Bonding Time

I love you, best friend

“Xiao Xue!” Edora called out upon seeing you. “Edora!” you said walking up to her. “Almost everybody is here!” she exclaimed. “This is great! But I don’t see the president. Did you see him?” she asked as she looked around and back at you. “No..” you replied with a hint of disappointment. “I didn’t see him.”

“See who?” you heard a male voice. You turned around and your eyes widen in surprise. “Alright! I know I’m really handsome and all, but, please, Xiao Xue, control yourself! Your eyes are gonna fall out from your eye socket soon!” he laughed. You immediately blinked and looked at Edora who is standing behind you, flapping her hands all over the place like a chicken trying to fly and if she flaps harder, she might. You looked back at the male standing in front of you before jumping on him and hug him. He caught you in his arms and laughed, “It’s been long.”

“You’re back!” you exclaimed, looking at him, still clinging onto him like a koala. “I am! How can I miss this reunion?” he said, pinching your button nose. “I miss you so much!” you hugged him tightly again as he put you down.

“Hey! The game is starting soon. Let’s get changed. It’s water-related.” some girls interrupted and dragged you to the changing room with them. “Uh! Luhan!” you shouted while been dragged away. “Me too..” he said softly while you were dragged away. “I miss you too. I miss you badly.”

You came out of the changing room in your swimsuit - a white floral two piece high waist bottom, with a fishtail tank top over it.

“In your classes, fill that giant pipe full of holes with water and get the ball out. The first class to complete wins!” the game master, a junior of Shida announced. “1, 2, 3, start!” he blew the whistle signaling the start of the game. Everybody was running all over the place towards the sea to collect water, while some went to the pipe and covered the holes with their hands. Guys were taking their tops off and throwing it into the sea to speed up the collection of water. 20 minutes into the game and the class next to yours won. While everybody was drying themselves up, the game masters announced that the next game is starting.

“Grab a partner each, guy – girl. Divide the pairs equally and each group of pairs stands behind those lines.” The game master said while spreading his arms out wide, showing where the lines are. “Piggy back your partners, travel to the opposite side and tap the next pair to go. The first class to have both groups switched sides, wins!”

“You’re with me.” You heard somebody say before a kiss landed on your cheek. You turned your head around quickly to see a topless Luhan standing behind you with a bright innocent smile. “You’ll be my partner!” he said as he took you by your wrist and stood behind the line. Your face flushed a light shade of pink. It’s not like you have never since him topless, got a kiss on your cheeks from him or held hands with him. Just that it has been a long time and it makes your heart skip a beat every time.

 “Ready?” the game master asked and held the whistle close to his mouth. “GO!”

It was going to be Luhan and your turn soon, “Get on” he said as he lowered himself for you to get on. “You haven’t been eating, have you?” he teased at how light you are, before you were tapped by the other pair and Luhan sped off to the other side. Your class was leading and won the race. The games went on and on, until it was time for the Barbeque Campfire.

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