Such a Crybaby

Our Love Story...


Droplets of rain are pouring down, and it's been 2 hours already. It seems like sky is crying now, like exactly what happen to my mind.

Why it's always raining these days? 

I sighed as I stared outside my class.

Yeah I'm sitting nicely in my class now, nothing to see except the only grey clouds and the rain that never stop flowing. If the rains still pouring, I won't be able to get home since I walked to school this morning.

I sighed. I'm too bored to even hear those mathematics--those matrix explanation from Mr. Kim, too not concentrate since there are so many obstacles hovering my mind.

It's Monday today. The day after Sunday, obviously. Which the last Sunday--yesterday, I met my only one in my heart, Hae.

We kissed. 

He kissed my forehead, my eyes, my cheek, my lips.

Um, actually, I'm the one who stopped him from leaving and kissed him instead but luck is not sided with me, because I couldn't stop my overflowing tears as if I am a crybaby which I really am.

I just missed him too much I don't even able to pretend I let him go.

And maybe now it's impossible for him to not thinks that I love him, if he really a genius. I kissed him 2 times for god's sake!

He said that he loves me.

Why he can't realize my actual feeling for him? 
I hate this condition. I felt like my tears almost wet my eyes once again as suddenly I heard a whispers near me since I don't know exactly where it comes from.

"aish, I didn't understand this. Can you teach me, Vic?"

I raised my brows. Vic? Hell, why did I always hear their conversation, Krystal and Victoria? It seems like they always sat near me. Or maybe I just too sensitive hearing Vic's name? Aish. Never mind.

"that's okay, I can teach you,"

I rolled my eyes. Yeah she's nice and pretty and smart. Hae deserve it. Hae really does.

"you want to come to my house after school? You have to try my mom's cooking. And we can study together!" Krystal offered.

"umm, it's a great idea but... I don't think I can... I had a promise to meet someone,"

"is it Hae oppa? A date?"

I want to slap for mentioning his name everytime I heard her talk. Even Victoria didn't say anything about him!

"ah, no... Not him. Besides, it's not a date,"

I felt I sighed in relieve unconsciously. At least she's not really having a date with Hae.

But... Wait. 

Still, Hae will come to fetch her right?
Or he already knew that Victoria will have an appointment with someone else?

Or maybe... Hae will come with her?


I was too busy suspecting any idea about Hae that popped out to my mind that I don't even realize that those mathematics explanation has stopped and there's no teacher in front of the class. Aish, mr. Kim has already left and I didn't even catch a word from him. What I see on the whiteboard is just numbers, random letters and a bit of words that I don't even know what it means.



I glance outside the window again. The rain is still as hard as before, even harder. Aish, i hope it can stop when the school time over, since now is only the lunch time.



“finally done, let’s go eat, Vic!” Krystal suddenly squealed behind me, making my heart skipped a beat everytime I heard that name.




I guess I have to check where to sit from now on.









Rain still pouring down and school time is already over by now. And it’s already late.


Aish, why the hell I don’t bring my umbrella?



Suddenly my mind flew back to yesterday.


It’s rain hard too,


But soft.



He saw me crying again.


Such a crybaby.



Fortunately, I’m still feeling well even I’ve been washed by those droplets of rains yesterday and I hope Hae’s fine too, since in the end he left me, without anything covering his head to prevent it from being hit by those cloud’s tears.



I sighed as I lying uncomfortably on library’s couch. All of the Fox has gone home now and it’s only me who’s still stuck inside school. This rain seems like never stop. Aish, why I refuse Siwon and Kibum’s offer earlier? maybe I already got home now.



But my heart seems uneasy, after a scene I saw earlier.







School time is almost over now, but I know I have to wait a little longer since it’s still raining hard. I hope the rain will end soon.


I glance around class. It’s a bit noisy here because there’s no teacher.



Before I could join anyone for a chat or doing something that can kill time, suddenly the last bell of the day rang and makes almost everyone cheered happily as they stood up to go home or maybe even have a date with someone they loved.





I stood up lazily from my seat while my mind is planning of what to do and maybe just choose to sleep or read in the library. Suddenly I heard someone squealed.


“Bye~!! Careful, Vic!!”



Aish, Krystal.


I’ve chose to move my seat not really close to them both now even earlier, I didn’t even know I was close to them.


Hmm, Victoria has left so maybe… Hae already come to fetch her.



But never mind that.


He’s no one for me.


Even we’re already kissed. 3 times.


Even he loves me.


But we’re nobodies for each other.



