Chapter 2

The One You Love or The One Who Loves You?
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“Come ooonnn, join with me, please?” I was practically on my knees as I begged Na Eun to join me.

She made a face, “I don’t know. I’m not a writer.”

“But you’re an artist! And they’re looking for artists too, you know! Besides it’s our last year, don’t you want to leave some kind of footprint behind?”

Na Eun sighed in defeat and I smiled. “Is that a yes, then?”

“You promise we won’t be too busy and that this won’t affect my grades?” She looked at me seriously.

“I promise.” I said, giving her a side hug.

During the first week of school, I was scouted by a friend to join the school’s publication as a writer. I was also encouraged to join last year too, but refused because I hated being forced to write. But this being the last year, I thought to myself what do I have to lose?

I never knew that decision was going to change my life forever. If I did, I would have probably changed my mind.


Na Eun and I entered the school pub’s room and sat down comfortably, since we were the first ones out there. Naturally, I joked around a lot and we laughed quietly. Soon, other members started to arrive. Some were familiar faces, some were not. I smiled politely at all of them and they smiled back.

As soon as the editor-in-chief arrived, the meeting started. Basically, we just talked about what theme we should have for the next issue and what kind of topics would we include. In all honesty, I just joked around a lot. I didn’t even really need to say anything because the editor had already figured it all out.

Once the meeting adjourned, we all headed for the exit and since I was busy checking my phone for any missed messages or calls, I crashed into someone.

“Oh, sorry.” We both said at the same time. I looked up and saw Xi Luhan looking back at me. He smiled. I smiled back.

“Are you alright?” He asked.

I grinned sheepishly, “Yeah. I’m fine. Sorry again.”

“It’s alright.” He nodded. We smiled at each other again before he let me go through first.


“I bumped into Luhan.” I told Na Eun once we were alone.


“And he’s actually quite nice, and cute.”

“So you like him?”

I scoffed, “Of course not. You know I like Siwon.” Even if it isn’t really that serious.

Na Eun didn’t reply and we walked along quietly. Silence was natural to us. It didn’t really bother me, we were simply just like that.


I was listening to music and epically failing singing the high notes, when my phone buzzed.

‘Hi. This is Luhan. I got your number from our editor. He told me to contact you so that we can talk abou

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Parts of Ch.17 and 18 are already written! Whoo. Hopefully, ch 17 will be released tomorrow ^^


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Chapter 20: waw a song? update soon author
innocent-bystander #2
Chapter 18: just make it seyoohan or something
nazhoney900105 #3
Chapter 17: I thought it was sehun..and wish it was sehun..suddenly nichkhun in the house..hehehe..looking forward for nari and sehun reconcile..don't want them to fight..i want their friendship back..huhu
Chapter 17: awhh i want yoomi wit luhan nononono wi sehun nononononon * ohmyimveryconfusednow* maybe i want the both them :) update soon
Chapter 17: N'aawww Luhan is such a sweetheart <3
Talk, talk, talk, talk! >///<
nazhoney900105 #6
Chapter 16: Im a new too caught up with your story and finish reading it in a day..i love how the story i wish that yoomi end up with sehun..will wait for the next chapter to come..
Chapter 15: Her reason is logic so I'm not gonna cry over that. I'm gonna cry over the fact that LUHAN DID LIKED HER BACK LIKE OH MY GOSH I THOUGHT YOU WERE A MANLY MAN, WHY WEREN'T YOU MAKING ANY MOVE WHEN YOU DO LIKE HER?!! XD
Ahhh, I hope Luhan's willing to wait.
Can't wait for the love quarrel between her and Hunhun tho...if there will be any X3
Chapter 15: huhuhuh update soon i like it ;)
Chapter 14: update soon ;)
Chapter 14: My god.
I hv nothing to say