Can't help loving you

Right Next To Me

“A love sick one…” Jonghyun’s answer kept repeating it self like a chant on Minho’s mind while he was driving Taemin to his university. Taemin on the other hand tried to make his presence in the car as inconspicuous as possible because he was not up for another bout of argument with Minho. He wanted to forget the kiss and the explosion of feelings that are threatening to break free. He never wanted to tie Minho with him, which would be unfair for the Choi family, as Minho was the future heir of Titanium Industries. He needs to have his own family, something that Taemin would never be able to give.


“About earlier,..” Minho began as they reached the campus area but was cut by Taemin.


“Please let’s not talk about it, Minho hyung. I already have many other things that need my attention. I am sorry for making you angry earlier but please don’t do that again.” Taemin fisted his palms to gain courage to say that.


“We will talk once we reach home. You better get going, registration hours are almost coming to an end. I’ll pick you in an hour’s time.” Was all Minho’s reply. Feeling dejected, Taemin got down from the car and walked.


“Excuse me! Yah, you the pretty one ….wait up!” Taemin heard someone behind him calling out. He looked up to see a tall and beautiful man running towards him. His clothes were trendy and fitted his body to perfection. Looking around him, Taemin noticed he was the only one there, so was the man calling him?


“You are calling me?” Taemin mumbled.


“Of course! Who else is there besides you? Do you know where is the registration taking place for the culinary art education? I seem to be lost, like always.” He said with rapid chatter that took some time for Taemin to catch up.


“I am new too, and I’m looking for the same place.” Taemin replied feeling glad that he was no longer alone.


“You would think they will have the courtesy to paste the directions, but that’s to be expected. Come, we better hurry.” The man said with confidence and led Taemin.


“Pheww…, this is tiring.” Key, as Taemin learned of the beautiful man’s name, commented. They just finished registering and were welcomed and were given some introduction speech. In that brief moment, Taemin learned that Key was actually elder than him and he was a first year medical student before he decided to quit and pursue his passion much to his parent’s displeasure. After the tiring journey and the events that occurred with Minho, being with Key was like a breather. Taemin was able to relax and even laugh. Time flew so fast that Taemin began to dread his meeting with Minho later. As they were walking at the sidewalk, Taemin noticed Minho’s car.


“Minho hyung is already waiting for me.” Taemin told Key. To Key, he just let him know that he was a scholarship student and was bunking in their employers son’s house for the time being.


“The black Porsche? Not bad.” Key commented, observing. As they were approaching the car, Taemin’s heart pounded even more.


“Taeminnie, are you alright? You look pale.” Key asked with concern. He reached to touch Taemin’s forehead to check his temperature.


“Hmmm….Your  temperature is normal. Go drink lots of fluids just in case.” Key said frowning.


“Thanks Key hyung, I’ll see you on Wednesday.” Taemin said with a small smile.


“Who is that guy?” Minho asked the moment Taemin sat in the car.


“He is going to be my classmate. He was a first year medical student before he decided to quit. His name is Key.” As Taemin was saying, he felt his hand phone vibrate. An incoming message from Key. Smiling, he opened the message.


“You never said your Minho hyung was a handsome devil! It must be wonderful looking at his face. Don’t forget to drink lots of water Taeminnie! I shall keep an eagle eye on you.”


Minho watched the smile on Taemin’s face and was tempted to take the phone away from him, but he gripped the steering wheel instead.


“Who is it?” Minho asked calmly.


“It’s Key hyung, He was worried that I might catch a fever earlier, so he wanted to make sure that I take care of my self.” Taemin answered, feeling for some reason, he had to downplay about Key hyung.  As they reached home once again, Taemin tried to walk as fast as could towards his room. He knew something was not right. Minho hyung was too silent and controlled in their journey back home. He almost made it when Minho held his wrist and pushed him to the wall. Blocking Taemin from moving.


“Minho hyung, let me go…Please.” Taemin begged. He was too tired and drained to keep himself detached from Minho. He would not be able to handle another assault towards his senses from Minho today.


“Why did you stop talking to me Taemin? We were so close. How could you smile to everybody else but not me? I loved you! Yes, I did. I wanted to wait for you to be 16 before I let you know about my feelings, but you just closed up. Say something!” Minho said with stormy eyes.


“I don’t want to know this now, Minho hyung. Please let me go!” Taemin struggled to move away. He didn’t want to know how Minho felt. He wanted to let go and hug Minho with happiness, to let him know that he feels the same way, but he can’t. The Choi family deserved a better daughter in law who can give them children.


Angry with Taemin’s cold rejection again and again, Minho finally snapped. Were his feelings that worthless for Taemin? He carried a struggling Taemin to his room and closed the door with a final shut.



Taemin opened his eyes towards the darkness and his body ached all over. He felt a tight hold on his waist and memories of earlier moments returned. At some point, from resisting Minho, Taemin started opening himself up. From keeping Minho away, Taemin drew Minho closer. He couldn’t keep his feelings hidden then. It came pouring like hot lava.


Leaving the bed gently in order not to wake Minho up, Taemin took his shower. He realized he couldn’t continue staying. As he went to his room, he saw another message and 5 miss calls from Key about 4 hours ago.


“Yah! I have been trying to call you. Where are you? I just found a small apartment 5 minutes away from our campus, and I was thinking since you are also looking for a place to live, why don’t we share our rent? It’s cheap, safe and the owner just repaired the plumbing and electricity. You can pay me later but I need to know whether you want to move in with me or not by morning. Let me know soon.”


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Chapter 4: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/71010/4'>A New Beginning</a></span>
Yeah, sometimes it's okay to be a little selfish. Beautiful story 💔💗
This was so well written! And it's really I can understand exactly what Taemin was feeling...o.O
This is exciting and I really enjoy read it, can clearly imagine how Taemin cry so hard.. T__T you never disappoint me with all the emotion.. Im very glad discovered this ....
carrotcake #4
aww, so sweet and beautifully written. :">
starpaints #5
God, this is so beautiful that I love and like it! :D
It was beautiful, the lack of emphasized the feelings. I love the bittersweetness.
It was fast paced @_@ but nevertheless, it was nice and I liked it <3 Onew is not around though *pouts* Lolz!
I agree with caline, it was bittersweet, but good that they finally decided to talk
hippychick #9
awww so sweet <3
starkey #10
aigooo... that's so sweet. Glad to see both of them can be true to their feelings.