Even I love him too.



Yah, stop thinking about that, monkey. It will makes your heart suffers even more and you won’t be able to hold your tears again.



I walked along the corridor towards the library to kill time there. I really want to go home but of course, again, the rain is still as hard as few hours ago.


What if the rain will never stop for today and it will go on until night? Maybe I’ll just run to home.



When I was about to entered the library, I unconsciously stared down to the front gate from here and… there’s a scene.


Okay, it’s not an important scene but…



It’s Hae.


With Victoria.


Okay, as usual and it’s not an unusual thing anymore, but… usually, Victoria just walks to Hae’s car without even bother to talked first.


I stared at Hae.



Is it wrong to still keeping the same feeling everytime I saw his face?


I admit, I see them on purpose almost everyday. But… he just don’t know it. and I don’t think need to know, tough.



And everytime I saw him with Victoria… below one umbrellalike this,


My heart is undeniably hurt.


I know I shouldn’t see him because it will only hurt me.



But I can’t help it.



Victoria is still talking with Hae, I don’t know what they are talking about but… with their position exactly on the front gate… aren’t they going to talk somewhere else since they’re blocking the way?


I still stared blankly at them when suddenly,



Hae curved a little smile.


Really, it’s a little smile. Maybe even Victoria didn’t realize his smile,



But I know he’s smiling.





What makes him smile?


Is he happy?



I felt jealous.


I know it’s selfish, but I just… I never saw him smile when facing Victoria. Never ever. Even it’s only a slight smile, even the smile is different with the charming smile I saw yesterday, I never saw him smile because of her.



My heart broke.


Aish, why am I so sensitive?


I force myself to look away from him and just stared around. My feet is refusing to leave this spot and just enter the library instead, but at least I can stop looking to his direction.



I suddenly don’t want to go home.








I stood up. My feeling is really a mess.


Why am I being so sensitive today? Okay, it’s already since days ago but still, I hardly smile these days.


I already a bit happy because I met Hae and kissed with him yesterday but today he makes me feel heartbroken again because of I saw his smile.


Okay stop it.


You’re just too much, Lee Hyukjae.



It’s only a smile for heaven’s sake.


A super tiny little smile.



I don’t even know where they are now—Hae and Victoria since I managed to walked inside the library because Xiah called me just when I’m trying really hard to not stared at them.


And when I just about entered the library, of course I steal a glance towards them,


But they already gone.



Ah, just let it be.


Don’t think about that.


Hae’s making me pissed off. Huh! He actually dares to smile to her—aish, Hyukjae!



I walked around the library to find at least an interesting book but nothing interest me now, I just not in mood to read. So I got back to the corner and stared at my watch.


4.30 PM. Am I stay that long?  Aish!


I should go home, but—




I ran a little to outside.




The rain has stopped!



I could go home now.











Hyukjae stepped slowly outside the library, about to get home. It looks like already super late becausethe sky still is showing the dark face of it, since it's just raining but fortunately, the rain has stopped.



Fukuura High School already lack of students and even teachers, due to the school hours that already ended since couple of hours ago. That concluding Hyukjae is the only--with a very few students he doesn't really know--student that still wandering around school.



He sighed as he walked only with himself. True, he rarely bring his car with him anymore even from his house to Fukuura, it took for about 30 minutes walking. He never uses his car anymore after he moved from his old school. And yet, he managed to make Donghae as his servant so he can just leave the car inside his house’s garage and let Donghae fetch him everyday.



But everyone knew either that those moments, has already ended.



Hyukjae knew that too and even a little regret in his heart do exist, he always tries to think that those decision he made was the best for him and Donghae.



He stepped outside Fukuura building and was heading to the gate as his mind keep playing those sinful scene which is showing the little smile of Donghae to Victoria that is causing great jealousy for Hyukjae.



He felt anger is growing inside him without him even know why. He just feels irritated yet mad remembering the guy who corrupted his mind. But most of all, he just feel one thing.



He’s jealous.


Really jealous, even he had tried in extremely hard way, forcing himself to not think about Donghae but he still can’t wipe those heartburning feelings.



At first he’s refusing to go home and just doze off from his tiredness in library rather than letting out a tear because of that guy.


But as expected, of course he can’t sleep or even take a short nap considering Donghae who has now making his life like a mess. Fortunately the rain had stopped, and Hyukjae now be able to go home as soon as he can as what he only wants is a hot shower and maybe a cup of instant ramen which still can make him feel like reborn, due to the cold weather today.



