Shirt's off

Neighbor Confessions

Chapter dedicated to lhoevee for being the first subscriber, to RequiemSonata for being the first commenter and upvoter and subscriber, and lastly to DdazzlingZYX for upvoting and subscribing.

A very big thank you coupled with a cyber hug to ImaginatorEXO Ma14li ,MLPVictoria , shiryokeii , lialinaexo , derpfangirl  & exoticoo  for subscribing. 



It's as if my whole life was flashed right before my very eyes, I never have imagined that my eyes would be graced corrupted this early, and that my brain would enjoy be tormented by the sight of this unclothed homo sapien.

"Hey.." His voice brought me back to reality, "Do you want me to take your shirt off?" he repeated.

"N-no." I answered as I walked towards my cabinet and pulled an oversized sweatshirt of mine. "Wear this."

He only looked at me and shrugged his shoulders. "No. and don't worry I'm not interested with cross dressers."

My mouth fell open, not because he's still not wearing a shirt or because he looked y in everything that he do or say but because up until now he still thinks that I'm a crossdresser.

"I-I'm not."

"You're not a?"


"Then why are you wearing girl's clothes?" 

"Because I'm a girl."

"You are?" He then eyed me from head to toe and laughed, "You have to be joking."

"I'm not!"

"But why don't you have those bazookas?"


He pouted, and I might add he looked cute. But then my fascination about him ended when he opened his mouth and moved his hands in the most uncomfortable way.

"You know those watermelon thingies.." He continued as he placed his hand on his chest and pulled it right up, "These?.."

My mouth once again fell open, he was asking why I don't have large s! for goodness sake, this kid would be the death of me. I really can't answer him because I also don't know why my s aren't that big. 

"I'm a girl." I simply answered.

"Prove it." He grinned making me look at him, "Let me see your bazookas, or uh--mini missiles?"

I really don't know how many time my mouth hung open just because of him, but right now I want to punch him square in the face or maybe--no- not here and I don't want to be like them.

"Come on, let me see your mini missiles.." He smiled as he made his way towards me.

Biting my lower lip I instinctively stepped back and covered my chest with my arms. "I helped you right? wh-why--"



In a blink of an eye the door flew open and two figures emerged from the other side as Kai stumbled to the floor with his eyes widening in both surprise and in fear.

"You thought I won't find you.." D.O suddenly came in together with a tall boy with peircing's on his ear.

"A-ah, D.O..." Kai stuttered. "I-I was not hiding I was just uh-borrowing her shirt.." 

D.O looked at me and smiled kindly, "Is he telling the truth?"

I vigorously shook my head, "He told me that he want to see my bazookas-" I added in an almost inaudible voice.

"Your what?"The tall pierced boy asked.


"They're mini missiles!" Kai corrected, "she doesn't have bazookas."

"Tao. do it." D.O suddenly ordered.

The pierced boy, wait, I mean Tao quickly moved and knocked down Kai with one hand and carried him on his shoulders.

"Bring him back to his room and tie him up." D.O added and Tao went off, "I'm sorry about Kai, he gets way out of hand sometimes, but he's a good kid. And about your door, I'll tell Lay to fix it tonight."


D.O gave me a warm smile and then left.




I went back to my desk and ignored the broken door, work comes first before anything else. No work, no money. But I just can't concentrate, and to be honest I can't ignore the fact that my door has been knocked down, a erted y and cute guy barged into my room, a perfectly squishy neighbor saved me along with a pierced fierce looking panda. 

"Uh-knock knock." a soft voice made me come out of my reverie and walk towards the supposedly door of my unit.

There a guy stood with his dazzling eyes and cute smile coupled with his mesmerizing dimples while carrying a toolbox in his left hand. "Hi, I'm Lay.", he waved and smiled at me.

I think I might look like an idiot right now just because I kept on staring at him without even responding to his greeting.

"Uh-I'll be fixing your door now; I'll do it quietly so you can get back to what you were doing." He smiled and squatted down.

And yes, I did get back to what I was doing and it was to stare at him like an idiot.



Short chapter..T__T I know and I'm gravely sorry for that..It's 5 am here and I still haven't slept so the whole idea or scene in my brain is scattered and this is all that I can think of. please do forgive me, I'll make it up to all of you in in the next update.


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Chapter 1: NEEEEEEEEXT! This story should be rated M for disturbing young people imaginations and letting them run wild. LOL.
Don't mind me, just passing by. HAHAHAHA. XD