The Beginning.



"Here's the list you wanted, Miss Lee." the young girl set a file down on the even younger girls' desk.

The younger girl laughed. "Miss Lee? Tae Hee, you know I don't like that. Call me by my regular name, Tae Hee.” Manager Song, otherwise known as Tae Hee gave her a blank stare.

“Okay… Jin Hye” Manager Song spoke slowly, as if waiting for her young CEO to catch her off guard.

“Skylar” The CEO smiled at her and opened the file that was placed in front of her. A smile spread across her face as she read its’ contents. I’m really doing this, she thought. “Waaa, 20 trainees? This is gonna be great!” She sighed.

“Miss L- I mean, Skylar? We really should get going, the schedule says that we should be on our way to the press conference already-“ Manager Song insisted, but Skylar was already half way out of her office door, on her way to survey her offices. Manager Song sighed, and followed after her.

The office was beautiful, and it was Skylar’s dream. Not just to own a beautiful office, but to be responsible. To prove that age doesn’t matter. At just nineteen, she was determined to prove to her father that he made a great choice in passing Zodiac Entertainment to her.

Skylar didn’t even hear her right-hand-woman’s protests, as she strutted across the reception area, waving to the receptionists. She walked past the offices, giving a friendly smile to the staff she herself hired. She peered in the cafeteria, spotting her coordinators, Cosy and Blake Ann. The dance studio held Jang Hyeonsuk, the handsome male choreographer and dance instructor, who was already getting to work. The last room she checked was the practice room, and as expected, she saw her vocal instructors, Min Jung and Miyoung, along with the rap instructor, Yoolee. Skylar turned to the ranting manager.

“I’m ready to go now. But I hope this won’t take too long, they’ll be here soon.” She smiled and followed Tae Hee to the car. 



Sang Hee’s POV

I arrived at the Zodiac Entertainment offices at 1 PM sharp, just like it said. But I suppose it was all too early, since a crowd of about 20 people was also waiting outside of the office. I looked around, surveying the people, and feeling bad that I didn’t “deserve” to be here. Ten more minutes of waiting, and I started to get anxious. I turned to leave, but the clear door opened, by a young girl holding a list. She cleared .

“When I call your name, come forward and enter the Zodiac offices, and be sure to pick up your badge.” She said before taking out a long list.

“Park Sang Ho, Choi Jayden, Kim Myoung Jae, Kim Cho Hee, Park Mi Cha, Kim Ahn Cess.” I watched as one by one, people started to go up and pass through the door. I listened to all the names carefully, out of habit.

Jacob Jung Hyunki, Jaeson Lau, Park Hani, Yang Cassie, Song Soolin.

And the group was reducing slowly.

Yang Yoo Mi, Kim Zhaoxia, Jun Micha, Lee Chung Hee. Only 5 remained. I felt like I wasn’t in the right place.

 Jung Yun Hee, Woo HyeMi, Im Soo Yeon, Lee GaYoung. 

And there was just me. I walked forward as she finally called “Bae Sang Hee” I smiled as I entered and picked up my badge. The office was huge.

The feeling of not belonging was present again. I sighed and looked around. We had been pulled into what looked like a reception area, with a waiting room. I guess I missed the memo, but everyone was gathering around a girl our age. I chuckled. Wow, this girl had guts.

“Hello everyone! I’m your CEO, Skylar Lee!” She said cheerfully, but with authority in her voice. Why was I the only one who seemed shocked? Did everyone know already? I wasn’t exactly in the know for these types of things. I ignored it and tried to focus on what she was saying.

It was too late to pay attention, but I was guessing that by the crowd shifting down the hallway, we were getting a tour of our new home. I strayed a little behind the group, keeping pace with a boy who looked just as lost as me. I was still learning Korean, and I didn’t want to say something completely idiotic to him, so I just shook my head and picked up my pace.

All I could say about this place was… wow.

It was.. spacious.. and nice…. And, well.. full of people who took this all too seriously.

Don’t get me wrong, I was so glad I was here, mostly because I wouldn’t be exposed, knowing that man was out there following me.   


The group got into a sudden halt, and me not looking ,walked into a girl, who ever so rudely told me to watch where I was going.