Suddenly, after he had passed the gate, he stopped walking as his eyes widened and jaw hanged open shockingly.



Seconds has passed and by that time, he finally brought back to consciousness as he tidy up his expression and give a cold stare instead.



“What are you doing here?”



The latter just chuckled by Hyukjae’s surprised and show him a smile that can make Hyukjae lost his breath.



“I want to see you,”



Hyukjae’s eyes narrowed. The feeling in his heart become more messy than it should be. He’s happy, of course. But not forgetting the last feeling that exist in his heart, he’s dissapointed, sad, irritated and he’s jealous. Still, worried formed out of nowhere in his heart forcing him to finally responded again.


“But Hae, it’s raining,”



Donghae smiled. He’s leaning on the wall in such a very cool way a cool guy can do, and from his posture, someone can tell that he’s already been here for a long time, and of course the reason is obvious.


He’s waiting for Hyukjae.



“the rain didn’t fell under me,” He muttered and looked up. Yes, the small cubic of roof on the wall-gate is enough to make him covered, so he can still wait for Hyukjae without getting wet because of the rain.



Hyukjae sighed as he realize he’s feeling relieved knowing Donghae didn’t hit by the rain and those irritated feeling came out once again. He turned around and back to what he wanted to do before, go home.



“whatever. Now that you’ve seen me, I’m going,” he said blankly and left Donghae behind. To his surprise, Donghae didn’t answer him any single word so he just let him be, even the urge to see him again and even hug him is so huge, but due to his feeling before, he tried to ignore those.



Before even a minute of walking has passed, he felt something weird. So he decided to look back and what he’s expected is coming true.


“yah, don’t follow me!” he exclaimed and unconsciously showed a little pout with his red lips right after saw that Donghae is walking by 2 meters behind him.



Donghae giggled in cheerfulness, makes Hyukjae heart stopped because of the butterfly feelings. “Who’s following you? I’m not,” he said still showing his soft smile.



When Hyukjae just want to argue, he felt like he’s gonna blush so due to that, he stop and just turn back towards his house instead. “you are,” he whispered a bit loud so that Donghae can heard it.



He walked again calmly, hoping Donghae is vanished from his back as he stopped for the second time right after 3 minutes has passed. He turned back again and sighed.


“I said don’t follow me,”



Donghae smiled again with his cheerful like a kid smile, looking deeply to Hyukjae’s eyes even in a distance. “I said I’m not following you, Hyukkie. Are you forgot where my house is?”



Hyukjae blinked, like remembering the location of Donghae’s house that’s obviously near his own house. He just sighed in shame and decided to turn back and ignore Donghae since those pissed off feelings is still exist in his heart.



Cold breeze is blowing through Hyukjae because of the last rain, and it makes Hyukjae’s body shivered. How he wished he brought a jacket instead of an umbrella since he’s feeling cold right now.


But then he remembered a guy behind him. Now he didn’t stop his steps, but just peeked at Donghae through his shoulder. The latter just raised his brows without removing his cute smile from his lips and asked. “what’s wrong?”



Something caught Hyukjae’s eyes. Donghae was supposed to be cold, but a white jacket is obviously on his right hand. That makes Hyukjae confused but choose to not asked instead and throw his gaze back to the road.



Donghae puffed his cheek from behind and looking around on the road. He picked something and smiled again as he throw it so it will rolled beside Hyukjae and make Hyukjae realized it.


Hyukjae stopped and glance at the pebble beside him before he glared at Donghae again. but Donghae just giggling again as if he was lack of affections.



Hyukjae found it really cute, because it’s obvious that Donghae is searching for attention. He can’t help it but smile a bit before he finally walked again and back to ignoring the guy behind him.



But after 5 minutes walking, suddenly the wild storm appears loudly and shockingly, the rain come out again all of the sudden before Hyukjae and Donghae could realize it.



Hyukjae got panicked, he stared around but he can’t found where to take shelter for awhile when suddenly he felt something covered his head as he caught the appearance of someone beside him and standing really close to him, the guy who held his jacket to covered Hyukjae’s and his head.



“Let’s run, baby,”



Hyukjae still can’t realize what happened but he ran instead with Donghae, even both of them didn’t actually know where to go since their house is still far away.



They ran to a bus stop but unfortunately, the bus stop is incredibly full of people so they decided to run to other way. It goes on for 10 minutes and Hyukjae have found his laughter back by those clumsiness Donghae was making. He almost tripped, almost slipped and fall, but everytime Hyukjae about to slipped, Donghae always there to held him, preventing him not to fall.



