chapter fourteen

If It Weren't For Ice Cream II

"Are you sure you aren't cold?" Luhan peered at me. The ocean wind caused sand to fly into my eyes and goosebumps to rise along my skin, but I was fine. The sand was warm.

"Ugh you guys are boring," Baekhyun pouted. Luhan stood up and held his hand out, asking for my permission. I nodded and he smirked at Baekhyun who started to race away. Luhan was so eerily calm. I had no idea what was going on.

"Watch out Bacon~" Luhan sing-songed. 

Baekhyun made a face and screamed over his shoulder, "IT'S BAEKHYUN!!!!" Luhan looked at me and we burst into laughter.

"Hey, you guys wanna play in the water? Guys against girls?" Kai walked up. Lay, Xiumin and Kris followed them. Their girlfriends tagged along, giggling and making jokes about the boys. Luhan winked down to me, making me melt. 

"Sure!" I cheered and Minyoung, Hana, Soobin and Aeri joyfully screamed and raced into the freezing cold ocean. I halted just at the edge of the coldness, numbness taking over my legs for a bit. I waited for my feet to get used to the cold and then raced to where the girls are.

"So...what's the plan?" Aeri asked. 

"Let's each get our boyfriends? And we need a secret code for us to meet back and switch tactics if necessary," Soobin thoughtfully tapped her chin.

"Popsicles!" Minyoung blurted out, confusing everyone, "You know, for our secret code?"

"Ahh..." I nodded, making sense of it. We agreed on that and we started. The four boys were huddled across from us. Thank god we had dresses so the water didn't get on these expensive stuff. The boys had to roll up their pants. I don't pity them very much hehe.

"Let's sneak up!" My eyes twinkled. The boys were so absorbed in their conversation they wouldn't notice if there was a tsunmai.

"Oh yeah! Hide in the waves. Let's go with that wave!" Minyoung grinned and pointed at a huge, upcoming wave. I gulped but seeing Aeri, Soobin and Hana happily agreeing, I agreed as well.

"ONE! TWO! THREE!" Soobin hollered and we raced. A spray of water hit me in the face but I kept my head down and continued to run. Minyoung was squealing and flailing her arms as she tried to get past the wave. Hana was had her head up and she was laughing wildly. Soobin was nearing the boys and she was lowly walking so they wouldn't see her. A mischevious grin lit up her face. I was surprised the boys didn't hear us. Aeri suddenly rn and jumped on top of Xiumin, piggy back style. Xiumin jumped in shock and heard Aeri's hysterical laughing. Soobin was right behind Kris and flicked her hands, causing a riptide to wash over Kris. Kris turned, his eyes blinking, his mouth gaping, his entire outfit soaked.

"YOU ARE DEAD!" Kris roared, chasing Soobin, who squealed and raced away. Hana snuck up behind Lay and tased his side. He jolted upward and spun around to see Hana giggling. His expression turned into a love one as he tickled her sides.

"HELP!" Hana gasped for air as Lay kept tickling her. 

"OUR TURN!" I stage whispered to Minyoung. She nodded and crept up to Kai. Using all her strength, she splashed some water on his bottom, making him reel back in shock and spin around to glare at Minyoung. Minyoung knew she was toast, so she ran for her life. I took a deep breath and ran up to Luhan, kicking waves at him and tickling him. He screamed and turned around, picked me up and raised an eyebrow.

"My turn," he whispered and swung me around. I yelped, my feet skimming the water and spraying my legs. 

"How dare you do that~" Luhan put me down and teased, "Now you are going to get it!" He raised his fingers which he used to tickle me mercilessly. I was laughing so hard; I gasped for air. I understood Hana now. Somewhere over there, Kris caught Soobin and they were splashing each other. Kris' face was way more joyful than I've ever seen it. Kai and Minyoung were still chasing each other.

"Please....stop!!" I giggled again. He withdrew and smirked, "Then..." He pulled me close and pressed his lips on my forehead, eyelids, tip of my nose and finally, my lips.

"Luhan," I smiled up to him. With the water soaking his hair, his reddish face and his expression, he was so so so manly right now. 

