Almost normal


The morning that Kyungsoo had spent with Yixing and Tao... it felt weird. a good weird though. Like Kyungsoo was just hanging out with two friends of his and having a laugh. For the most part, Kyungsoo felt he was living his normal life back in Busan with his friends. It's just that he was in Seoul instead... and was someone who was initially kidnapped... 

"How long does it take three people to build a bed?" Tao asked, lying down and groaning whilst Kyungsoo and Yixing slipped the last of the pannels on 
"A while" Kyungsoo replied wiping the sweat off of his head before the three of them moved the bed over to where Kyungsoo wanted it in his room 
"Now all we need is for Kris to do is bring back the matress, then you're good to go!" Yixing said happily 
"In the meantime, I think we should have a well deserved break!". 

For Kyungsoo, he was still trying to get his head around things. Just a few weeks ago he was afraid of his own life after being chucked into the back of the van and being bought somewhere where he didn't know what was going on with him or what they were going to do to him. 

At first it was awkward and, particularly Kris and Jongin, nobody really warmed up to Kyungsoo from the beginning besides Yixing. Then by some miracle, they began to treat him better. Unless you count that miracle as being Kyungsoo getting ill and having to go to the hospital... 

It just confused Kyungsoo. It confused him a lot. How could they have gone from being cautious over him one minute to liking him and being more open with him the next? Kris was the obvious exception in this. But why had the others become so use to him being here so quickly? 

"You look troubled" Yixing said breaking Kyungsoo from him thoughts 
"I do?" he asked and Yixing nodded
"It's written all of your face" he replied and beckoned Kyungsoo over to sit with him and Tao. 

"What's wrong?" Yixing asked and Tao leant in to hear in on the conversation 
"I-I was just wondering something" Kyungsoo replied 
"Such as..."
"Why you guys have warmed up to me so quickly. A few weeks ago you were all really cautious around me and now you're all opening up to me, chatting to me. You've even given me my own room! The only one who hasn't warmed up to me is Kris!" Kyungsoo explained and the other two sat there in silence before Yixing spoke up. 

"You've grown on us" was his reply 
"Wh-what's that suppose to mean?" Kyungsoo asked. 

"Well I must admit I myself was a bit cautious when I heard Kris and Jongin bought you back, but there's something about you Kyungsoo. So quickly I was able to warm up to, get you to talk to me. Heck, very quickly all of us found ourselves becoming more comfortable around you!" Yixing exclaimed. 

"And you're so easy to talk to. I've been able to get more off of my chest to you in a trip to the coffee shop than I have to the others in the time I've known them" Tao added, ignoring the look Yixing was sending him 
"So whether Kris likes it or not, you have somehow become an unofficial member of our awkward family" Yixing finished, ruffling Kyungsoo's hair and watching as the boy smiled before the door to the apartment opened. 

"Somebody order a matress?" Baekhyun asked he and Sehun dragging it through and into Kyungsoo's bedroom. 


"Well go on then, test the matress out" Baekhyun said, pushing Kyungsoo into his room 
"Why exactly do I need to test this out?" Kyungsoo asked 
"Because then we can see if we picked the correct matress or not" Sehun replied 
"He should be greatful we bought him one" Kris muttered and walked away from the room whilst everyone else remained there. 

"Do you guys have to watch?" Kyungsoo asked 
"But of course" Tao replied and with that Kyungsoo paused before he ran over and belly flopped onto the bed, silence casting over the room before he spoke again. 

"Oh man this is so comfy" he said and was quickly joined by Tao and Baekhyun jumping onto his bed 
"Wow you're going to be sleeping like a baby tonight" Baekhyun said making Yixing shake his head 
"Come on you lot, dinner's ready" he said and walked out with the others close behind him. 

For a moment it was just Kyungsoo left in his room, finally taking in what Yixing and Tao had told him earlier. He had become an unofficial member to the family. There was something about him that made everyone like him. No more would he have to share a bed with Jongin or sleep on the floor in an uncomfortable matress! 

"Are you joining us or are you going to lay on your stomach like a starfish all night?" Jongin piped up and at that, Kyungsoo got up out of his bed and walked towards the kitchen where everyone else was situated. 

Watching the hectic scene in front of him, Kyungsoo could help but smile. When he was first bought here he was afraid to do anything in case the others said something about it and done something to hurt him. Now he was happy to speak to them like it was nothing. He was beginning to like it here and beginning to think that he had no intention of going home! Chuckling to himself, Kyungsoo walked over and took a seat with his almost normal friends, beginning to finally feel that he was being accepted into their almost normal family. 

But of course

Everyone knows that happiness like doesn't last forever... 

Oh I'm so going to enjoy writing these next few chapters! 

Until then!! 

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NOTICE: I've gone through and hopefully fixed the main error of this story; changing every bought I put into the story to brought... *blushes*


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Whoring_around #1
Chapter 52: I thought this was another chapter but then oh my gish this is such an amazing story, the character development, the progress, the interaction, the realism, the imagery, the raw emotions, the conplication, the life the love the everythubg they went through is overwhelmingly amazing and satisfying to read, a well written and well structure story, I'm in an absolute admiration. You're such an amazing writer,,
Whoring_around #2
Chapter 44: Duuudeeeee
Whoring_around #3
Chapter 36: That was intense damn
Whoring_around #4
Chapter 31: YASSSSSSSSSS,, this story gives me such an emotional turmoil whatever I mean, my diction is all over the place atm
Whoring_around #5
Chapter 28: Sheeeshh ㅠㅠ
Whoring_around #6
Chapter 19: this may sound crazy but what if... yknow... what if its not them but its HIM
Whoring_around #7
Chapter 18: I have a bad blood with curiousity... I thought it was Chanyeol and now i think it's Sehun... GODDDDDD HELP ME!
Whotookthatusername #8
Chapter 52: I'm shook... This fic is sooo good and the mole!! And the end!! I read this instead of studying for my exams and I regret nothing
Whotookthatusername #9
Chapter 44: Oh my God ‼️‼️‼️ I've never stressed this much over any event in my real life but here I am rocking back and forth over this fic OTL
Chapter 31: I knew it would be him>"<since you gave us that hint in one of the previous chapters<3