M Countdown

How I met Got7

I would like to tell everyone that whenever you see ‘[]’ it means that the person is talking in Korean since I only know basic Korean; Don’t blame me for being a Filipino and not a Korean. Also, this story started after Got7 had their Garage Showcase. Thank you.


January 16 – 15:38 pm
Sangam-dong, Mapo-gu, CJ E&M Center 2nd Floor
M! Countdown Backstage


After a series of sound testing and dance practice on the stage, a group of rookies from JYPE enters the room, sweating due to the practice. A grey-haired boy takes the nearest chair from a table and sits on it, wiping his sweat of with the back of his hand, “[Why am I sweating so much?]” he mumbled as a boy with a cap on walks to him, “[You must be nervous for the show! Kkkkk.]” The boy laugh as the grey-haired one bumps his head, “[Is that suppose to be funny??]”


15:56 pm of the same day – Starbucks across the street of CJ E&M Building.

“Methi, did you know that I always drink Starbucks everyday when I was still in Canada?” Geumji boasts after sipping the decaf on her hand. Methicaya sighs, holding her Chocó latte with both of her hands, “Why did you call me anyway?”

Geumji holds Methicaya’s hands and looks into her eyes, “I bought Got7’s album... and I am going to M Countdown, though Exo will not be there but I will have a chance to meet TVXQ!” Methicaya rolls her eyes and shakes her head, “You’re such a hypocrite. Why join Got7’s fan club when you’ll just go with them to see TVXQ?” Methicaya squints her eyes at Geumji, hoping that Geumji will feel the guilt.

“Wait... you got accepted?” “Yeah, the night that I applied.”


Geumji is with Sae-ryun, walking down the street to their apartment from Starbucks. Both carrying 2 bags filled with cakes and coffee. “I thought you guys were a traditional family?” Geumji tries reaching for bread at the bottom of one of the bags she is carrying, “We are? It’s just, everyone has gotten very busy even last year. That’s all.”

She frowns at Sae-ryun, short yet intriguing reply. “Anyway, Nuna. I want to ask you something...” Sae-ryun pokes Geumji’s shoulder, “What is it?” Her voice sounds like she’s irritated or something. “When you are living in a foreign, you should be somewhat... beautiful right?” “Cut to the point babo.”


“Geumji looks ugly.”


They arrived at their apartment panting with Geumji wearing her ‘not-talking-to-you’ face. Geumji’s Mom was also confused about the two not talking to each other during dinner. Sae-ryun stayed in the living room to watch TV while Geumji walked directly to her room, not talking to anyone.

Geumji sighs and takes the albums she just bought. ‘I really don’t get it. Why would the store keeper give me all 7 of the albums even though I only want to buy one. My money disappeared before my eyes.’

She is about to lie down when her phone vibrates. She quickly sits straight and flips her cell phone open.

“Is this Miss. Yoo?”
“If you’re referring to the one with the first name ‘Geumji’, and that’s me.”
“Congratulations! You have been accepted to join Got7’s official fanclub. They will have a debut stage on January 16th on M Countdown. We will need a few members to help us carry the gifts other Got7 fans want to give to Got7. We will appreciate your cooperation.”
“And, also, you will need to have Got7’s recent album and a printout of their digital release; you can just use any of the other music sites. The staff will be there around 5 to 6 am, depending of the staff themselves. Make sure you will not be late. And oh! You can make lunch for Got7, too, if you want.”
“Umm. I just purchased Got7’s recent album, All 7 of it actually. I’ll just follow up the digital release.”
“Okay. Save this contact number. By the way, my name is Junlee. Annyeong~”

Geumji presses the end button and sighs, looking at the calendar hanging on her wall. ‘January 16th? Tomorrow??’


Geumji’s eyes widen and she looks at Methicaya, “I am late!!”

She drags Methicaya out of the store quickly and run across the street. Geumji quickly looks for her fan club while Methicaya goes in line since she already has a number on her wrist. Earlier of the day, they went to enlist their name since they no longer allow overnight queuing. Geumji came for Got7 and Methicaya came with her. She finds Got7 the best rookie group in 2014 but she also finds Winner a nice boy group too.

Geumji is being scolded by one of the staff for being late and Geumji bows. Methicaya notices some of the members in the fan club that is standing by them are looking at Geumji very intently. ‘I hope Geumji will have a good time.’

