Like At First Sight

Coffee Shop
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"If you want that money then get your in the kitchen!"

She laughed as the ahjumma yelled at one of the workers. She was used to this. One employee being late or getting scolded at for not doing their job properly. She works in a café, a coffee shop to be more precise and she really love her job. It wasn't because so she can get away from her friends as she calls them but in reality they were just using her for her intelligence and kindness, but for the fact that the place is very welcoming and warm and the ahjumma is very kind. Oh, and the coffees and cakes too, they're pretty amazing.

"Order at table 7!" Soomi, one of her coworkers shouted behind the counter. In a split second, she was already in front of the said table, placing the macchiato and a slice of chiffon cake in front of the young woman. The ms smiles and she raised her glass a bit, as a sign of saying 'cheers' to her.


The peaceful morning soon turned into chaos as it suddenly snowed and the place became frozen. A lot of people have decided to chill in the café even though it was packed with a lot of fur-coated people and beanies. 

"I can't... Do this... Anymore!" Himchan, the lazy worker who was scolded by the ahjumma wiped his imaginary sweat and sighed roughly, "Ahjumma! Can I take my break now?!"

"Shut up young man and get your lazy workin'!"

"Oh my god!" He gripped on his hair and sped away after complaining to Soomi and her. The day was pretty hectic to be honest, she thought. Sweat was dripping on her forehead down to her neck and she felt really exhausted. Without wasting more time, she jumped on her feet and took orders.


At 6 in the evening, everything became normal again. Himchan shouting in pure joy and ecstasy, Soomi smiling at the new couple customers, the ahjumma clapping her hands in success and her, with her pokerface as she swept the café floors. "Don't be a joy killer and celebrate!" Himchan shoved her to the side.

At 7, snow falls again and the night turned into war.

At 8, everything seems to be fine but after five minutes, a group of guys went in with obnoxious laughters and violent shoves and a huge frown was placed on her face. On the other hand, Himchan literally screamed like a kid from a candy store, attacking some boys with a very deep voice and a semi-tall college-like dude. The ahjumma sighed and went in her office.

"We haven't seen you in ages!" Soomi cringed as the guy named Yongguk slapped a hand on Himchan's shoulder. The two girls looked at each other and shrugged. Their voices were kind of getting annoying.

"I missed you guys! Oh, where's our maknae?"

"He went somewhere to buy his girlfriend something."

"Eyy he has a girlfriend?"

"They look good together!"

"Don't be ridiculous!" Daehyun slapped Youngjae's head and frowned. They laughed, teasing Daehyun for his crush that they were saying was the maknae's girlfriend. Oh he will kill the younger for sure if that's the case.

They took their orders from Soomi who drooled on Jongup and he eventually started flirting with her. That made Soomi run to the kitchen and scream. On the other hand, she chuckled at her friend and went to complete the boys' orders. As she was finished, she took a tray and Himchan helped, serving the drinks on the table. 

"Wow! Cute drinks!" Yongguk stared at his Americano as it was entitled 'I'm a gentleman.' 

"Never thought a menu like this exists." Youngjae nodded in agreement and looked at the catalogue. 

The girl went straight to the counter and started punching on the numbers and names on the screen. As she finished in a minute, she placed the receipt in a bowl, ready to give it to Himchan's friends' table. The bell chimed and she came back in her counter to take the customer's order.

"Welcome to Floral Delights Café! May I take your or-"

"You may when you're finish with what you're doing and if you're going to look at me instead of that screen."

She mentally scoffed. Great. Another customer flirting with her in the café. She huffed and without looking at the guy took a step at the side to ask Himchan for help. He just grinned at her, speaking in his Mato language as what he called it and winked. She doesn't even understand a damn thing! Without nothing from her mate's help, she looked at the guy and woah, he's beautiful.

"Hi there." He grinned. His mood completely changed from badass to being cute and then badass again. A smirk lit his face up when she didn't say anything but just drool at him, "Aren't you going to take my order?"

"I-I'm sorry!" Her eyes widened as she erased what's on the monitor screen. A faint chuckle escaped from the guy and the words 'pretty' and 'cute' were heard from him. It made the girl turn beet red, "What's your order?"

"Hmm... Is this a café or a word shop? All I see is... Weird stuff in here."

"It is. We just... h-have-" She stopped when she looked at him again. A pout was plastered on his face as he looked at the menu above them with his chin on his hand, "Names in them since an ahjumma owned this place."

"Oh. Is that so? My bad." He rubbed his nape and snapp

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ourlasting #1
Chapter 3: it's like a cliffhanger, i- nevermind.
I love this one. ; u ;
skkyyul #2
Chapter 1: huwaaaaa zelo… update soon^^