What's New, Pussycat?


Jiho has cat ears. And a tail. And he is not cute. At all. The one where Zico inexplicably develops feline features and is a giant pain in the , and Kyung may or may not enjoy it.


Zikyung ft. Catboy!Jiho

Written for dear Tori, who put up with all my catboy spam

Tori, I did this for you. And maybe for me.



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SashaHRH #1
Chapter 2: Yes to all please!!!!
ghostotter #2
Chapter 2: I've always thought Zico would be a perfect catboy!!
aslan88 #3
Chapter 2: I loved it, it was so good. beautiful concept and writing. zikyung just became one of my favorite pairings! who knew cat boys could be so hot and cute? you should write an fic of kyung being a catboy and zico pets him and all. or maybe some taepyo with p.o being a cat. oh god this fanfic gave me a fuel for my wild imagination, I just can't help it! anyways sorry for being so demanding but I LOVED THIS FIC and I can't wait for more! ( oh and sorry for the possible bad English, language has always been a weakness point for me. lol I cant write a story even if my life depends on it XD)
aslan88 #4
Chapter 2: please continue, it was sooooooo cute! >////<
bbibbisi #5
Chapter 2: Oh my. This was adorable. "Kyung leaving for a week" and Thunderstorm stories sound like they would be the best!!! Please, give full story life to these ideas.
jongzii #7
Chapter 2: oh no that was really adorable ;;
akagee #8
I don't speak English, but I just tried to ask you to continue <3
akagee #9
PLEASE CONTINUE THIS fanfic! Is the first time I like this theme - "catboy" - in a fanfic. Please continuuuuuuue~~~~! ;-;