I'm (Not) Yours

Chapter two



Luhan had been searching for that photo.
Sehun knew, even though Luhan never asked him about it.
The next day after their little lunch date at Luhan’s house, the older guy came to school with swollen eyes.  Luhan must had been crying so much that the bruise under his eyes lasted for a few days.
He kept giving Sehun anxious glances from time to time like he was about to ask him something, but only to swallow it down his throat in the end.


“Your hands are cold..”
Sehun looked around to make sure no one’s watching them before shoving Luhan’s hand in his pocket.  A shade of red color Luhan’s pale cheek; Sehun felt his hand squirmed nervously in his pocket.
Summer ended in a blink of eyes.  School activities started once the scorching heat died down and first sign of autumn came bringing the cool breeze across the country. After the long holiday the two of them spent more time together at school. Sehun had set a new schedule of walking Luhan to and back from school, with much protests from the older guy.  Luhan didn’t like to be treated like a girlfriend, he told Sehun  that he can take care of himself. Besides he didn’t like the idea that Sehun had to make double trip to school just to pick him up but the younger guy won the argument; Luhan gave in in the end and let Sehun do what he wished to do.
Luhan pulled his hand out of Sehun’s pocket when a passerby gave them a weird look. He hastily  slipped his hands away from his lover’s grasp. Luhan catched Sehun’s mild disappointment in his eyes and muttered a quiet apologize.
“No, it’s okay. I won’t hold your hands in streets next time if that made you feel uncomfortable.” Sehun assured him. 
He kept walking and realized only a little later that Luhan had stop walking and fell a few steps behind him.
Sehun heard Luhan called out for him from a distance.
A strange feeling took hold of his heart when he saw Luhan stared at him with a difficult expression.
“Can I.. ah, no.. I need to ask you something.”
Sehun walked back towards him,taking his scarf off and put it around Luhan.
“What is it?”
“You know, the day when you came to my house..did you..” Luhan seemed like he was contemplating whether or not to say it but changed his mind when he saw Sehun stared at him with a gentle smile. He returned the smile and shook his head. 
“Hmm, it’s nothing. Nevermind me.”
The walk to Luhan’s apartment was always a fleeting moment for Sehun. How he wished that it would last longer than mere 15 minutes--that feels just like a couple of minutes. When they arrived Luhan would smile at him and thank him before closing his door. He rarely invited Sehun in again after the last time Sehun came.
Today before Luhan went into his apartment Sehun quickly catched his wrist. 
“Are you free tomorrow? Let’s go somewhere, hm?”
Luhan hesitated for a moment. “I’m not really sure...I’ll text you tonight,okay?”
it was a disappointing answer but Sehun didn’t let it show.
 “Okay, I’ll be waiting.” 
He let go of Luhan’s hands after squeezing it affectionately. He watched Luhan walked in and a moment before  the door separates them Sehun grabbed his lover’s shoulder quickly. Luhan felt his vision swarmed when Sehun spun him around and kissed him. 
Sehun pressed Luhan’s tiny frame into his own, feeling the other’s body warmth before letting him go breathlessly. He gave Luhan a sweet kiss on his forehead before muttering his goodbye and walked away.


Sehun never knew why he loved Luhan. All he knew is that the moment he laid eyes on him, he wanted to make Luhan his.
Sehun watched Luhan everyday ever since.
He discovered that Luhan had a really tiny circle of friend and that he didn’t really talk to anyone else beside his friends. Luhan was really attractive, everyone wanted to befriend him but he was rather cold and distant that people gave up on approaching him.
His only companions were Huang Zitao and Lay; whose real name apparently to be Zhang Yixing, but Luhan always called him Lay. It looked like they had different sort of relationship, somewhere in the middle of the line of bestfriends and lover at the two ends. Zitao was Luhan’s friend but that’s that. He talked and laughed around Zitao but seemed really dependant to Lay. Luhan was never seen without Lay walking by his side.
Sehun later befriended Zitao and from a bit of coaxing he drew some information about Luhan. Especially the ones connecting to Lay and Luhan’s relationship. He found out that they’re childhood friends, and Lay was really protective over Luhan. It had made him wonder a lot later as to why Lay left Luhan brokenhearted and moved in to another city miles away from their hometown.
“Why are you so interested in Luhan anyway?” Zitao asked him one day, which is dismissed by Sehun’s persistent silence.
“If you’re interested in him, forget it. As long as Lay is still around you have zero chance of snatching him away.” Zitao made a bold remark, followed up with light taps of pity on Sehun’s shoulder.


