https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8LszwsY1B4 jubing christiano- once upon a rainy day

On a dark and rainy night,She walk on her dad’s white blouse with her short, its look big on her but she would look like a cute little bunny on a basket without her ice aura though. she will do this when she miss her dad, she will wore her daddy’s white blouse that she get when she was 5, when she sleep with her dad alone, its like dady-daughter time on their little family back then, she will hang out the hole day with her dad, and in the end on the day her dad will sleep on her bad, on their last dady-daughter time, even her bed can only fit her but no big deal for her dad, because of that they can cuddle the whole night, and its make her happy, but now its make her sad. Its feel like forever already since she feel the presence of her dad.





But her tought of her dad has been occupied by a boy, a boy with his cold habit but warm act that she meet on a orphanage, well she meet him Monday to Friday she know it when she try to remember of his beautiful face again, yes the annoying boy who eyeing her from the start of their university things begin and not to mention the boy who stole her ten minutes staring at his mesmerize brown eyeball. Yes he is the same boy this evening share the same umberella with her.






Dara was driving her way to an orpanage, she always do this when she have a time, she is not as cold as people expected, she is a hearty women that cover up it so no one faker will get on her way, well she hate attention even she always have it when she just breath.




She cruse when she looking up to the sky from her window, from seeing the view she know she was cruel, its begin to misty and she know it will rain and she didn’t get her umberella. But luckily she reach her destination with no rains, she hastily buckleup and take the childrens stuff that her buy while ago and heading to the door, she knock for two times and she was welcomed by a scream from a cute petitie little girl with her white dress on the secound she open the door




 “AAAAA DALA UNIEE ISSHH HIIIEEERRLL” she said jumping happily



 “wow,hai Na Mi, nice to see you too” Dara lift the kid and hug her.



Upon hearing her name echoing on the whole room, thanks for Na Mi though, dozen kids run to Dara and attack her with they hug power, and its make Dara jump step back and fell on the floor with all kids surrounding her above on the floor.



“Oke, let me go know so you can get your new toys guys” after like a half minute they’re huging and laughing on the floor and hearing the toys word all the kids release her now mess noona/unnie.




Dara signaling them where she put the bunch of toys with her eyes and in a secound of time they all vanish........ kids these day



She always love doing these, she always want to see the smile from these kids, they don’t want these kids experience her situation, all of this kids were have no father and a mother, well she still have a father, but she feel not have, for her his dead the momment he said he don’t want want to see her for a while and busying himself with work busy being idiot she tought.




“Thanks for coming” said the voce beside her, distrubed her thought



“Wow, you suprise me back there mam, and for the nth times its oke” she smile to the lady beside her, erning a warm hug



“You don’t bring CL and your boyfried? Got busy with the gang?” she ask worriedly



“yes, they got busy and how many times that I told you mam, woobin its not my boyfriend, and don’t get worried they’re too big to take careof them self” she replying shoothe the sister lady



After spending her time tw hourse playing with the kids Dara decide to leave



“DALA UNIIEE SLEEP WIG ME TONAIT??!” Na Mi scream lifting up her hands hoping Dara will carry her



“I can Na Mi, unnie have a class tomorrow, and Chan Sung, take care of all your brothers and sisters oke?” she pat the older boy erning a blush on hid face, and kiss Na Mi head when the little girl pouting dissapointed



After saying her goodbye and it took half an hours or so, she heading to her car, through the pouring rain, when she reach her car she start bulked up start her agine.



But in the middle of her way, her car start to give her werd voice and its start to bouncing like hell, she cruse when she see fume going out from her deck



“Great and no one on the road, really nice” she said to her self


After arguing to herself better she out and check on her car or let it be and wait for an angel to cme and rescue her, she choose to dialed CL or Woobin and ended trowing her phone because it dead.



After like an hour or so, she heard a knock on her window, when she open her window she welcomed by a grin from the boy with hoodie and a umberella



“What?” she ask, coldly even though she really need to be nice so he can help her out



“You need to get out and look at your deck, or you want to burn yourself with your car” he replying with his calmness



After hearing his statemant, Dara hastily jump out from her car, and don’t realize that she’s been stand too close with the guy, well she need that umberella too



“Ehkhem, can you fix it?” damn it she sounds like speaking like a robot



“No, but I can show you a workshop they can find your car ad fix it as soon as they can, but you have to walk to that place, I’ll show you the path, just go to that road and after you see the crossroad, take a left, and you’ll see the park, the workshop its not far from that just walk a little while” he said matter of fact well thay speaking like a robot.







“oke” he said taking his step want to leave her








He thought





“Hei!!” she called him, and not knowing for her, the little smirk appear from his lips



Trun around he wait for her to speak



“I need a help, I can’t go there, its rain” she said put her hand above her head like a umberrella



Without replying he shut her car’s door and start walking, Dara hastily following him and stand beside him, not realize they’re standing side by side too close, she can smell his cologe mix with a smell of the rain its so hypnotize drown her to another world and make her don’t realize that He was stop from His track.



“what’s a matter?” she ask cover up her emberessment, and He smirk without her knowing again



“What take you to this place?, i thougt your house its on city” He ask want to know why She came to this place



“should I tell you?” she said coldly



“yes” he said full of emphatic, make her just to follow what he say



“I often come here, to an orphanage” she said confused by herself why the heck she should know and why the heck she answer him??!!



“And did you live here?” After another step she heard herself ask



“No, I just visit some place” he said briefly



“What orphanage you’re visit? He ask again



“Keun Ai” she said make he flinch



“what?” she ask realize he was flinch



“the workshop its near” he said not want to tell her






So thats their weeken together start, without they’re realize it that it is the longest conversation they have with onother one.




After reach the workshop, and tell the worker where Dara’s car is, He tell her to wait there because he will bring his car and drive her home, because her car can be fix tomorrow.


After reach her home, Dara start to buckle off and before she reach the door and out from his car he heard she said





“Thanks you Jiyong” with her sweet and little voice that he never hear before



And without waiting for Him to reply she already out from his car. Cute


you’re welcome” Jiyong said to himself, smiling because she know His name, that he thought she didn't know His name even his existence and he was wrong, he was definetly wrong.

And he happy for that. He don’t know neither why he feel happy for that simple gesture from her.


its been a while already

and I miss this story

I give you Daragon momment and plus a new story

happy reading my 2nd story http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/760642/guessing-daragon

because i got an A from my speech!!! yeaaaay!! I'm so happy.

and big thanks for whoever subcribes this strory and never forget to leave a comment.

I need more love :).

and happy happy waiting for the next cappy.

don't leave me baby~ ~

see you soon


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chelzjj #1
Chapter 8: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ jiyong make a move on dara already ;))))

Omo....poor dara ><

Ps. Just take ur time ;)
chelzjj #2
Chapter 7: Sooooo.....its soohyuk .....
But.....its her ex right?!? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ still a chance for RIRin ;)

Omo.....wht happen to ji?!?
chelzjj #3
Chapter 6: Omo.....poor dara ><

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ curious dragon in action ;)

Is it seungrat???? CL's ex-husband
chelzjj #4
Chapter 5: Its jiyong\^^/
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ sandara is a "headache" for jiyong ;)))

Kekekekeke CL&Woobin so funny hahahahhhaa
Mayrah20_5 #5
Chapter 2: awwww thanks for updating :) they love story is starting <3 daragonnnnnn wuuu <3 :)