Final - Reunion

The Cherry Blossom Season

'Ladies and Gentlemen, flight MF809 from Moscow to Paris has just landed. We repeat, flight MF809 from Moscow to Paris has just landed.'

Jiyong squeezed Youngbae's hand tightly, showing him his toothy grinn before he locked his gaze on the many people who walked through the door, some of them already  jumping into the arms of their beloved ones. They all had been sitting in the same airplane as his parents and the brunette couldn't wait until the couple would finally appear in front of him. Impatient as he was, he couldn't help but bounce up and down, frowning when he couldn't spot them right away.

"Bae, why are they taking so long?", Jiyong whined.

"Be patient, I am sure they will come very soon. It is normal for passengers to take a while until they have gathered their luggage and all, you know?"

The brunette pouted and leaned his head on his educator's - and now lover's - shoulder, only smiling when Youngbae placed a soft kiss on his head in order to comfort him. 

As much as Jiyong anticipated the arrival of his parents, Youngbae couldn't feel the same way. It wasn't that he did not want to meet the Kwons, no. He was glad that they had landed safely and a part of him was even eager to ask them about their trip and converse with them, like he usually did. After all, he knew that he owed them big time for everything they had given him. If it hadn't been for the Kwons, Youngbae would have never been able to live a good life in Paris. You didn't really earn much money as an eduacator anyway, that means if you didn't work for rich people - which were very picky by the way. The Kwons were not filthy rich, but they were wealthy and generous and always treated Youngbae like their own son. In a sense, they had not only given him a job but also a second family, a home rather than an accommodation. 

Would they give him Jiyong, too?

Youngbae sighed and the back of the brunette's hand with his thumb, trying to soothe himself that way but the anxiety was still there. Jiyong's parents weren't really strict but really open minded, however, they only had one child after all and this child happened to be one of a kind. Of course they would be extra protective of him. The question was ... what would they think about the fact that someone had fallen in love with their son? Would they lose their trust in Youngbae? Would they judge him like everyone else around him had?

He could barely deal with the opinions Madleine and his family had about him. However, the Kwon's judgement would mean everything or nothing for him.

He was scared.

"Omma! Appa!"



"Aigo, Youngbae-ah! I thought there would be a Korean restaurant everywhere in this world but oh lord! We couldn't find a single one in Moscow! Can you imagine that? One of the biggest metropoles in the world and no Korean restaurant! Thank God you booked this lovely place for us! Omo, everything looks so delicious!", Mrs. Kwon said excitingly, marvelling at the rich table in front of her. 

"Will you calm down?" Her husband rolled his eyes. "People are staring at us already as if we were eating food for the first time."

"I actually feel like that, though! I had almost forgotten how wonderful a rolled egg and Kimchi can taste. Yeobo, try this!" She picked up a piece of meat and put it on her husband's plate, making him shake his head and laugh. 

"This woman! As soon as she sees food, she becomes crazy!"


Jiyong and Youngbae chuckled at the scene in front of them. Who would have ever thought that these two were succesful business people who were supposed to be strict and serious? Instead, the married couple teased each other as if they were newly-weds, creating a cheerful atmosphere that everyone would like to join in.


Youngbae listened as the two started talking about their time in Moscow, amazed by the way they made such formal things like a business trip sound like an exciting adventure. The educator wished he would be as good with words as them, wished he would find the right words and the courage to talk about his feelings right on the spot instead of sitting there, smiling like a . 

"Ah, enough from us now. Tell us about your time together.  Jiyongie, did you have fun with Youngbae? You look well-nourished, my son!"

Jiyong nodded. "We did a lot of funny things, Omma. Bae even showed me the Eiffel Tower!"

"Omo, is that true?", Mrs. Kwon asked excitedly. "What a shame! We have been living here for so long now and not once did we visit the landmark of this country. Brilliant idea, Youngbae-ah." 

The educator  smiled to himself, remembering their romantic moment on the tower of love that still gave him chills whenever he thought about it. "I thought it would be nice to show him a different picture of the city we live in. The view was really beautiful, so the time we spent queuing really paid off in the end." 

Just as Youngbae was slowly finding the courage to start a normal conversation with the Kwons, a certain waiter caught his attention and completely put him off his stride. Apparently, the young man had accidently spilled water on Jiyong's trousers and started wiping his thigh with a white cloth, apologizing to him a thousand times. The brunette's parents regarded this as no big deal but hell, Youngbae was fuming inside. The way that waiter wiped his thigh seemed suspicious, he was way too close to Jiyong! And why did he take so long anyway? He kept rubbing! Jiyong didn't like being touched by strangers.

Youngbae was annoyed. 