Finally, they managed to found an empty old bus stop out of nowhere and decided to stop there until the rain has stopped.


Donghae tripped again and this time he’s unable to steadying his step so he fell on his , making Hyukjae laughed. “careful Hae…” he said while laughing as Donghae pouted while rubbing his . Hyukjae helped him to stand up and that makes Donghae smiled again, making Hyukjae stopped laughing and even didn’t show any smile.



Donghae raised his brows. “Why stopped smiling, baby? Finally you laughed, right? I want to hear your laugh more,” he smiled.



Hyukjae face’s flushed and he just stared down shyly. Unfortunately, the bus stop’s roof is not that perfect anymore since it’s old and that makes the droplets of rain leaking down, hitting their head. Donghae’s spreading his jacket again and covering their  head like they did on the way here.



“Not a very good place,” he murmured while pouting as his hands were busy covering their head with his jacket.


Hyukjae chuckled. “at least we are not that wet,”


Donghae nodded. They stared at the empty road in front of them while waiting for the rain to stop, but unfortunately, the rain is pouring harder as if it annoys both of them. It looks like the rain won’t stop.



Hyukjae’s body is trembling due to the cold weather. Donghae notice it, and he wrapped his arm around Hyukjae’s shoulder and make his eyes widened.



“I hope I can make you warm a bit, Hyukkie,”



The latter just stared down. Actually, the way Donghae warming Hyukjae’s body is more than enough to make him feel warm. He can feel Donghae’s love very clearly and that makes Hyukjae’s heart bloomed as he instantly forgot his coldness.



Donghae’s warm is undeniable for him.


He wants to say something to Donghae since the only sounds that came into his ears is only the sound of rain hitting the ground, but he ended up just staring at Donghae’s face.


A handsome figure beside him, who’s staring at the road blankly with hand’s around Hyukjae’s body and the other hand was securing his jacket so it will covered their head. Feeling to be seen, Donghae turned and caught Hyukjae’s staring at him intently.


Hyukjae didn’t turn his gaze away, so Donghae decided to show his smile to Hyukjae, hoping the latter will smile back at him. But Hyukjae just startled, lock his eyes with Donghae’s and still didn’t show any smile.


He’s observing Donghae’s eyes without the latter knowing and he swears that he caught sadness, not slight, but it’s an obvious sadness in his eyes, between his smiles as if those sadness were permanent and can’t be removed.



Hyukjae’s stares goes down to his lips. Those soft lips that brought him happiness with words that coming out from it, saying how much Donghae’s love him and kiss him, it makes Hyukjae wants to kiss those lips so much.



Donghae stared at Hyukjae’s eyes, wanting to know what’s Hyukjae looking for but then, Hyukjae was looking at his eyes.



They’re staring to each other’s eyes for only God’s know how long, and as if they were being hypnotized by each other’s eyes,


They leaned closer.




And kissed each other’s lips, while both of their eyes closed, enjoying each other.




It’s the first time they kissed each other.


Those kisses they did earlier are started by only one of them, one time it’s Donghae, another time Hyukjae. But this time,



They willingly do it at the same time.



The sound of rain’s dropping, hit the wet grounds, slight storm in a far distance, sound of jacket dropping, they become a slight beautiful melodies for both of them.


Donghae cupped Hyukjae’s face with his both hands. He can’t stand it anymore.


The love for Hyukjae is getting stronger day by day and it’s the same with his confused feeling for him of why Hyukjae always show that he loves him when he said he’s not.



Donghae’s still feeling doubt.


They continued to kissed in a incomparable passionate way, as Donghae to Hyukjae’s lips and sneaked his tongue inside Hyukjae’s mouth.


They tongue are battled with each other, searching for dominance until Hyukjae finally melted into the passionate-become-hot kiss as he clenched to Donghae’s shirt tightly not wanting to let go.


They pulled the kiss apart because of lack of oxygen, but right when they stared at each other’s eyes again as they panting hard, the urge of kissing is coming back again with great desire. So they pushed themselves into each other embrace once again, feeling each other’s delicious lips as if they hope this time will last forever.



Hyukjae opened his eyes a bit between the kiss, and he caught Donghae’s eyes is half-opened in a y way for him, but then he saw that those sadness are getting more obvious in Donghae’s eyes, making him pulled himself from the kiss and cupped Donghae’s face.



Donghae gave him questioning look, but Hyukjae just gave him a little smile as he kissed Donghae’s cheek before he finally release Donghae and throw his gaze to the road once again.