“So, today, since it is your first day as  a trainee, we will only be having one class. And that is image consulting!” Our CEO said cheerfully. Image.. consulting? I thought I signed up to become a singer, not a Barbie doll.


Jayden’s POV

Image consulting? What was this? No singing, or dancing? Or anything I was good at? You can’t really say I care about the way I look.. because I really don’t, and this was the worst possible course for me. 2 women in their mid 20s walked in front of us, and told us to take a seat on the floor. We all obeyed.

“Good morning guys! My name is Blake Ann, and I’ll be your coordinater!” A girl who looked more foreign than Asian said, cheerfully, receiving a bit of a glare from the woman behind her.

“I’ll also be your coordinator.” She said, standing in front of miss Blake Ann. “My name is Cosy. I have worked with some of the top names in the industry, and I’ll teach you what’s fresh and new.” She said confidently.

“And I worked in a boutique in France for a long time.” Blake Ann piped up, without missing a beat. About half of the group seemed immersed in Blake Ann, and the other half in Cosy.

“As you can tell by now, we’re completely different. Today we’ll be making some suggestions and assumptions on how your style could improve. That means clothes, hair, makeup, everything.” Cosy explained.

“But no plastic surgery!” Called Miss Lee from behind them. They both looked behind and nodded.

“So if anyone is interested in Paris fashion and stuff like Kimora Lee Simmons does, come with me!” Blake Ann said, walking over to a table with a clothes rack behind it. 9 girls and 1 boy followed her.

“Now, I assume you all stayed because you want to learn how to have a more developed style? Like Big Bang and 2NE1?” she said, emphasizing the two groups. When she heard the exited crowd, she nodded. “Alright, line up.” She said, walking up over to another table. 


Naturally, I stayed behind. Not knowing what to do, I looked around and saw the same girl that walked near me on the walk over here. She looked discontent.

“This is so stupid.” She rolled her eyes and stood behind.

I immediately felt some sort of sympathy for her. Or maybe I admired her. Most girls would be loving this right now, getting a makeover.  I don’t know how long I was immersed in her, but I snapped out when I heard someone yelled at me.

“YAH. YOU. SHAGGY HAIRED BOY.” Cosy was yelling at me. I looked over and bowed, walking towards her. She grabbed my face and started turning me all directions.

“Hm. Nice face. Hair is much too shaggy though. Maybe thinning and t? And how about blond? Height is good. Weight? Gain more muscle. Would look good in a ripped shirt and ripped jeans.”I stared at her, wide eyed. “What was your name again?” She said, covering the tape recorder she was talking into.

“Uh, Jayden” I said, shyly.

“Great. NEXT.” She yelled and I stepped away from her, dazed at how different this life could be.

As I walked away, I overheard the uninterested girl arguing with our CEO.

“What do you mean we don’t have dorms yet?!” The girl yelled.

“I’m sorry, we’re getting final arrangements done. Do you not have a place to stay?” Miss Lee said, looking concerned.

“No, I do. Just.. I don’t want to go there.” She said, in a low voice. 



Bland-ish first chapter ;____; BUT WITH A SORT OF OMINOUS ENDING, RIGHT? 

It will get better, as soon as I have less homework on my mind guys ;__; But please subscribe and comment! Also, you might wanna check out the character's backstories, I'll post the links in their specific sections~

Until next time~


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Chapter 5: Update soon pls, this is getting interesting (tho I can NEVER remember the characters in these types of fics ... Sigh. I'll try)
n0nameFTW #2
Not to rush you or anything but i hope you update soon
n0nameFTW #3
I'm looking back at the chapters again really liking what's here so far.
VERY VERY Problematic Teachers =.="<br />
I wonder if the students can learn anything if they keep on having WAR to each other LOL free time XD<br />
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SweetStrawberryy #5
LOL Actually I would prefer 2ne1 over snsd but theyre both awesome ahaha <br />
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Cosyheartx #6
HAHAH! Cosy is starting a war with Blake Ann over fashion and when 2 women starts quarrelling...It spells world war!!!
jay1324 #7
XD, loving the updates (and I seriously love that sig/poster!)<br />
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Also, aaaahhhh - in deep breath- HAPPY BIRTHDAY n0nameFTW!
n0nameFTW #8
SweetStrawberryy #9
Haha Soolin is so cute :D