He snatched the cloth away from the young man and started wiping his secret lover's thigh instead. "I think we can handle this on our own, thank you very much.", he said dryly. 

The waiter, visibly embarassed, bowed and left without a word. The Kwon couple looked at each other questioningly. 

"Yah, Youngbae. You scared the poor boy, haha!", Mr. Kwon said.

"I have never seen you acting like this before." , his wife added, slightly laughing. 

"Youngbae always protects me, Omma. Don't scold him.", Jiyong said with a pout. 

"Ah, but this man didn't  mean any harm, honey. He just - " 

"He came to close to Jiyong and I disliked it. I am sorry if I overreacted. I just ... couldn't stand it.", Youngbae said honestly. 

"Youngbae ... ", Mr. Kwon interfered. "Is something wrong."

With nothing but a deep sigh, the educator shifted his hand on the table and grabbed the brunette's small hand into his own, squeezing it determinedly. "Mr. Kwon, Mrs. Kwon, I think I have some explaining to do." 

From now on, there was no turning back. Youngbae started telling Jiyong's parents their story, their own personal spring fairytale that was bitter at so many parts and yet so sweet at others. He didn't leave out details such as Madleine and his family that had disowned him and Dr. Garnier who had warned and reassured him at the same time.  Youngbae told them the whole story because he knew that neither Jiyong nor him would be ablte to hide their love without anyone noticing that something was off. No matter how many mistakes Youngbae had made, he was still a faithful Christian who believed in the rightness of the truth. 

"This is it, Mr. and Mrs. Kwon. I ... I have fallen in love with Jiyong. I cannot imagine being without him anymore and honestly, I don't want to either. I know that I am not perfect, that I have many, many flaws to work on but what I can guarantee you is that I would never want to cause any harm to Jiyong. I swear to God that I haven't touched him inappropriately during your absence, nor did I force him to do things or manipulate him. I probably started loving Jiyong the first moment I laid my eyes on him but I only realized it now. I tried denying but I couldn't. I love Jiyong. I love him so much, Mr. and Mrs. Kwon. And if you hate me I will accept it for now but please, please give me a chance to prove you that I will take care of him, that his happiness is my ultimate life goal from now on. Just please ... please don't take him away from me. I am asking you for permission to love Jiyong."

Youngbae folded his hands in his lap and lowered his head in an attempt to bow at the couple. 

Jiyong glanced at his educator and mimicked his actions right away, bowing to his parents. "Please Omma, Please Appa. Let us be a couple like you are. Please let us love each other a lot and don't hate us. Love is always better and stronger that hate, right Omma?"

"Jiyongie ...", Mrs. Kwon gasped, her eyes getting wattery. "I ... I don't know what to say. I mean this is so sudden."

"It isn't really sudden, is it?", Mr. Kwon said, shaking his head. "I have seen it before, the glances that you would give each other.At first I thought that I was imagining things but it seemed like the bomb has finally exploded.", he said smiling.

"Y-Youngbae-ah, listen. We have always treated you like our own son, not because you are looking after Jiyong, but because we genuinely like and value you as a person. I am shocked at the things you two went through withing a month but now, as I observe you two ... It seems like you are each other's price after this cold war."

The educator's face lit up and so did the brunette's. 

"You two didn't do anything wrong, that's how I see it. And Youngbae, you have proven me a lot of times  how happy you can make my son.", Mr, Kwon added. "He has matured and he has seen so many beautiful things in this world, thanks to you. Who else could I trust if not you, Youngbae?"

"Y-you mean ..."

"We are ready to accept you two as lovers. However, under one condition."

Jiyong's and Youngbae's ears perked up.

"We want you to reconsile with your family in Korea, Youngbae."



And so they sent the educator back to his homeland for two weeks so he could make up with his family.

It had been hard to convince Jiyong that he would definitely come back, but after many, many kisses, hugs and promises, he let him go in the end, patiently waiting for his return, like an adult would do.

They kept each other updated through the phone almost daily and it seemed that things were getting well over there. 

"She cried a lot when she saw me. And I cried, too. But I am glad she doesn't hate me after all.", Youngbae said. 

"Ah, I am happy to hear that!" 

"I cannot wait to see you again. I miss you so much."

"I miss you, too." Jiyong replied, shyly. "Hey Bae."


"I love you very much."

"I love you, too , Jiyong. More than you could ever imagine."

"Hm, I think I can imagine how much you like me."

Youngbae chuckled. "You spoiled brat."



A/N: Everyone, it's done! 

I gave you a ty final that you did not deserve, please forgive me ! I am going on vacation tomorrow and used my last strength to write this chapter for you all. (My eyes are almost closed now) 

I cannot thank you enough for the support and love you guys have shown for this story. Thank you so, so, so, so much! I love you all! Please know that I am super grateful! 