Donghae just silent and follow Hyukjae’s gaze, but there’s nothing.



Long silence.



They now don’t care about those droplets of rain that hitting their head repeatedly because Donghae’s jacket is now lying on the ground and Donghae didn’t bother to take it now since those confused feeling is owned him so much.



He can’t stand this silence.


He wants to talk to Hyukjae about anything, about his feeling, his condition, how’s his school now, does he eat well, something unimportant is fine, since he just want to heard Hyukjae talked.



He sighed in desperate, looking far away.




“I love you,”




Right when that sentence came out, a huge thunder’s sounds appear in between and obviously covering those words.



Donghae stared at Hyukjae as Hyukjae still didn’t see him because of shocked of what happened.




“What did you say, Hyukkie?”




Hyukjae stunned before he sighed.


Everything is useless for him.







“No, tell me. That storm is really loud I can’t heard anything,”



Hyukjae shook his head, closing his eyes. “No, Hae,”





He glance at Donghae’s face and found Donghae’s eyes are staring to Hyukjae’s with full of pleads. He knows he really want to repeat that sentence again, but something held him.


So he just smiled bitterly, looking away.







“I said, I want to go home,”



Donghae startled. Doubt is really clear in his eyes but he can’t ask for it anymore since he just forced Hyukjae to say it one more time. So he just asked, “Really?”



Hyukjae nodded without stared back at Donghae.





In the corner of his eyes,



Those tears are forming.











Hae cupped my face as he smiled at me super charmingly. Then he leaned closer, so there’s no gap between our lips anymore.



“Hae—mmh,” I gasped as he bit my lower lip softly.



I round my arms on his neck, pulling him closer as I welcomed his tongue inside my mouth and make it battling with mine. I can feel he’s smiling between the kiss.


“I love you,” he whispered then kissed me again. I felt happy as he kissed me lovingly.



His hand were on my waist as his kiss become lower and now moving to my neck, bit and it.


“mm… H-hae…” I moaned as he keep my neck and make hickeys on it. I suddenly feel hot when I feel his hand was sneaking down on my back.


Omo. What’s he touching?



“H-Hae… what are—mmmh,” He cut my sentence by placing back his lips on mine again.




Suddenly, Hae pulled out the kiss, made me feel loss and I opened my eyes.


But he’s not there anymore.



I search and search for him anywhere I could find, but I found nothing.


Finally, I caught a figure.








He’s with someone.



A girl?


What are they doing?






It’s Victoria.


I know it.





What are they doing?





They hugged.





Before I could do anything, suddenly I felt unconscious.



And I woke up.



It’s.. it’s a dream.




Aish, what’s that dream about?


Me making out with Hae… but then, he disappear and after I found him again, he’s already hugged with Victoria.



I felt my head is dizzy.


Maybe it’s because yesterday.



I’m having fun yesterday, with Hae. And… oh, I confessed to him.

But yeah, he didn’t hear it as the sound of big storms jarring and covering my sentence.



I sighed.


We kissed again.


But why are his sad eyes?



I don’t understand.



I got up from my bed, while my head is recalling those scenes yesterday. Hae even accompany me home when it’s almost 7 PM already. And now, I already missed him.



Haven’t he realize my own feeling?


I kissed him and hug him many times and give affections, but why he still didn’t realize that I love him?


Should I tell him?








Damn, I shouldn’t.



I forgot about his dad.



Maybe…. I’ll just.. ugh, maybe I’ll just ignore Hae from now on.


I don’t want to lose myself and confessed again.


I’m afraid.





---Fukuura High School, Lunch Hour




I sipped my favorite drink—strawberry milk that I bought from cafeteria earlier, and now I was heading to the library, enjoying little snack I bought.


Hmm.. Where is Xiah?



Isn’t he supposed to meet me?


Yeah, after Hae’s not clinging to me, I always be with Xiah. Maybe he knows how sad I am so… yah, he always accompany me since then.



After I arrive to the library to eat my bread, I didn’t found Xiah, but I do found another preference of someone. Err, it’s 2 person to be exact.



It’s Victoria,










What the hell.




“oppa, open your mouth pleasee~?” she asked acting cute to Hae as her hand offering him a bite of sandwich.



I felt something stab my chest.



Suddenly, Victoria saw me as Hae saw me too, and shocked were all over his face. But not Victoria.


“oh, Hyuk oppa. You don’t mind I eat lunch here, do you? We need place to be alone. Besides… there’re no Fox members here,” She said smiling to me which I saw her smile is really disgusting.



