
Behind the smile

The boys stopped in and out coming to see me. Chen and Lay would try to make me laugh. Tao would buy me Gucci Purses, Luhan got me a stuffed unicorn, D.O. got me a fish, Suho got me shoes, Chanyeol and Kai called him a shoe-ho, Xiumin and Sehun got me sweets, Kris got me a shirt from Canada and then Baekhyun just stood there in silence.

Eventually I was alone.  Around 6 pm a boy walked into my room. 

"Jae" I said.

"Angel" He said kissing muy forehead. He grabbed my hand kissing my scars as he sat down. His thumb moved up and down my arm. 

"Why? Again? We talked about this. You promised and you fricken broke it. You're my responsibility, and I don't know what to do. Suho said it would be good for you but that idiot he doesn't know anything. I fricke-"

"Stop," I said stopping Jae from his rampage,"Do you really not know what's happening? I thought you would at least understand."

"Jae, there you are." Said a new voice.


"Sorry Dan." Said Jae kissing her on the cheek.

"It's ok, um I left my purse in your car, can you go get it?"

"Sure" Said Jae."I'll be back."

I sighed as Danny came in.

"Pathetic. It feels like it was only yesterday when you came here. You are a real pest. Jae and I had very important plans but you being the attention seeeking had t-"

"Shut up" Said Baekhyun walking into my room. "You better listen good, I and only I can bully Sora so get your together and get frick out of this room before I call security." I smiled as Baekhyun yelled. This is the first time he has actually been nice to me. Danny walked out, making sure to stomp her heels. Baekhyun walked towards my bed before   handing me a stack of papers that in bold letters said DISCHARGE.

"Hurry up." He said walking out. I slowly got up and changed into a fresh pair of clothes and putting my stuff in a bag before leaving. The boys also came as I was walking out to help hold the many, many gifts.

"Sora, you ready?" Said Jae walking towards the 13 of us. " Where's Danny?" 

I looked down at my feet "She um w-"

"Jae" said Suho, "nice to see you again" They shook hands but I could tell Suho was forcing a smile. He looked like one of those creepy dolls.

"We have to go. Sora will call you later bye." Said Kai grabbing my hand and running towards the elevator.

"What was that for?" I sad catching my breath.

"You looked uncomfortable so" He said smirking as he put his hands in his pockets.

We walked towards the car, sitting inside waiting for the rest of the boys to come down.

"Why did we buy you so much stuff?" Complained Tao and Kris as they threw everything in the car.

"I'm never getting you anything ever again." Said D.O as he got in.

Sorry. A bunch of stuff came up, but I'll update more .

Go check out my other fan fic? Rebellious Kiss


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Chapter 22: What???
I love this story
I missed it so much T T
Do what you want just don't delete it please
Chapter 21: suho is gonna kill her but he has no right it's no like he treats her nicely anyway
Also I'm gonna murder baekhyun the mother er
Chapter 20: Meh to be honest i think sora should just marry kai and have lots and lots of babies XD
wxndxrlxnd #4
Chapter 20: I HATE JAE LOL
Chapter 20: I like kai but Baekhyun would be better!!
Chapter 20: I really like Kai (: hehe
But Jae I don't like him at all :/
Baekhyun needs chill man -.- like for reals!
Suho calm yo down bro >_< lol
Chapter 20: i like Jae baekhyun and kai. and suho, calm yourself. like stay in your old people's lane.

Chapter 19: Hmmmmm. She is giving me bad feelings that trace. What if he's cheating on her???
Chapter 19: this trace chick is sending me bad vibes. hmm
Chapter 18: Urgh. Why won't you just listen to suho?