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"You what?!".

"Is this just me or this is kinda like déjà vu? I mean you screamed at me, in this cafe, in this particular table-," she paused while lifting her cup of green tea, ignoring the gawking woman in front of her, "-the only difference is I was drinking my lovely Espresso instead of this and oh, we were talking about the father not the child".

"Stop joking with me, Sandara Park. I seriously thought something was wrong with you when you said you wanted to met me here, instead of me forcing you to do, and guess what? My hunch was right; it's just I didn't expected that you called me to tell me that you're pregnant for three freaking months, without even telling me, your so-called best friend?!?!" Bom pointed at herself while glaring at Dara, breathing loud and heavy like she somehow just turned into a dragon.

"I want to tell you earlier, but Chaerin said it's better to wait for the 12-week mark as a guideline of when to share, because the risk of miscarriage is decreasing. Better safe than sorry, right?".

Bom rolled her eyes at her because as much as she hated to admit it, she was right. And Dara was never the type who wanted people to worry about her being, even herself as her best friend. But it's still disappointing to see that Dara, once again, didn't wanted to depend on anyone but herself. Bom couldn't imagined how if she lost her baby during the first three months, would she be crying all alone? Even the mere thought was giving her a lot of pain in her chest.

She sighed before she grabbed Dara's hand, caressing it slowly while still keeping her gaze on her face. "I understand your reason for doing that, it's just..........you can lean on me, you know. Aren't I your best friend? I don't think I can forgive myself if something's happened to you yet I don't have any idea about it even for a little bit".

Dara squeezed Bom's hand with a soft smile on her face before replied. "See? I know you would become like this so I didn't wanted to tell you before. I just don't want you to worry about me, Bom. Your own life is tiring enough without me on the top of that, right? But I if I disappoint you then I'm sorry".

Bom closed her eyes, letting out a deep breath before spoke again. "Just promise me you're never going to hide anything this big from me again. I can deal with you being secretive about small matters but a big NO for things like this. You got me, Sandara Park?".

She nodded while chewing a piece of chocolate cake in . "Okay, okay, I got it Bominator". Bom glared at her then tried to hit her head before she suddenl

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Chapter 12: Aww sad that it seemed like you stopped updating. I hope all is well with you tho! This could have been a nice read.
Fr0zenMus1c #2
Chapter 12: It’s too bad you seem to have abandoned this fi :( Interesting plot and pairing.
Chapter 12: 3 yrs, no update, did you forget your story not finishing it or you will leave it like this? Actually its really good , great work, nice story, i hope you will still work this story to end, ..
Chapter 12: d'awwww
there's no update.
no matter.
author-nim fighting!
xiaoshu #5
Chapter 12: update please
Chapter 12: please update soon & tnx ^_^>
Chapter 12: Please update authornim! I really in love with this story. Ludara <3
baby1988 #8
Chapter 12: Really luv ludara! Please update..love it
baby1988 #9
Chapter 12: So sweet this story!! ^.^
wani_oneni #10
Chapter 12: waiting for the update :)