The Beasty Strikes Again!



Cho Hee’s POV

Just a little bit more. I thought to myself as I put my leg in the window, and quietly closed it. It was 4 in the morning, and the sun hadn’t come out yet. The coast was clear, right?

I’m lucky no one objected to me getting the bottom bunk. I easily crawled into my bed, and prepared to sleep for the remaining three hours I had left. The next thing I knew, however, Sang Hee swung her head down from the bunk, and scared the out of me.

“Where were you?” She said, as if her action was nothing out of the ordinary.

“Jesus, Sang Hee.” I said, clutching my heart through my chest.

“You didn’t answer my question.” She said, cheerfully, getting off of her bed and settling herself to sit next to me.

“Just… some street performances. Don’t tell anyone else, alright?” She nodded sincerely. “How’d you find out, anyways?”

“Well… you sort of made a lot of noise.” She said. Her eyes shone in the moonlight, and honestly, it looked kind of creepy.

“Noise? But… I made barely any noise. Not even Soolin woke up.” I said, looking over at the sleeping girl. Sang Hee pointed at her ears.

“I have the ears of a hawk.” She let out a soft giggle before climbing back up to her bunk. Something was strange about her, no doubt about it, but I didn’t feel like intruding to find out what it was. Instead, I just let out a sigh and closed my eyes, waiting for sleep to come.

Sleep came, alright. But for what seemed like 10 minutes. It was 5:25 when Soolin abruptly woke up, and ran to the bathroom. That’s when I remembered 16 girls lived in a dorm with one bathroom. I groaned and laid there. Sang Hee practically had to drag me out of bed. We were the first awake, and first in line for the suddenly amazing bathroom. The good thing about this was finishing early, and getting an extra few minutes of sleep. Once again, Sang Hee had to practically drag me out of my bed.

It was 7 AM.

I am not a morning person.

This was going to be such a long day.

I groaned when it finally came time to go to the Zodiac Entertainment offices. Don’t get me wrong, I want this so badly… but I’m just plain lazy most of the time. It’s really unfair.

As I was lazily walking, really without knowing where I was going, I noticed Jake, that kid that followed me yesterday. Honestly, it was kind of strange, considering how utterly awkward our first encounter had been. He was now walking with some really pretty trainee. I wanted to laugh out loud. She was full on flirting with him and he didn’t utter a word. She was going full on; lightly pushing him, twirling her hair, the whole nine yards. And he, well, he was just standing there. She finally gave up and left with a pout on her pretty little face. I took this opportunity to laugh out loud. Jake turned back to look at me. I jogged to where he was, and he gave me a blank stare.

“What?” he finally asked once my laughter died down.

“You just totally blew her off.” I said, a chuckle still present.

“What?” He repeated.

“Are you deaf? That girl was totally flirting with you.” I said. I began to laugh all over again when I noticed his confused facial expression.

“Really?” he said after a while. I nodded and he stared wide eyed at the girl, who had already moved on to that Jaeson kid.

“What, you’re going after her now?” I said, following his gaze. He shook his head.

“Nah, she was being really annoying.” He said, imitating the facial expression, but then quickly changing it to one of disgust.

“What was that?” This kid was getting weirder by the second.

But I liked it.

“She was weird. I don’t like it when girls use so much…. What’s that cutesy thing called?” He said, looking at me with another confused look.

“Aegyo?” I said, giving him a strange look. He made the same cute face and nodded.

Wait a minute, did I say cute? No. Stop it. He was not cute. His eyes were too small and he was weird. After that, I quickened my pace to practically paranoid, and tried to avoid him the rest of the day. I thought I was successful, until I looked up in my first class: vocals.

He smiled at me, and my heart sort of tingled a bit.

What is going on, Cho Hee?

Myoung Jae’s POV (heh heh, I know you all like this c: )

The boys locker rooms already started to smell like sweat. How disgusting. I tried to swat the smell away, but it did nothing. I just switched into my work out clothes, and hurried to the dance room. I looked around. All girls. Well, this should be fun.

I was just about to saunter over to one who was trying to make eye contact with me, but then, I noticed someone sitting in the corner, bobbing their head to music. She looked up at me, and my face suddenly changed from confident to … dazed.

Soolin. I completely ignored the girl, who was now pouting, and walked over to her, and sat down. She looked up at me and smiled. 

“Can I sit?” I said, in a soothing voice that would melt any girl’s heart. She nodded, smiling again.

“Why so happy?” I said, taking her smile in. It wasn’t long before I was smiling too. Actually smiling, not smirking.

“Why not?” she said. I shrugged and looked at her iPod.

“You’re smiling, but you’re listening to a sad song?” She nodded again.

“This song is really nice though!” she said, handing me a headphone, allowing me to bring myself closer to her. This was happening all too fast. She was so sweet, I didn’t want to involve myself with her, but she was just so… nice. And pretty.

I was being strange for myself, too.  I was just getting into the soft melody, but the music stopped. I looked over to her, and she had a cross look on her face.

“Someone wants to talk to you.” She said, pointing up. I looked up and saw the beasty. Way too ruin a moment.

“What?” I said, glaring at her.

“Watch it.” She said, acting as if she was going to hit me. Was she a barbarian?

“You’re sure you’re a girl, right?” I said, continuing my glare. I noticed the spot next to me had gotten colder. I looked, and Soolin was gone.

ing Beasty. 



I'm sorry guys, I've been super busy ;___; But, I realize the story is boring as of now, but it's still introductory. It'll get more interesting soon! I promise ;D

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Chapter 5: Update soon pls, this is getting interesting (tho I can NEVER remember the characters in these types of fics ... Sigh. I'll try)
n0nameFTW #2
Not to rush you or anything but i hope you update soon
n0nameFTW #3
I'm looking back at the chapters again really liking what's here so far.
VERY VERY Problematic Teachers =.="<br />
I wonder if the students can learn anything if they keep on having WAR to each other LOL free time XD<br />
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SweetStrawberryy #5
LOL Actually I would prefer 2ne1 over snsd but theyre both awesome ahaha <br />
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Cosyheartx #6
HAHAH! Cosy is starting a war with Blake Ann over fashion and when 2 women starts quarrelling...It spells world war!!!
jay1324 #7
XD, loving the updates (and I seriously love that sig/poster!)<br />
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Also, aaaahhhh - in deep breath- HAPPY BIRTHDAY n0nameFTW!
n0nameFTW #8
SweetStrawberryy #9
Haha Soolin is so cute :D