I Was Lost



"Honestly, Sehun, it's like you're not even human anymore. You're like a body that's lost its soul without any idea of how to find it again."

That's because he didn't. Have any idea, that is. There was this tick inside him that he just stopped hearing one day, and then that was that. It's not like he didn't remember having ideas and feelings and a life, because he did. It's more the how he couldn't seem to recall.

Just open your mouth, Sehun. Just say a few words, it shouldn't be that hard.

But it was. 




I've been doing too many artsy things guys, this has become a problem >.<

I was just sorta thinking about how I haven't written anything in awhile because I've been so busy (sorry about that), and then I was thinking about how I haven't really written anything all serious-like yet and... yeah this happened!

Also, I'll have you know, I've actually always considered myself more of a serious kinda writer because I think it balances out my goofball 24/7 personality so hopefully everyone won't hate this because it's not my usual style?

I hope you like it~ annyeong cx 





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