A new beginning?

Everything turned into Nothing




His name rung in my head continuously. Why? I don't know either.

His face flashed in my mind. The soft hazel eyes and dark hair. Ever so handsome. His smile stained my heart and soul. Why?

His voice of kindness and gentleness, hammering at the ice of my heart. Why?

I don't know.

Jae helped me. Jae did everything. And Jae was only 3 years older.

Why did I care? Why did I bother?

Why do such memories stain my mind? I don't know.

Why do I keep thinking about him? I don't know.

I don't know. I don't know. I don't know a thing. Does it matter? Ignorance is bliss, might as well forget the unimportant bits and pieces to fit the damned jigsaw of life.

Jae. The sweet smile on his face. The light tones of his hazel brown hair. So sweet. So sweet. Like candy. His brown hair with blond edges. The soft hair.


He's...cute. No doubt. But... I can't like him. He deserves better.

He does. And who knows why, that thought hurt my heart.

And I don't know why either.

Back to school. After the fated meeting.

Jae. I almost wanted to wave at him. And I realised, he wouldn't recognise me. After all, who would know an insignificant dumb girl like me...?

What a jerk. Idiot. Loser The hurting thoughts of my classmates flitted through my mind. Sigh. Was it really good to read minds, when all you get is the truth, nothing but the truth? Ignorance is bliss.

She's cute.

The thought came. My eyes widened. Impossible...Jae turned around.

Don't look at me, I don't know how to face you. When you're the bestbestbest guy in this school...? I can't.

There she is His thoughts scared me.

I ran away, heart thumping, just like how a bunny would run from a predator. Scared. Coward. I don't mind that. I panted lightly.

Creep. She's here. That loser piggie. I looked down, depressed, yet more thoughts. Over and over. Again and again. 

Why are you there? You're just nothing to me. Nothing. Don't be so nice to me. Look, it's hurting us both...

But still, his name won't go away.

Jae. And his pretty hair.

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omo omom gratz on ur first fic ever!!! :D AND I LOVE YOUR STYLE OF WRITING! you should write more stories! oh and update soon!^^