That Is Us.

・Hot Chocolate and Marshmallows・JongKey Drabble・

Why are you so beautiful?

Laying there with the gentle moonlight caressing your soft skin.

Beside me.

How on Earth did I manage to capture such an exotic creature?

You're inhuman. You're just too damn perfect.

Why.....I can't help but to wonder.

Why did you choose me?

I'm a goof.


A playboy with anger issues.

But you chose me.


A person above me.





They don't even begin to describe you.

I will never be able to describe you.

For, your charms have no limits.

Just like your eyes, as they cutely blink open to gaze at me.

Your sharp feline eyes.

They're endless.

Like the night sky a little boy stares up into dreamily.

Those very eyes that called out to me.

That needed me.

You needed me.

I may never know why you chose ME, but you needed someone.

To be your support.



And now you have me.

You snuggle closer and I grin as your arm lazily drapes over my bare torso.

Just like how I have you.

You, the reason as to why I keep standing.

I stare down at our entwined fingers.

I'm amazed.

Two opposites.

Opposite personalities.

Opposite appearances.

Opposite worlds.

Yet. We are one.

My rustic tan skin.

Your angelic pale skin.


But, they suit each other.

An alluring contrast, you and I.

Yen and Yang.

Isn't it strange, Kibummie?

How two parts of one soul can be so different.

And yet they complete each other?

As I stare transfixed onto our hands.

It reminds me of the hot cocoa we had on our trip to that ski lodge.

Dark....with light.

I, the bitter-sweet chocolate mixture.

I, that wouldn't be complete.

Or perfect.

Without you.

The insanely sweet marshmallow.

Alone, they are just fine.

But together, they are even better.


Hot chocolate and marshmallows.

That is you and I.

That is us.

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Chapter 1: Awwww :3 You just made me melt like marshmallows in hot chocolate...hehe, see what I did there? :3 Anyway, amazing work! :)