The promised date ended up being a night carnival visit. It was nice to see Luhan laugh a lot more than he did these days. The event got more exciting as the day went deeper into the night. They bought Sehun’s favorite Bubble tea and sweets and walked around to see attractions like dances and circus and music stages by some local artists. 
They were spent from the walk and decided to call it a night and went home. But the moment they’re about to go back Sehun had another idea.
“Hyung, do you want to ride in that?”
Sehun pointed out to lights adorned ferris wheel. “I’ve been wondering if it’s not to childish or cheesy to ask..” 
Luhan quickly shook his head. “No, it’s not that it’s childish or cheesy..but I really can’t ride that. It’s embarrassing but I’m afraid of heights.” He blushed when he told Sehun about his acrophobia. 
“You do?”
Luhan nods.
“It’ll be alright hyung, you have me with you. The view will be amazing I promise you.”
With much difficulty Sehun managed to convince Luhan into riding the ferris wheel. He guided Luhan and held him close as the ferris wheel began to slowly go round. Luhan tensed up when their carriage got to the top.
“Hyung, open your eyes! See—the view is not a joke!”
Luhan slowly opened his eyes and gasp at the sight. The night view of their town was really beautiful, it feels like he could stare at it forever.
“it’s not so bad,isn’t it?” Sehun asked him, which Luhan replied by a shy nod.
“It’s really amazing. Thank you for bringing me here, Sehun-ah.. thanks for helping me overcoming my fear.”
Sehun smiled at him and shook his head. “I didn’t do anything, you overcome your fear by yourself.”
The smile on Luhan’s face disappear by a certain thought running on his mind. He hesitated a bit before he opened up to Sehun about his acrophobia.
“You see, Sehun-ah.. I began to fear height when I was little. Me and my friend were playing around in a hill behind the school... we hiked pretty high to catch summer bugs. There was this rhino beetle up in a high tree branch I wanted so much..but I can’t climb, so my friend climbed up for me. It was too high and he fell. his  head was hurt badly, he almost died because of me.”
Sehun fell silent at the story. Luhan took a deep breath before continuing.
“Thankfully he was saved. But it did leave him a hideous scar on the back of his head. When he got conscious the first thing he said to me was an apology. He apologized for not being able to catch the beetle. He didn’t blame me for everything. Really stupid, don’t you think?”
Sehun shook his head and held Luhan’s slightly trembling hands and his fingers to comfort him.
“It’s not your fault at all..”
He gently lifted Luhan’s face and stared directly at his eyes. Luhan’s beauty was mesmerizing. Sehun brought his hand up to cup Luhan’s face and leaned in to capture those rosy lips in a kiss. Luhan sighed and melted away at Sehun’s touch.
The ride was over in a heartbeat. 
Sehun headed home after he brought Luhan back to his apartment. Luhan leaned on the door and slid down as he felt the strength left his legs. He could still felt the warmth of Sehun’s body against him when the younger man embraced him before leaving. 
The phone in Luhan’s pocket buzzed. The white light from the screen reflected on his eyes as he checked on the message.

Sender : Oh Sehun
Received on Friday 2012/04/02 at 00:17:55

Good night, Hyung. Sleep Tight.

Luhan flipped his phone close, his heart felt heavy. The pain pressing on his chest made it hard for him to breath.
One, two tear drops slid down his cheek as he bit his lips to hold back the tears. Luhan was trembling as he leaned his back on the door and hugged his legs.
“You’re too good for me...”



A/N : I'm sorry for any gramatical errors. English is not my first language so I'm dead sure I made lotsa mistakes in this writing. I did my best to filter them out before publishing but still... =s

if it's not too much to ask please point them out for me so I can do better for the next chapters. thank you for reading~ ^.^)/


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barawa #1
Chapter 2: Update more author nim...please
daimona #2
Chapter 2: Poor Sehun, to know that even during dates your boyfriend thinks about another one.. Why can't he be loved like he deserves?
barawa #3
Chapter 1: Luhan please love sehun back...dont make sehun just subtitute for lay..update soooooon ne authir nim