"Well, let's get em," he simply stated and we ran to them, holding hands. Lay and Hana were both breathlessly giggling. Minyoung and Kai were still at chasing each other. Kris finally surrendered to a triumphant Soobin, and Xiumin had Aeri on his back. 

"POPSICLES!" Soobin screamed to Minyoung, who came racing back, out of breath, her chest heaving up and down. 

"....what?" Kris made a confused face. Soobin laughed at his face and they began to bicker about his face.

Luhan turned to all 10 of us, "Let's get the other boys!" We cheered. They have been teasing us about our couples all day. At last, revenge. We quickly came up with a plan. Hana and Lay were to fill a bucket of water and splash it on Suho, hwo was sun tanning. Minyoung and Kai were going to drag Sehun and D.O into the water and spray them mercilessly. Kris and Soobin were going to get Baekhyun and Chanyeol. They decided on wrestling them on the sand while tickling them. Xiumin and Aeri's game plan was to sneak up behind Tao and then tase him like crazy. And that left Luhan and I with Chen. Revenge for that picture. Oh how sweet revenge was.

"ON THE WORD POPSICLE, WE GO!" Aeri announced and we stood at the beach, waves lapping on us.

"POPSICLE!!" Minyoung screamed and so it began. Xiumin and Aeri took off first, teasing him so he was holding his sides in pain. Soobin grabbed Baekhyun and began to take him down. They were wrestling in no time. Kris tackled Chanyeol down and the giants were fighting. I was cracking up at that sight. Minyoung was dunking Sehun in the water and Kai was throwing waves on a protesting D.O.  Hana passed the bucket of full water to Lay and he smirked and ran to Suho, who had his eyes shut to the world. The next few seconds happened so fast, but was hilarious. Suho jolted upward, his eyes blinking, his face contorted. Lay and Hana were breathless, laying on the sand, besides themselves with laughter. 

Luhan and I linked eyes across the water. His eyes sparkled more than usual. The rest of the world faded away, but when he gave me an 'ok' sign, it broke me out of my trance.

We raced to Chen. I held both of his arms back and brought him to the sand. His bewildered expression was caught by Luhan's camera taking. He snapped funny pictures of Chen struggling. he was still oblivious of the whole scheme. I slipped his phone out and tossed it to Luhan hoe was working on deleting our picture.

"HEY! WHAT YOU DOING!?" Chen protested and began to struggle harder, which made my grip tighten.

"Hi Chen~" I sweetly grinned at him. He made a made face but soon, uncontrollable laughter erupted from outside of him as Luhan tickled his sides. I raced to Hana, took her bucket, filled it to the brim with ocean water, and ran back to Chen Thankfully, the water didn't spill over the edges. I dumped it on a shocked Chen's face and laughed.

Soobin and Kris were holding their hands up in the air in victory as the Baekyeol couple got up from the sand and held their hands up in surrender. Suho frowned, causing Hana and Lay to laugh even harder. D.O ran from the ocean, yelping and screaming. Sehun was chasing after him, begging him to wait for him. Kai and Minyoung stood there, arms crossed, a proud and winning smile on their faces. Aeri and Xiumin stood in front of a near tears Tao because the tases either hurt to much or that he laughed to hard.

Luhan and I stood closely together and watch us win in satisfaction. 

Victory was ours!


A/N: a cheerful chap for now :D

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xobabysky #1
Chapter 18: Oh my gee! what will happen to them~
Chapter 18: Omg. Such a psycho dad. Please let them save. Update soon author nim...
Exo_Fighting #3
Chapter 18: noooooo this cannpot be happening
Exo_Fighting #4
Chapter 17: Minah you must go save Luhan on time!!!
mk8346 #5
Chapter 17: nooooooooooooooooooo, DONT LEAVE ME HANGING AUTHOR NIM!!!!! IM ABOUT TO DIE ~(o_o)~
Exo_Fighting #6
Chapter 15: noooo luhannie cannot get hurt
iOSRandom #7
Chapter 14: Omg this chapter was so funny xD I was nearly in tears because I laughed too hard! XD Great work ^-^
Chapter 12: gigiydjgkfufkghfihkgugofydinkcugkcigigihogico
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