in the driver’s seat while Yuri sat beside him. Jane resorted to the backseat. Due to exhaustion and grief, Jane and Yuri fell asleep while Martin continued driving. Jane didn’t fall asleep for long, she kept on waking and waking but on one of her waking episodes, she caught Martin touching Yuri’s thighs. So as not to startle Yuri and to avoid accidents, she lightly tapped Martin’s hand.

“Here you go again! Stop that!” she said in between gritted teeth.

“I’m just comforting the girl!” Martin defended.

“That’s no way to comfort an 18 year old girl. Now keep your hands on the wheel.” Martin glinted his eyes at her and drove on.

Upon reaching Yuri’s house, Jane woke her up and walked her to the doorstep.

“You take care of yourself now. You’re a young woman, you should know how to handle this.” Jane gave Yuri a hug and led her to the living room before leaving. Yuri was about to close the door when Jane blocked it with her arm.

“Words of wisdom, be careful and take care.” Jane said. “Don’t trust anyone.” Being quite naïve and unable to concentrate at the time, Yuri just nodded and smiled weakly at Jane. “Goodnight.”

“Goodnight, too.” Yuri closed the door and went to her room. Jane went back to their car as Martin drove home for them to retire for the night.












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Chapter 9: Wow.. The story is just kinda~ Love it.. But why Minho died T.T
Chapter 9: this is creep me out D:
so many things that make me confused. Is Minho the adopted child? then why Martin said he is his own flesh and bloods?
cliffhanger at the ending but i must say this story is good.
kinda makes me paranoid, tho.....
This is very disturbing, but still a good story! :)
I had to come back and read this again! I was bored and decided to re read some fics and I'm glad I read this again it's crazy but really good!
Kinda confused here ._. Did they do scene on chap 7? ._. Anyway, your story is great!
That was ing crazy. But really good in a disturbing way. o.e
mblaq-love #7
crazy but awesome story!<br />
imagine what it will be like if Yuri & Martin had a scene..
wait... i remember reading this story before...<br />
are you soleilthesun8994 from
YoBuddy #9
Wow that was crazy but I liked it=D<br />
Thank's for posting this^.^