He never feel this way, never cross in his mind to put anyone in his mind all day long, oh no. Its been a weeks already since he see the cold person alive yet he feel warm when he sitting beside her. Whats got in to him?




He feel like want to punch the boys who want to approach her even she seems like don’t give a about them, but it still irk him. Don’t tell me he just admire the girl??!! Oh , its like a big deal oh no a really really big deal for him.




And when he see some girls glare at her like they want to mutilation her body, because the girl, because for them she seems like the witch who took all guys attention from them and she even don’t give a about that preciuos attention, and seeing that he want to act like a grab their hairs so hard and scream infront of their face tell them not to be ie to the girl.



Omaigadh did he just think of being ie like a and being ??!!




Did he being gay because the Park??!!




Its not so the robot Kwon Jiyong.



He shoock his head clearing his though from the nightmare that created by himself.




“Errm hyung, you’ve been day dreaming again. And always asking where the hell is TOP hyung when yourself know where TOP hyung is” Seungri said bringing back the Kwon who seems like out of his body, and remaind him about the week ago accident the backyard of their university.



“You have something important with TOP hyung ji??, about the performance that you’ve ditch” Taeyang ask questionly because he never seen this Jiyong infront of him before. Well, Jiyong never get into their conversation but he always listening, and not this day no not just this day but the whole weeks already, and he know that because of what? They’ve been be friend like the whole their life, Taeyang’s parents and Jiyong’s parents its just like the both of them, be friend ince they know how to eat. Yeah, since they’re kid.




“yes, i want to ask him something but not about the lastperformence, and guys sorry about that” he said remembering why he ditch their performance that night.




“no matters boy, and remember this night in ‘DE’ LAST’cafe hyung, they’ve been craving for my cuteness on stage” Daesung said while playing flappy bird on his phone.




“Yes, i wont ditch this one guys, and i’ll go first then, i need to clean my guitar” he said while walking aiming for the door on Daesung garbage, yes he loves riding the motorcycle.



“How’s going with soo hyuk?” the girl with long shining brown hair wearing saint laurent black coat with white shirt inside and ripped jeans pairing with her favorite white converse said while drink her americano.




“The same, ask me how i live my life, ask me to quit and when i ask him why the hell he left me that day and let his dad send me the divorce latter, ciih” she said disgusting about that fact. Its been two years already, two facking years he, Lee Soo Hyuk her husband for two years, yes they get married when she eighteen and now she in the mid of her twenty two left her in the middle of night when they just have . Yes you heard me when the situation its feel so right to thir bubble love time being husband and wife.




Why they got married on their youth? In their eighteen?




No. Actually CL was on her eighteen and Soo Hyuk was on his twenty back then.




No reason, they just feel to do it, feeling that they already find their home in their each others arms.




Its called LOVE




That love which make them knot the tie and promised will be on each others side no matter happen.




But now, what the real meaning of love for CL?? She even don’t want to hear that bull again.

For Soo Hyuk?




He do it for love.




“And his anwser is?” Dara ask her now looking up to her with her focus.




“I said the same park, the same like the day i meet him, on the same cafe. whats got in to me, why i even agree to meet him for the nth times already after that ty night?”




“avoiding the question and change the topic” she anwser hersefl question




“And the fool me buy for it” Cl said remembering why she always let him lead the conversation around them.




“One for sure CL he have his own reason, i’d never feel sorry about Soo Hyuk left you, so you’ll be mine completly.” She said giggeling




“Oh, look at that evil yet cute expression, i thought you attending your class music and last week, how’s going with my baby ophone’s girl?” she ask changing the topic that she don’t want to talking about because it may ruin their lovely ie times.




“I do nothing.” She said remembering the Lee accident







“You know what will happen when i got annoying by someone.”




“And the poor Woobin always be the one who recieve that ”




“And last week my music teacher just taste that too, i thought she gonna pee in front of the class that day, man” she said while smirk momorise the Lee’s expression.




“Oh i love to see that, and compare woobin expression with your teacher who more hillarious between ‘em” CL said start to laugh remembering how Woobin face when he get the get-the--off Sandara’s expressionn and the next will happend.




Remembering the accident after that and don’t want CL to ask and make her tell abot that annoying her, she even don’t want to said his name.




“oh, baby , i’ll go first i have to buy the kids stuff, you know they hate it when i late to visit” she said while sit up.




“oh! You want a accompany? Since i don’t have work to do” she said stoping her from walk




“No i know you have one baby, i’m your ie wife rimember? Do the Sangkiang gang work, and no stain on you. I hate seeing my wife look ugly, and Woobin and your team have been waiting. He just text me. Bye!” she said and start to walk and dissapear don’t even want to hearanother word from her friend




“Aiiish that girl, always talk about our wife and husband thing in the public. What if there a boy who eyeing me and then when he heard about me being that crazy bipolar girl’s wife he will back the ing off and i’ll be forever single and widow. And thanx to that Soohyuk bastard and that lovely yet ie Dara” she said to her self. With sigh she begin to sit up and start walking to the gang duty that she called job.






Why TOP know that girl?



Did they have any realationship and he don’t know about that?



Did they dating while his noona when she aboard?



No way, he know his hyung love to death with his noona, and he know they’ve been date for like forever already and never he hear anything about his hyung dating someone else on his noona’s back, and he know TOP never gonna do it, not when him around”




But what the heck is their connection?




And why the heck he should know.



He tought again and sigh again.




He’ve been doing it since he got home and start cleaning his pink guitar.



No its have no dust but cleaning his guitar when whe will do the performance been his habit.



And back from his thoughtis hyung dating someone else on his noona’s back, and he know TOP never gonna do it, not when him around.



But what the heck is their connection?



And why the heck he should know.



He tought again and sigh again.



He’ve been doing it since he got home and start cleaning his pink guitar.



No its have no dust but cleaning his guitar when whe will do the performance been his habit.



And back from his thought.



Oh, well why do the hard thinking.



They’ll perform toghetrer with the blue haired guy but the way.



Just ask him.



He thought finishing his work and place his favorite guitar on it place and walking to his bathroom and start showering.





wooot woot woot~~

its SOO HYUK!!

not seungliiii, showreeh

and i'm back.

how about it?

tell me tell me tell meeee~ ~

thanx for the subsribe!!

and hai new reader.

i know its not what you expecting but..

i'll do my best!!

may godbless everyone

i'll be back, not that soon but i'll try to sneak and write the next chappie


don't leave me.

i can see you..



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chelzjj #1
Chapter 8: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ jiyong make a move on dara already ;))))

Omo....poor dara ><

Ps. Just take ur time ;)
chelzjj #2
Chapter 7: Sooooo.....its soohyuk .....
But.....its her ex right?!? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ still a chance for RIRin ;)

Omo.....wht happen to ji?!?
chelzjj #3
Chapter 6: Omo.....poor dara ><

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ curious dragon in action ;)

Is it seungrat???? CL's ex-husband
chelzjj #4
Chapter 5: Its jiyong\^^/
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ sandara is a "headache" for jiyong ;)))

Kekekekeke CL&Woobin so funny hahahahhhaa
Mayrah20_5 #5
Chapter 2: awwww thanks for updating :) they love story is starting <3 daragonnnnnn wuuu <3 :)