Chapter 5

The One You Love or The One Who Loves You?
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My phone buzzed. I hurriedly grabbed it as I hoped for that one person to txt me. As soon as I saw that it was indeed him, a big smile engulfed my face but that smile was quickly replaced with a frown as I saw that it was only a group message. I fought the urge to throw my phone and laid back instead. 

Stupid. You're so stupid. Why do you even wait for his messages? He has a girlfriend, Yoomi. Get a hold of yourself. 

I sighed as guilt encased my chest. He had a girlfriend, and yet here I was, longing for him. It would be completely understandable if it was just a simple crush but no, I just had to  like him. A lot. He was a really sweet guy and seeing him always brought up mixed emotions, I was thrilled but at the same time I had this urge wanted to run away because I  knew my feelings were wrong. But I mostly acted normal, like it didn't bother me, because I didn't want him to know how much his prescense actually affected me. 

It didn't help that he was practically messaging me everyday. The conversation was harmless enough but now he's become a habit of mine. A habit that will surely be hard to break. I knew it was wrong but I just couldn't resist him. My phone buzzed again. 

Luhan: Yoomi

And just like that, I was pulled into him again. 

At school, I pretended that everything was fine, that nothing bothered me. I woke up feeling hopeful, as today would be the last day for Luhan and mine's "partnership." This saddened me a lot but I knew that if I wanted to move on, I had to stop seeing him. 

After class, I went to the dark room where the photos were to be developed. Luhan and I only had to choose what picture to use before turning over the final copy to the editor. I hesitated slightly before entering. I hated the dark. It terrified me, but moreover I was terrified of being with Luhan alone, in the dark. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves and clear my mind. 

"Luhan?" I called as I opened the door and took a tentative step inside. "Are you here?"


"Luhan?" I called again as I took a few steps more. 

Still, only silence greeted me. 

I think it would be wise to wait for Luhan outside. I was about to retrace my steps when a slight sound from the corner made me jump. A figure jumped out and I screamed, only to belatedly realize that it was just Luhan. He took one look at me and laughed his

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Parts of Ch.17 and 18 are already written! Whoo. Hopefully, ch 17 will be released tomorrow ^^


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Chapter 20: waw a song? update soon author
innocent-bystander #2
Chapter 18: just make it seyoohan or something
nazhoney900105 #3
Chapter 17: I thought it was sehun..and wish it was sehun..suddenly nichkhun in the house..hehehe..looking forward for nari and sehun reconcile..don't want them to fight..i want their friendship back..huhu
Chapter 17: awhh i want yoomi wit luhan nononono wi sehun nononononon * ohmyimveryconfusednow* maybe i want the both them :) update soon
Chapter 17: N'aawww Luhan is such a sweetheart <3
Talk, talk, talk, talk! >///<
nazhoney900105 #6
Chapter 16: Im a new too caught up with your story and finish reading it in a day..i love how the story i wish that yoomi end up with sehun..will wait for the next chapter to come..
Chapter 15: Her reason is logic so I'm not gonna cry over that. I'm gonna cry over the fact that LUHAN DID LIKED HER BACK LIKE OH MY GOSH I THOUGHT YOU WERE A MANLY MAN, WHY WEREN'T YOU MAKING ANY MOVE WHEN YOU DO LIKE HER?!! XD
Ahhh, I hope Luhan's willing to wait.
Can't wait for the love quarrel between her and Hunhun tho...if there will be any X3
Chapter 15: huhuhuh update soon i like it ;)
Chapter 14: update soon ;)
Chapter 14: My god.
I hv nothing to say