You think you know me


"Look I said I'm sorry what else would you like me to do?"

The silence that was facing Chanyeol agitated him greatly. 

The Baekhyun he had grown up with was someone who never knew when to shut up. Even though the two of them grew up with completely different backgrounds and ended up with completely different lifestyles, he always had something to say. Yet as he sat across from Chanyeol he said nothing! He just sat there and either glared at Chanyeol or stared at the drink in front of him. 

"What's wrong?" Chanyeol asked 
"Nothing's wrong" Baekhyun replied 
"It doesn't look at that way. You're never usually this quiet" Chanyeol said making Baekhyun role his eyes. 

"What? I'm not allowed to be quiet now?" he asked 
"And you never usually have an attitude problem" Chanyeol added as Baekhyun scoffed. Why was Chanyeol being so rude to him all of a sudden? Baekhyun accepted his apology because of how they left things last time and Baekhyun said sorry back because of his attitude previously as well. So why was Chanyeol speaking to him like this now? 

"So you're saying I have an attitude problem now?" he asked 
"Did those words leave my lips?" Chanyeol replied 
"You said I never usually have an attitude problem. That's saying now I do" Baekhyun said starting to become increasingly moody by how Chanyeol was speaking to him. 

"I'm just saying that you've changed a bit from the Baekhyun that I grew up with" Chanyeol said 
"People change as they get older!" Baekhyun exclaimed attracting the attention of a few people nearby, not that he cared anyway 
"Yes people change but you've changed a lot" Chanyeol began and shushed Baekhyun before he could interrupt and say something. 

"Where's the Baekhyun I grew up with? That Baekhyun was a chatterbox who never knew how to shut up. That Baekhyun was always happy, cheerful, loud. That Baekhyun knew how to play a prank or two on unsuspecting people. You're not the Baekhyun I grew up with". 

Maybe he was right. Maybe Baekhyun had changed a lot from the boy he used to be. Baekhyun himself hadn't thought that way; he thought he was still who he was before he joined Kris and the others. If Chanyeol was right and he had changed from when he was younger, of course he was going to deny it! He wasn't going to give Chanyeol the satisfaction of being correct any time soon. 

"Who am I now then?" he asked 
"You're someone completely different. You hardly speak, you always seem to have bags under your eyes. Not to mention the 180 degree personality change as well" Chanyeol replied 
"I'm not like that" Baekhyun said and Chanyeol shrugged his shoulders. 

"Who are you then?" he asked 
"I'm Byun Baekhyun. I'm still the kid you grew up with" Baekhyun exclaimed but Chanyeol didn't believe him, instead he sighed and shook his head 
"No you're not. I know you too well to know that you're not the same as you were previously" he said and Baekhyun could feel himself slowly begin to snap.

"No. You think you know me. You think you know everything about when you don't understand anything about me" he said 
"Maybe it's because you won't tell me anything. Maybe it's because you went from being a good students to hanging out with a gang! A gang whom I'm having to know nothing about around my boss. You're making me risk so much!" Chanyeol said finally snapping himself. 

"Well if you hate it so much why do you still hang out with me? Why haven't you gone to tell your boss where we are, what we do?" Baekhyun asked angrily 
"Because you're my best friend! We used to be so close growing up. You would do stuff for me like I do stuff for you... I care for you!" Chanyeol began before shaking his head and standing up. 

"But now I'm fed up with all of this. I'm fed up with the secrets. I'm fed up with the fact that everytime we're called to something you lot do I don't know if you've been hurt or you went away perfectly fine because you don't tell me anything! I'm finished!" and with that went to walk away. Before he could though, he felt Baekhyun grab his hand. Hard enough to tear it off if Chanyeol said so himself. 

"Don't leave" Baekhyun whispered but didn't turn to face Chanyeol
"You can't leave. I'm sorry! You can hate me right now but you can't just leave me here and tell me you're finished. Yes I have the others... but you're the only real person I care about left in my life. 
"I-I'm scared Chanyeol. Before I wasn't because we were helping people who needed it... people who grew up like I did. Now it's becoming riskier, we're not trusting each other and I don't know what to do". 

"Talk to me" Chanyeol replied and sat back down 
"Let me in. I won't tell Minseok or anyone else. Just tell me what's going on!". 


"What's that?" Chanyeol asked when he walked into Minseok's office to find files onto his desk 
"Apparently there has been some funny stuff going on in the trading industry recently" Minseok replied making Chanyeol frown 
"What do you mean?" he asked and took a seat, picking up one of the files to have a look himself. 

"Illegal trading. Someone is trading illegaly with people all around the world. Just a few days ago there was a trade with those from Australia. We have people watching out but these traders always manage to slip by us... until now" Minseok explained and Chanyeol could feel something churn in his stomach... this didn't sound good... 

"Today we got a tip that a trade was going to happen in a few days time. We don't who with, but we're going to be there to stop them" he finished happily and Chanyeol could do nothing but fake a smile. 

"Great" he said shakily, placing the file back onto the table 
"It'll finally give us something productive to do rather than sit around wait for that stupid gang to do something" Minseok said and got up to get himself some coffee. He could hardly contain the excitment that he was finally going to be able to do something productive. It was a shame that Chanyeol couldn't find it in himself to share the joy alongside him...

Man I hope this chapter made sense for you guys :S 

I actually had no idea on what to write for their meeting... the inspiration for this actually came from WWE believe it or not! There is this retired wrestler called Edge and at the beginning of his entrance song a voice says "You think you know me" and upon hearing it, the idea for this chapter just buzzed into my head. Gotta thank WWE! 

Next chapter we're going to do things a bit... differently me thinks. 

Until then!!

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NOTICE: I've gone through and hopefully fixed the main error of this story; changing every bought I put into the story to brought... *blushes*


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Whoring_around #1
Chapter 52: I thought this was another chapter but then oh my gish this is such an amazing story, the character development, the progress, the interaction, the realism, the imagery, the raw emotions, the conplication, the life the love the everythubg they went through is overwhelmingly amazing and satisfying to read, a well written and well structure story, I'm in an absolute admiration. You're such an amazing writer,,
Whoring_around #2
Chapter 44: Duuudeeeee
Whoring_around #3
Chapter 36: That was intense damn
Whoring_around #4
Chapter 31: YASSSSSSSSSS,, this story gives me such an emotional turmoil whatever I mean, my diction is all over the place atm
Whoring_around #5
Chapter 28: Sheeeshh ㅠㅠ
Whoring_around #6
Chapter 19: this may sound crazy but what if... yknow... what if its not them but its HIM
Whoring_around #7
Chapter 18: I have a bad blood with curiousity... I thought it was Chanyeol and now i think it's Sehun... GODDDDDD HELP ME!
Whotookthatusername #8
Chapter 52: I'm shook... This fic is sooo good and the mole!! And the end!! I read this instead of studying for my exams and I regret nothing
Whotookthatusername #9
Chapter 44: Oh my God ‼️‼️‼️ I've never stressed this much over any event in my real life but here I am rocking back and forth over this fic OTL
Chapter 31: I knew it would be him>"<since you gave us that hint in one of the previous chapters<3