Raisin Cookies

Raisin Cookies

It was late Friday afternoon at the airport and Lee Sungmin is getting really irritated because his flight is delayed. 

"Every single time I come to this stupid airport, my flight always ends up being delayed!" Sungmin spat. But it's not like he's going to let his irritation ruin his day after all, he is going to see his mom who he hasn't seen for two years now. If only his mom would pick up his calls.

Sungmin stopped by at the Starbucks in the airport to get himself a cup of coffee and stopped at a cookie stand to buy a bag of raisin cookies. He plopped down on a seat in front of the giant screen where all the flights are shown. "Urgh 30 more minutes." Sungmin sighed. He opened up his messenger bag and grabbed his newly bought book called "The Fault in Our Stars" by John Green. 


Moments after a tall good-looking guy sat beside him and smiled. Sungmin gave him a fake smile and went back to reading his book. 

"Great book you're reading there,” the man sitting beside Sungmin said.

“Oh I know,” Sungmin simply replied. “My sister bought this book for me. She’s a huge fan of John Green.” Sungmin took a raisin cookie from the bag beside him and decided to ignore the man.

As Sungmin turned to the next page of the book, he noticed that the man took a raisin cookie from the bag. He glared at the man, but the man only smiled back. “I’m Kyuhyun by the way. Cho Kyuhyun.”

“I seriously don’t care,” Sungmin said in his mind, then went back to reading. But he couldn’t focus on the book because the so-called man Cho Kyuhyun kept on taking a cookie from the bag. “Seriously I’m about to punch this guy on the face,” Sungmin whispered to himself.

As the clock keeps ticking, Cho Kyuhyun kept munching on the raisin cookies. With each cookie that Sungmin took from the bag, Kyuhyun did the same. Irritation filled Sungmin’s thoughts. He wondered what the man would do with the last cookie. Sungmin took one last sip of his coffee, then closed his book as he was getting ready to leave. He reached in to the cookie bag at the same time Kyuhyun did and the both looked at each other.

One man was looking at the other with a smile on his face, and the other man was looking at the other ready to snatch the last cookie away. Can you guess which one is which?

Sungmin pulled on the last raisin cookie and it broke in half.

Kyuhyun took the other half with a grin and just as he was about to bite on the cookie, Sungmin snatched the other half and stuffed it in his mouth. “Didn’t your parents ever teach you to ask for permission first before taking anything?” Sungmin snapped at Kyuhyun while munching on the cookie. “If this wasn’t just a cookie, I would have reported you to security.”

Lee Sungmin grabbed his carry-on luggage, and his messenger bag, and walked as fast and furious as he could to his designated gate.


“This is seriously not the way I planned it to be,” Sungmin complained to the flight attendant after taking his passport and ticket back.

“We are terribly sorry for the delay, Mr. Lee,” the flight attendant responded.

“Oh trust me; you guys are not the problem. Men these days are getting bolder, huh?” Sungmin asked. The flight attendant simply smiled.


“Mom, how hard is it to answer the phone?” Sungmin uttered over the phone while stuffing his carry-on luggage in the overhead bin. He sank down on his seat and rolled his eyes. “You are definitely not that old to be walking towards the telephone that slowly.”

“You know I have back pains!” His mother retorted over the phone making Sungmin laugh.

“Hey mom, you are never going to believe what happened today. There was this man—“

“Excuse me.” Sungmin almost dropped his phone when he saw the man that was standing next to him.

“Mom, I’ll call you back.” After Sungmin ended the call with his mom, he stared at the man he thought he was never going to see again.

“Can I sit down on my seat?” Kyuhyun asked.

“No,” Sungmin rudely replied.

“Well, I can’t do anything about the seating arrangement here.”

Sungmin stared blankly at Kyuhyun for at least a minute or two before finally letting him sit down. “You know I still have not forgiven you for eating my cookies.”

“Actually, those were my cookies.” Kyuhyun smirked.

“Yeah right.” Sungmin was officially determined to just ignore this man. He has decided that Kyuhyun is not worth his time. Sungmin opened his messenger bag and his mouth dropped in awe.

There inside his bag was a bag of freshly baked raisin cookies staring right at him waiting to be eaten. Sungmin raised his head to take a glance at Kyuhyun who was grinning from ear to ear.

“See, I told you those were my cookies,” the tall man commented.

“I…” Sungmin was at lost for words. He feels so humiliated. All this time, he was eating another man’s cookies. All this time, all the other man did was share those scrumptious cookies. Lee Sungmin realized in grief, that he was the rude one. “I’m really sorry,” Sungmin apologized in despair.

“It’s okay,” Cho Kyuhyun replied with a giggle. “Is it weird that this is only my second time flying but I always come to this airport just to buy cookies from that stand?”

Sungmin snickered. “Yeah, that’s weird.” He pulled out his bag of raisin cookies from his messenger bag and opened it. “It would be uncivilized of me if I don’t offer you some of my cookies,” Sungmin offered.

Kyuhyun merely shook his head and lightly pushed the bag of cookies closer to Sungmin. “No thank you. I’ve had enough.”

Sungmin cleared his throat as he put the cookies back in his messenger bag. “So, where are you off to?”


“Mr. Cho, I know you’re going to Chicago.”

Kyuhyun smiled.

Sungmin smiled.

“Mr. Lee, your hands are very soft.” Kyuhyun grabbed Sungmin’s hand and clasped it in his.

“Do you mind if I take you out for dinner when we land in Chicago?” Sungmin initiated.

Kyuhyun made a bold move of kissing the back of Sungmin’s hand. “You know I don’t mind.”

A blush spread across Sungmin’s face and they both smiled.










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Chapter 1: such a daebak story ! <3
Chapter 1: Adwedrdgddgg cutiee cutiee...
I got a tootache..
This is too sweet... ♥♥
Chapter 1: Rude Sungmin.
At least Kyuhyun forgive him. Hehehe.
Sungmin did really know his fault.
If I were Kyuhyun, I would kiss Sungmin on his lips. Lol.

Adorable KM fic. ^_____^
Chapter 1: Haha sungmin its nice kyu wasnt mad at you bcos u ate his cookies and your y attitude toward him .. Even he told you your hand are really soft! Hahaha

Good story :3
Chapter 1: kekeke~ so cuuuuute :">
inlove137 #6
Chapter 1: Like this story :))
Chapter 1: Awww~ so cute!! Lol minnie.. How clumsy of you.. Lucky that kyu is kind enough to share his cookies :p
Love it!! Won't you join the kyumin ff contest with this story??
fygaeming #8
Chapter 1: can't stop giggling while i read this :DDD this is too adorable ><
aichan #9
Chapter 1: ahahahihihih...this is so nice...simple but lovely...
bedhairrrr #10
Chapter 1: Love this^^ nice story :)