Author's Note

Can You Be Mine?

I have to  say I love role reversals and dorky Yifan. This plot was inspired from a movie, I can't remember the name orz. And Luhan is well--sassy. Because I'm a strong HunHan and Xiuhan shipper so this happened. I couldn't imagine Luhan being a dork like Yifan soooo he had to be popular right? XD 


Well excuse me for my corniness. I added lots of scientific pick up lines I'm so sorry omfg. I really like this story so I hope you do too~ I'm not forcing you ಠ_ಠ







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Chapter 1: i thought the sentence should be "If you were oxygen(water), I would be an alkali metal so I could get in you and explode" bc alkali metal explode in reaction with water , errr ? right ?
Chapter 1: This is so adorable and i love the dork persona of kris since kris is always pictured as a cool baddass playboy rich mofo.

This is just too adorable omeji
The glasses makes you look like a claustrophobic introvert while contact lenses makes you feel like a party zebra. - As someone who wears glasses, I totally agree with this lmao. Aight. Gonna start reading now xD
noname022 #4
Chapter 1: kyaaaa~ totally daebak.... KRISHO makes me crazy... and naughty chanbaek there... kyahahaha.
Luhan u two timer deer... :D
thanksssss for the story...^^
Chapter 6: FIXED THE LINK ALREADY ^_^ kekeke
Chapter 6: I'm sorry, but the link is... well it says the ID is invalid?
rhapsodyofnothingnes #7
Chapter 6: I can't open the link dear...
fania-aiza #8
Chapter 1: This is such a good story...I love krisho...It's a shame that girl plagiarize this, this is your hard work, and for her to just copy it, it's just wrong, but it's already been reported so...hope everything is fine :)...Love this sory btw.
Chapter 2: hahaha I really like this story! and I like all the relations to that book, whatever it was called xD it was so funny