“Since you are the latest member that was accepted, you will have the privilege to hand Got7 the lunch boxes that the fans made for them. Make sure you will give these to them,” the beautiful woman hands her the lunch box while she nods. ‘Oh no. I don’t know where M! Countdown is.’ Geumji bites her lower lip and enters the building; one of the guards allows them to enter.


Geumji looks around, her hand shaking. ‘I always thought Music Company buildings are busy… I guess I was right.’

She enters the elevator and presses the 2nd button. The door was about to close when a hand stopped it, the doors revealed a boy with a brown colored hair and a patch of blonde hair as his bangs. “[Hello]” the boy bows at Geumji and enters the elevator.

The boy looks at Geumji and has a curious look in his face. The boy was wearing a black sleeveless shirt over a white long-sleeve, ‘I have to admit that he has a good fashion sense even though it looks a little simple on first look. Maybe this guy is an idol?’ Geumji starts shaking nervously, ‘I know that I may not know this guy but I am freaking lucky to meet a Korean idol! And we’re alone inside of an elevator!”

They arrive on the 2nd floor and everyone is bee-like busy. Geumji is about to ask the boy but the boy quickly walks to the left side and enters a room. “Umm... excuse me. Where is Got7?” Geumji accidentally taps on someone’s shoulder which made the person jump a bit. The person didn’t understand everything Geumji said but she knows who and what is Got7, “[Over there]” the woman points to the direction where the blonde-banged boy went.

17:01 pm – CJ E&M 2nd Floor

Geumji waits outside the room, still carrying the lunch boxes.

After sometime, after gathering all her strength, she knocks on the door and waits for someone to open. “[Yes?]” Geumji assumes that he was the manager and hands him the lunch boxes. “[So, you’re from the fan club? Please, come in.]” Even though she didn’t understand anything, she enters the room and stands by the side of the not-so-tall plant next to the door.

Everyone in the room is also busy. ‘Inside-out, everyone is just… so busy.’

The lunch boxes are really heavy for a girl like her. So, she tries putting herself together and not let the lunch boxes fall.

Geumji notices this column with a group in it. Also, there is a signage with ‘Got7’ in it, so, she walk to it. One of them is very familiar, ‘Oh! He’s the one back in the elevator!’ She gasps behind the lunch boxes. He is not just looking at her, he’s smiling at her!


“[Mark hyung! See that girl over there?]” Bambam pokes the older one who is staring at a blank space. “[Mark hyung!]” The older one looks at him, “[The girl with a pair of black glasses and who’s wearing a white baggy shirt with pair of black tight pants?]” “[Yes! I think she wants to give those boxes to us!]” “[Stop dreaming, Bambam.]”

The other members notices Geumji, too but never did the that thought crosses their mind.


Geumji sighs and approaches them. “Umm... um... Anni-yong-hah-sey-yow...” Geumji nervously bows at them and smiles, ‘AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. They’ll see my ugly face. IM SORRY!’ One of them puffs but no one laughed. “Do you speak Korean?” the boy with a cap on asks her as Geumji puts down the boxes on the table. “No but I am still learning it,” Her nervousness kind of lessen after hearing someone talk in English, ‘Thank God! For sending an English-speaker in front of me!’

All of them stand straight and gathers around the food, “So, where did this came from?” Jackson asks her again, “I was sent her by that beautiful Eoni down there. These are lunch boxes made by the fans, Hope you guys will enjoy them,” Her voice sound plain, no hint of excitement.

“[Lunch for us??]” One boy smiles at himself, “[Yes, Yugyeom. Thanks!]” The grey-haired boy looks at Geumji and smiles. “He said Thank you, by the way,” Bambam grins.


After taking pictures, they open the lunch boxes and eats. (A/n: You could refer to this pic: Got7)

“[I was so tired! And hungry!]” Another guy exclaims, “[Yah! Youngjae! Don’t talk when your mouth is full! You look ugly!]” The guy with a state that made everyone else laugh, except for Geumji, “[kkkk Jackson hyung, you look ugly too!]” Bambam points after eating a spoonful.

Geumji bows down and turns around, “Hey! At least introduce yourself!” a red-haired boy holds her hand, stopping her from walking. “[I think she is not interested in us!]” Youngjae jokes. “[Psh! She wouldn’t come here and hand lunch boxes to us if she has no interest in us! Stupid!]” Jackson strikes back, “[Youngjae hyung is kind of right, though. I kind of feel that she’s not interested...]” Yugyeom continues eating.

‘It’s not like that! I mean, yes I have no interest in you but this is just a big blur!’

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