You know him well


Kyungsoo had to give these guys some credit. When it came to disguising him, they certainly did a good job of it! 

"I swear you guys have done stuff like this too often because you're that good at this" Kyungsoo said when he looked at himself in the mirror 
"We're only really good with changing hairstyles and making our eyes look different" Baekhyun replied with a shrug before handing a mask over to Kyungsoo 
"You'll have to wear this, just for precautionary reasons. Nobody will really be bothered by this because it's winter and numerous colds are flying about at the moment. You should be fine" he added as Kyungsoo put the mask on and Kris stepped out with Tao. 

"You take him there, you come straight back" he said and Kyungsoo nodded 
"Kris leave him be! You know he'll do it" Joonmyun said and walked the two of them over to the door 
"Kind of have to do this" Tao said and covered Kyungsoo's eyes. What? They didn't want Kyungsoo knowing the password in order to get out of the place did they? 

"Can you let go now?" Kyungsoo asked when he felt himself being guided out of the doorway 
"Sorry" Tao said and removed his hand away from his eyes before the two made their way outside. 

"Because that doesn't look weird" Jongin said when he saw Kris looking out the window, watching as Kyungsoo and Tao made their way down the road 
"Go make yourself useful and help Joonmyun out or something" Kris muttered and continued to watch until Tao and Kyungsoo were out of his sight whilst Jongin shook his head and walked away. 


It felt so nice to be outside. Have the wind hit hit face and be able to walk about like a slightly normal person again. He wanted to take the mask off and breathe in the fresh air but he didn't want to risk anyone recognising him. He was just there to take Tao to checked up on. He wasn't there to cause trouble and have Kris get angry at him again. 

"You know I was expecting you to talk a lot more" Tao said breaking the silence between the two of them 
"I-I just don't want to give us away" Kyungsoo replied 
"No, you're probably just scared that you'll say something which Kris will find out about and then get angry with you" Tao said and laughed when he saw a faint blush appear on Kyungsoo's cheeks. 

"Relax! Yeah he's scary and all but he's only like that because he worries for everyone... espcially you" 
"Oh yeah like that's believable" Kyungsoo muttered making Tao sigh
"Look, I know he may look like a cold, heartless jerk who just argues with everyone all the time... but he does have a heart you know. He cares for all us and regularly blames himself when something happens to someone in the group. He just has a hard time expressing those feelings to us" he explained. 

"It looks like you know him pretty well" Kyungsoo muttered and Tao nodded his head 
"We've known each other for years. Before we met Joonmyun and Jongin it was just us two" he replied and Kyungsoo wanted to ask him how the two of them met but Tao had ushered him along before the two of them were late and said nothing more was mentioned of how he and Kris first came to meet each other. 


Watching Tao be examined by the doctor fascinated Kyungsoo. It always fascinated him how a doctor would only need to ask a few questions, poke around here and there and do a few tests before determining if their patient was well or not. Growing up Kyungsoo often dreamed of being a doctor one day so he could just look at someone and know straight away if they were in trouble in or not!

Then he realised that he would have to be a freaking genious, not get squeamish around blood and give most of his life away at university to become one... he quickly passed on the idea... 

"Your friend here doesn't really say much" the doctor said pointing to Kyungsoo before writting down some final notes 
"Ah he's my cousin visiting from China. He doesn't speak Korean that well" Tao replied with a wave of his hand whilst Kyungsoo frowned. By the looks of things the group were also professionals at making up fake identities for people as well as making very convincing disguises! 

"Well everything seems to be alright here. Everything is healing nicely however I would like you to take it easy for just a bit longer. I'll just fill out some forms and give you some tablets for the pain you're experiencing and you're ready to go" the doctor said and exited the room. 

"He pokes too hard" Tao muttered making the two of them laugh as Kyungsoo pulled his mask down 
"Chinese cousin am I?" he asked and Tao shrugged his shoulders 
"Kris made that up in case people asked questions" he replied and Kyungsoo nodded, of course he would have!

"After this, lets go get a coffee or something" Tao said 
"Won't Kris be annoyed that we took a detour instead of coming straight back?" Kyungsoo asked 
"Ah screw him! I haven't had a decent hot chocolate in ages!" Tao exclaimed making Kyungsoo smile before the doctor came back in and he pulled his mask straight back up. 

Hey guys!! :D 

So this is going to carry on into the next chapter whereby we could possibly find out how Tao and Kris met as well as other stuff potentially *shrugs shoulders* who knows? 

And for my own sake to save confusion, the mask that I was on about that Kyungsoo wears is this; 

Just without the female element to it... 

Oh yeah! 

Week commencing tomorrow I may not update at all! I have three exams, two of which are on the same day, and I rreeaallyy want to pass them so I'm going to be doing reivison the whole week and may not get the chance to update until Friday! 


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NOTICE: I've gone through and hopefully fixed the main error of this story; changing every bought I put into the story to brought... *blushes*


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Whoring_around #1
Chapter 52: I thought this was another chapter but then oh my gish this is such an amazing story, the character development, the progress, the interaction, the realism, the imagery, the raw emotions, the conplication, the life the love the everythubg they went through is overwhelmingly amazing and satisfying to read, a well written and well structure story, I'm in an absolute admiration. You're such an amazing writer,,
Whoring_around #2
Chapter 44: Duuudeeeee
Whoring_around #3
Chapter 36: That was intense damn
Whoring_around #4
Chapter 31: YASSSSSSSSSS,, this story gives me such an emotional turmoil whatever I mean, my diction is all over the place atm
Whoring_around #5
Chapter 28: Sheeeshh ㅠㅠ
Whoring_around #6
Chapter 19: this may sound crazy but what if... yknow... what if its not them but its HIM
Whoring_around #7
Chapter 18: I have a bad blood with curiousity... I thought it was Chanyeol and now i think it's Sehun... GODDDDDD HELP ME!
Whotookthatusername #8
Chapter 52: I'm shook... This fic is sooo good and the mole!! And the end!! I read this instead of studying for my exams and I regret nothing
Whotookthatusername #9
Chapter 44: Oh my God ‼️‼️‼️ I've never stressed this much over any event in my real life but here I am rocking back and forth over this fic OTL
Chapter 31: I knew it would be him>"<since you gave us that hint in one of the previous chapters<3