I glance at Hae, expecting him to say something but what shocked me is…




He just stared down without even staring at me.



I felt something suffocating in my throat.



“So, oppa, do you mind? We need to have private time together as our engagement will be held this Saturday,”


My eyes widened.



This Saturday?




I want to release my tears.




I felt abandoned.



Hae kissed me, hug me, protect me, bring back my happiness yesterday.


But why?



Why he didn’t tell me?



I just  muttered a “whatever,” and leave them as my tears is ready to flow down to my cheek. But when I arrived outside and closed library’s door, I felt no tears coming out.



It’s too hurt.



Suddenly I realize something.



The moment earlier…





Isn’t it exactly like my dream?



But this is the dream…





With no kissing scene.








[a/n]: I swear I didn't mean to make angsty one....


Hyuk's having naughty but bad dream... lol~

tell me what do you think about this chap...

just don't mad at me........... >_<




crilleray: what ;_; don't hate me~~ i'm sorry TT aish idk why i always write sad chapter.....
sheyro90: kyaaaa *hugs back* XD sorryyy for make you suffer :(((
Hyura_90: lol yeah super junior in mission!! let's just see about it~ kkk they are always be superman~ anyway, thank you!
superELFmaps: thank you!! i'll write one ~ kkk XD
tsmheartzxcyou: *nods* patience is golden! XD i'm sorry this is not really soon... i hope you like eunhae moment here~ kkk
23panching: ah do u like it? XDDD thanks for reading~
nininguyen50: i...i don't mean to make you guys cry! ;__; mianhae~
Cutie_forever: kyaaa I successfully made you looked like some crazy person? huahahaha~ I'll make those chapter later, ok? XD
hearthae: i swear I apologize for making u cry.... huaaa kamu juga orang indo? kyaaaaaaaaa~! XDDD another indonesian~~~
LollZipopZo: huahaha yep yesung is a stalker lol XD let's hope for their happiness~
silverfish: ah, mianhae DX but i'm glad you love it! ^^ sorry i'm not updating that soon..........
EunHaePerfecteristic: kkk~ let's see about that!just hope those boys will make eunhae happier~
DredhezRei: o-oh, it isn't? how about this one? XD thank you! i think i've failed that hahahaha *depressed*
Naui_Hae : you...are not crying again rite? i hope you won't use those tissue... i don't mean to make u cry~~
kikiiovesmusic10: kyaaa onnie! i made another kiss in this chap kkk~ sorry I can't update that soon D: thank you onnie for reading!!! are you feeling well now?
_eunhee89: i'm trying to read as i heard that song but the result is.... I just concentrate with Hyuk and Hae's voice and squealing hahahha -_-
uuleunhaecloudy : pabo hae? kkk~ hope they can save eunhae~~~~ thanks for reading onnieeee~
Like this story? Give it an Upvote!
Thank you!
the rated M is tick by itself.... I guess I should leave it be since it contain something intimate~ *hides* XD


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najinpi #1
Author nim... Please update soon....
Chapter 65: Author-nim TT
Chapter 65: Will you updating this story again,author nim?? I hope you will update again ~~ It's heartbreaking to see they suffer from the misunderstanding....
Chapter 65: Author-nim I'm begging you please update:((( it's so hard to see them like that with the trust issue..please make it better back:(
MeinAltire #5
Chapter 65: Wahhh poor hyuk.....
Looking forward for the new chaps...Good luck ^^
noonsmine #6
Chapter 65: miss this story :( plz update
Chapter 31: i just happened to read your story. my comments, please kill donghae's dad, yuka, victoria, donghae because of his damn feeling and hyukjae because he's not trying to confess
3dgirl #8
Chapter 64: whaaaat I wanna know what will happen next... plzz I cant handle this. It's just amazing fiction
Chapter 65: youre quite an imangitive person i read it for two whold days without sleep. i've finally finished it it's surprising interesting so for i're read a bunch of fanfictions and yours the best out of all the eunhae fanfictions that i've read besides the one with the vampire eunhyuk from a diffrent story with eunhae. Thanks for the story i hope you write more i just cant stop thinking of the next chapter i hope they make up and hyukkie paints his hair back to brown. FIGHTING!
asdayuni #10
Chapter 65: Woow!! Friend you are update!!
I think maybe Hae just don't wanna people see Hyuk like that, because Hae think that Hyuk is his right?
Yeaah, couple ini nggak terlalu terbuka satu dengan yang lain, jadi ribet dehh hubungan mereka -_- but glad you are back!!!