✧ cheat sheet + app

Paranormal Detective Agency 〈〈 apply closed 〉〉

cheat sheet & faq

The story will take place in modern Seoul in 2014. It is an alternate universe so, unless stated, idols will not be idols or celebrities in this story.
The Phantom's identity is unknown and no one has any idea on how to find him or when he'll strike again. His victims share no physical similarities, so many people are wondering if this is just a hate crime. 
The characters must know Korean. They can be of another Asian decent and are on vacation in Korea, but they must know proficient Korean. Meaning: your character cannot be full Chinese and happen to be in Korea for an unknown reason and know little-to-no Korean.
Your character will be found via The Psychic's help, but you must write exactly where and how your character was found. The psychic cannot pinpoint exactly where you are, but they can see images of your location.
The password is a gif/picture to your favorite drama.
 When choosing ulzzangs, make sure they fit your character's age and personality (sin bi is taken).
▧ Only ulzzangs are allowed to be used as face claims as they make it easier for me.
▧ For love interest, they can be an OC as well! Just make you link them to a face claim and give me a well-written description of their personality.

▧ Although I'm allowing for '96 liners, remember it'll be a lot harder for them to join the group and have them be protected because of school.
▧ Anyone of the characters can be a celebrity/famous, but I will change some people if I get numerous celebrity applications.
▧ I'll be accepting four characters of any gender. You may not apply more than once because of the small amount of characters I need.

the psychic〉 (i'll be speaking as "she" from now on)

this is the first character that meets the two detectives; she spoke with the two late 2013 about the murders and after the murders did occur, the detectives went to find her again and enlisted her help.
she can see the future, but only to a certain extent. she isn't able to see every clearly, but only little snippets of the future. she's also responsible in finding the other characters via snipits of their locations via visions. the psychic is the only one who knows their face.
▧ she owns her own business where she reads tarot cards and it's up to you if she has a great business or if she's barely scraping by.
▧ while she can read tarot cards and tell the future via visions, it's ultimately up to you how she can tell the future ie. touching someone, staring into their airs, touching their belongings, etc.
▧ her love interest must be an employee and/or a (childhood) friend. which means they can't be a stranger or someone she barely knows.

the clairvoyant

 she can touch other parts of someone else's body, but the moment she grabs their hand for more than three seconds, she'll be able to see their past in high definition. the longer she holds their hand, the more pain she's in.
 despite her not wanting to be close with other people, it's ultimately up to you whether or not your want her to be friendly or pessimistic.
 she can be a high school senior (1996) or older.
 her love interest can be a friend or a simple acquantince, but they cannot be strangers.

the psychokinetic

▧ she has been aware of her power at a young age. 
▧ just because she has the "easiest" power to hold, it doesn't mean she'll be the happiest. it's up to you if she hates her power or uses it to her advantage.
▧ she can move items and people with her mind, but there's a certain limit. the heavier the item is, the harder it'll be for her.
▧ she can be a high school senior (1996) or older.

the mind reader

▧ she has it the hardest because she's unable to control her power. the closer she is to someone, the louder their thoughts will be.
▧ i would personally like it if the character was a older (1994+) and more of a pessimistic person, but it's ultimately up to you on how you want the character to be portrayed.
▧ basically her power is like you're standing next to a large and loud stereo and you're unable to walk away from it and lower the volume.
▧ the love interest can be a stranger

app + turn in | source code | example

A/N: Hello! I'll be adding more notes and what not when I remember or if anyone has questions that other people may be wondering as well. As of today, 4/11/2014, there is no set deadline! If there are a lot of applicants, I'll close it early, but if there are none, I'll extend it to probably next month.

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✧ PDA - i haven't decided on how to unveil the members yet. i'll try to come up with the first chapter soon, but work is def killing me ;n;


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Chapter 6: Woah the date is over already huh. Sorry authornim for the late response since I was enganged with somethimg else at the moment but now I'm free! Yay for that! Haha...anyway onto your question, I like all at one appearance so that people won't have the time to even expect. Hahaha but it's your choice really. So hwaiting!!!!
Chapter 6: hm i think revealing characters.... but teasers are just fine too. it's the author's choice ^^
Chapter 6: Good luck on the story author nim~^^ And I think revealing or showing each characters one by one is better, but it's up to author nim as the author~ ^^
Chapter 6: Ohhh one at a time can keep up the suspense but if you are busy, revealing all at the same time is fine too ^^
Chapter 3: I fix the app,
actually it wasn't about Clairvoyant, but it's like a novel based on her life as someone that has clairvoyant
Chapter 6: No worries about a 'false' update. Its informative. ^^ Its also helpful to keep the story at the top of the apply tag, and encourages more people to look at it and apply.

All at once!!! :D Unless you want to write more individualized teasers, then one or two at a time. ^^
Chapter 5: Have you watch God's Gift: 14 Days? This kind of remind me of that. It would be awesome, like amazing if this killing things and The Phantom is actually a big plan of someone important behind the scene. Haha anyway can't wait for more teaser or maybe even chapter 1. Lalalala~
Chapter 3: Thanks for the quick review. I'm glad that I don't have to wait longer than this because boy I am so excited about all this detectives thing. Haha~ Anyway...yeah kind of falls head over heel on Changmin after the Spellbound!! But not enough to make him the one. Wow what am I blabbering about over here? Okbye
I applied! Hope to see the review soon^^
Chapter 5: Awww, don't fret! :( The people subscribed are the ones you want anyways. ^^

Oh goodness...the details of who the victims are sent a few chills down my spine. It seems so senseless. 13 victims, and the body builder just proves he is not picking 'weak' people.

I support you, even if you don't use Chunae. A good mystery/crime story is always appreciated! ^^