

Two different people...

Two different backgrounds...

Two different personalities...

Two people were brought together due to the will of their parents.

They did not have a say when they are being brought together... but they will be able to choose their outcome.

Will they stay together or will they break apart.

All of that are based on their decision....


Aaron Yan
Heir to Yan Holdings
Cold but caring to people he loves and care about
Have caring and understanding parents
Indulge most of his time in his work

Timid due to some circumstances
Caring to her friends and family
Treated badly by her father


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Chapter 2: I hope you will update it soon ^_^
I am eager to read new guilun story hehe XD
tinygui #2
update soon?
NicLuvGuiLun #3
Chapter 1: Update soon? :)
AaronGuiGuiforever #4
OMG! update soon can't wait to read it!!
ko0mii #5
guadalupeanguiano #6
Will they have an arrange marriage?