
Mother Nature's Revenge

Authornim’s thoughts: I had an idea to write little blurbs for each member with their powers. I dunno if i’m still going to do it or not, but you can at least read this

You found him while looking for fertilizer. He was shivering, torn up and beaten, inside and out. The bones that pushed against his skin spoke of next-to-no food consumption but the sharp, feral quality in his glazed eyes said Don’t touch me.

“I’m not here to harm you,” You called out softly to the male.

“Sweet words cover the rotting truth,” he said in a voice that didn’t have much use.

For each step closer you took, he stepped back. Distrust was plainly painted on his face. “Then let me do what I’ve come here for and leave,” You said in a no-nonsense tone reserved for bargains at your stall.

You bent down to push some soil in a small container, the males’ eyes glued to your person. He watched you scrap what little life-supporting material the garbage had accumulated into. You smiled happily to yourself. This would help you sustain a new bug you meant to plant and coax into flowering.

“What use will that be to you?” The male scorned your hope.

You pushed some errant hair behind your ear, irritated that it was in the way. “I have a bit of a green thumb.”

His eyes narrowed in suspicion. “There’s not sun. How can you grow anything?”

You pressed your lips together. You had learned the hard way to what happened when you bragged. “There’s alternative ways I’ve learned.” You stood up and brushed your knees off.

You turned to leave when a hoarse “Wait” demanded you not move. The male seemed younger at this moment. “Do you think I could see it…when it grows?”

You tilted your head in curiosity. First he was deflective and now he was eager? “I can’t come back tomorrow. It takes a while, you know.”

His face fell, and brick by brick, he walled in his emotions. You left him with a gift before you parted paths. “It should sprout in a week or two,” You guessed, “I can come back then.”

The male’s eyes became jumpy and muscles strained to flee as per instinct. “I can…maybe.”

“I’ll be here around the same time,” You stole his maybe and buried it into the soil you had attained. Perhaps he’ll be tamer then.

The bud transferred easily to its new home, a simple clay pot that you had acquired from someone with a love of making things in fire. You celebrated when a spot of green developed from the earth and you patted yourself on the back when a single leaf unfurled. It was time to head out again.

You found the dead end in which you met the male the first time. He wasn’t there yet so you removed the tender plant from a pocket in your jacket and settled to wait for him. He probably wouldn’t show. Too many numbers of humanity were untrusting. With reason but it still made you sad that you couldn’t depend on your species.

“Is it growing?”

You yelped, scared out of your wits. You swore he wasn’t there a second ago but now he was a few steps away, hands braced against his thighs to lean downwards. He had to repeat his questin again before you could come to your senses.

“Weren’t you…how did you…?” The male simply blinked, not following your words. “Never mind. Look!”

You offered the pot up with both your hands. He cautiously took the plant, his lips parted in a small “O” of awe. His face was awash with wonder. A finger trailed along its stem. “It’s soft.”

“Wait until it blooms!” You proudly boasted. “The petals will be out with a nudge from me and you’ll truly see its beauty.”

He gave you back the plant but asked another question. “What do you mean by a nudge from you?”

You hissed, trying to put your words back in your mouth. You had slipped again. If someone found out your secret, it would turn even the nicest friend into a heartless betrayer. So you fed the male a lie. “My Da said plants were the same as humans and animals. If you love them and talk to them, they’ll flourish healthier.”

He scoffed at this. “I’ve never been loved and I grew up fine.”

You wiped away your pity before he saw it. Did he even know what living was like when you were loved? Sharing mental fears and feeling soothed by a hug? You knew you couldn’t save the world with your gentle heart. You couldn’t heal this male who didn’t know any better. You knew it would be smart to part ways but you were human and still craved interaction. “Want to see my other plants?”

He brightened for a moment and then darkened when logic reared its ugly head. “I can’t.”

“I understand,” fell from your lips. You did. You just wished it wasn’t so.

“Could you come back when it blooms?”

Somehow, in the dingy and dirty dead end of a street, something tentative stretched between you two. It wasn’t strong and it barely seemed there but the two of you were willing to tug and see if it was real.

“Two months from now I will be at the Western Market to sell my plants. You can see me there.”

The male was satisfied with that compromise. His eyes studied your intentions and when he found nothing hidden, he uncrossed his arms. “I’ll look for you and your plants.”

You introduced yourself and waited patiently for his name. The male weighed his options, you could practically see the balance shifting on his scale. At last, he decided it wouldn’t hurt to gift you with his name. “Jongin.”

That evening, as you settled the newly-leaved plant back under its special lamp, you whispered to it like your father had taught you. “Let’s make a pretty flower and make Jongin smile next time, huh?”

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Chapter 1: This is so nice. Will wait for more.
psiphidragon #2
Chapter 1: Nice start.