chapter four

If It Weren't For Ice Cream II

After the park, Sehun begged to go to the pier. Since it was his happy day, we all agreed. We all boarded the bus and sat in the seats. The bus was quite empty and you guessed it, we were the loudest ones there.

"Look! There are sparkles on the ground!" Lay smiled and pointed at the ground. Everyone smiled and continued with their conversations.

"AHAHHAHA THERE ARE? Whoa so pretty!" Tao gushed. It was funny seeing him fascinated by sparkles. Minyoung was laughing with Kai about something.

Out of nowhere, Luhan poped up a question, "What would yo do if aliens came in and kidnapped the trees and turned them into a giant Santa Claus?"I blinked at him. That was one huge imagination he had. I was dumbstruck.

"...Run?" I giggled with Luhan. Finally, we arrived. The boys, Minyoung and I went into a shop that sold chocolates and desserts. I pressed my finger on the bakery cases, reading the name of the brownies, cookies, and cupcakes. I saw a special 2-cupcake pack. There were two cupcakes, one with a miniature deer. The cute deer reminded me of Luhan kind of.Both were topped with white chocolate and rose frosting. Luhan and I shared the white chocolate bark. 

Pistachio Rose Cupcakes with White Chocolate Bark

When we were all finished, we decided to stroll around the pier. Baekhyun decided to stuff his face into a cotton candy "because it was soft". There were a bunch of seals laying on top of wooden platforms that rested on the water. Many people, mostly visitors, walked towards the view to take pictures.

"AR! AR!" Chanyeol imitated the seals, clapping his hands. "AR! AR! AR!" We all laughed when a couple of seals replied back to him, flopping and 'ar-ing' afterward. 

"Come on Yeol," Baekhyun tugged Chanyeol away ater he and the seals had a long conversation. 

"I gotta use the restroom," Suho excused himself.

"K. We'll be at the bungee jumping place," Kai informed Suho. Minyoung and Kai decided to go bungee jumping together.  There were two bungees, a short and tall one. Minyoung went on the short one next to Kai who was in the high one. When they started to bounce, laugh shrieks filled the air. It looked awfully fin. 

"I wanna go on!" Sehun excitedly clapped.

"I'll go since it's my style," Kris eyed the bungee jumping and nodded in approval. 

"Sureee.." Chen teased. Kris glared at him, making Chen surrender. 

"Nu uh we are next!"  I raised Luhan and my hands. Luhan raised an eyebrow but nodded. 

"If you don't mind, I'll take the shorter one," he reminded me of his fear of heights. I smiled happily, feeling like a little kid. Chen gaffawed, "She told ya!" He chrotled to Kris, who was red in the face. 

"I see a huge carousel! Can we go?" Xiumin pointed at the huge towering golden carousel in the distance. It was decorated with mermaids.

"I'll go with you!" Lay, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, DO, Tao and Chen chimed and raced off. I shook my head and laughed. Kai and Minyoung got off the bungee jumping. Minyoung's face was flushed and she looked as though she had the time of her life. 

"That was fun~" Kai casually slung his arm around Minyoung. 

"Wait for us!" Kris walked up to the guy and paid. 

"I thought we were going first," Luhan frowned. I poked his cheeks in attempt to make him look happier, "It's ok. We'll watch Kris." Kris got on the taller one and Sehun was already bouncing pretty high in his shorter one. 

"AHHH!" Kris released a huge scream when his went up reaaaaaal high in the sky. Sehun was besides himself with laughter while still bouncing. Kai and Luhan were also giggling like school kids 

"I thought it was your style!" I screamed up to him.

"Shut up AHHHHHH!" Kris let out a high pitched scream. Another fresh round of laughter was heard.

"Are you ok sir?" The attendant asked when they finally got off. Sehun had his toothy grin and he raced off to the carousel. Kris nodded, face still palle and chased Sehun. 

"Our turn! It'll be fine Luhan~" I comforted them. He relaxed and smiled. Something about you always made him smile and relaxed.

"Woohooo!" I whopped as I flew up into the air. The thirll of this was amazing. Luhan had realxed and he was slightly going up and down as well. When he was up, I was down, when he was down, I was up.

"You go girl!" Minyoung called to me. I flashed her a thumbs up. 

When we finished, we went to the carousel to meet up with the others. Suho had not yet returned. kai texted Suho about being at the carousel. At the carousel, we sat on benches as the others descended the stairs  and came to us. 

"Ahhahahah! That was funny!" Xiumin laughed. 

"Yeah, he got right up next to a mermaid and posed like one." Chen showed us a couple of pictures. I burst out laughing. Xiumin was making the duck face.

"I finally met a mermaid!" Xiumin had a huge grin plastered across his face. 

"What's that on your shirt?" Minyoung looked at Chanyeol's shirt.

"Mustard. This litle kid was like 'Oh you're so tall!' and he squirted mustard all over my shirt!" Chanyeol pouted cutely. Baekhyun laughed, remisciating the memory. I noticed that Lay wasn't taling. He had a dreamy look on his face. Did he like, meet a girl?

"What is it?" I asked him. 

"Oh nothing," Lay sighed in his dreamy manner.

"I know you well enough to know its not nothing," Luhan winked at Lay.

"Yah! Son't tell anyone. I saw this girl. She was so pretty. Her hair was chesnut colored and long. It looked silky. I was seated at my unicorn horse thing and she looked at me and smiled." Lay smiled with his dimple. I knew it!

"Aww~" We all chimed.

"Shh there she is," Lay hissed, looking beyond us. I turned around and saw indeed, a pretty girl. Luhan hugged my waist and whispered into my ear, "Watch  Lay."  

"Hi," the girl sweetle smiled.

"Hi," Lay couldn't help but smile like an idiot. I chuckled under my breath. 

"Can I get your number?" THe girl handed Lay her phone. He inserted his number and she did so to his phone. 

"Talk to you soon!" The girl bounced away. 

"Ara," Lay dreamily said her name.

"Sweet," I heard Baekhyun mutter.

"Full of cheese," Kai wrinkled his nose.

"And your not?" Minyoung poked his nose. Kai blushed and cleared his throat. 

"Guys where's Suho?" D.O asked, his owl eyes widening. 

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xobabysky #1
Chapter 18: Oh my gee! what will happen to them~
Chapter 18: Omg. Such a psycho dad. Please let them save. Update soon author nim...
Exo_Fighting #3
Chapter 18: noooooo this cannpot be happening
Exo_Fighting #4
Chapter 17: Minah you must go save Luhan on time!!!
mk8346 #5
Chapter 17: nooooooooooooooooooo, DONT LEAVE ME HANGING AUTHOR NIM!!!!! IM ABOUT TO DIE ~(o_o)~
Exo_Fighting #6
Chapter 15: noooo luhannie cannot get hurt
iOSRandom #7
Chapter 14: Omg this chapter was so funny xD I was nearly in tears because I laughed too hard! XD Great work ^-^
Chapter 12: gigiydjgkfufkghfihkgugofydinkcugkcigigihogico
Chapter 8: Yehet! She got the job
Chapter 5: OHORAATT i'm so exited