Even if it didn't turn out how I had imagined it, I still loved writing this story and I hope that we'll meet again soon with new stuff! I will try to improve in the meanwhile ^-^ 

I will take a break now. See you then!




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I am working on Chapter 10 guys! Stay tuned :))


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Zico01 #1
Chapter 14: Woah 대박~~!!!!!!!
Chapter 14: (cont... again... geez, this is a long comment x.x) *swoons* I'm so happy you're back from your vacation and I hope you had an amazing time ^_^ You beat me in updating! You even had that vacation in between and I was sitting in front of the computer a lot, just lost x.x But I do love this conclusion a lot, and it just feels right, you know? To end it like this, because their story really doesn't end with them asking their families for acceptance. There's much more to it than that, and we get the perfect taste of it in this chapter, so thank you for taking the time to make this happen! Now that you're back, with whatever you do, I'll be eagerly awaiting your next posting, as I always am :3 And, knowing how it's gone for ME, you'll update with something new before I do. Which I'm glad for because I just love the way you write our precious GDYB, and meanwhile I take forever to get one chapter out x.x Geez... Even if your next venture is really cheesy (which I don't mind a bit! Cheese, angst, as long as it's as well-written as your stories!), I'm looking forward to it.. and to leaving you another super-long comment(s). It does seem like our trademark thing to do after all XD Lovely conclusion, my dear! :D
Chapter 14: (cont.) It really is amazing what two weeks apart did for Jiyong- he came out of his shell in order to impress Youngbae's mother, and wants to learn to cook Youngbae's favorite foods for him to make him happy. He's clearly so mature now... of course, just as I think that, the "y" scene comes in and we're reminded that Jiyong still is, mentally, a child. Youngbae fumbling through an explanation for that one... kinda like the airport scene, I found it as awkward on Youngbae's end as I found it funny on Jiyong's end. And, of course, what trip to Korea would be complete without a visit to the Han River? I love how you made it a unique experience for the two of them with that white stone story. Although, by the time I read that Youngbae wrapped his arms around Jiyong while they were looking at the river, I was pretty much biting my knuckle, trying not to squeal about how precious the whole set-up was. The white stone story was a great way to end the chapter, although I do wonder what it was that Jiyong wished for just as much as Youngbae wondered haha. And the kiss in that last scene too! OMG! I could picture it, and it was full of love and tenderness and, again, development. They're so in love that they just can't keep it confined to the walls of Jiyong's house, and neither care where they are as long as they can hold each other and tell the other how in love they are. You could really feel the love from that, and I think that's what I like most about your stories (besides the way you write them too, which is just lovely), that you can insert this feeling of love in 2D text and make the reader, or me at least, see it as something multi-dimensional and tangible. So when you write "a kiss full of love", I believe it from the way you've shaped the characters and their love.
Chapter 14: I'm so so so so so sorry! I'm a terrible person... I'm behind on all my subscribed stories since I've been so wrapped up in pushing a chapter of my own out, and you did an epilogue! My gosh, I was so confused seeing this story updated at first XD But then I realized what it was and it just made my day! I'm glad you decided to do a resolution that you were more happy with than the previous one ^^

I know I've said protective!Youngbae is my favorite thing ever, but you're making me seriously reconsider replacing that with impatient!Youngbae. I could picture him being all huffy, waiting for Jiyong to arrive and the way you described it was just so cute. Also, every time you had "boyfriend" written, I melted a little X3 I was laughing so hard with the reaction that came with Jiyong kissing Youngbae out in the open like that, but I also was worried about what the reaction of outsiders might be with Jiyong doing that, not fully understanding their situation. You're still consistent with inserting childlike thoughts and ideals of Jiyong in the story. It benefits the reader as much as it benefits the build-up of the character, to fully understand what he is thinking like that. Still, I could feel how awkward that kiss was for Youngbae (but still adorable, of course). The way you developed Jiyong's mom's character is wonderful too, and something I was hoping you'd do. I wanted to get to know her better, and I have a better sense of who she is now thanks to her more prominent appearance in this chapter (doesn't help that she was away for the majority of the story, after all haha).

(Also, if you couldn't tell, I'm writing this comment as I read... XD) I'm gushing over all your character development! I guess it's only fitting that I talk about Jiyong's next. Really, just when I think you've added all the dimensions to your characters, you create another layer for them.
rocha_linda32 #5
Chapter 14: Thank you for the bonus chapter. This story is really amazing. Good job. ^_^
taemisol #6
Chapter 14: OMG authornim I really love this bonus chapter!!! They're so sweet=^_^=. Please write more GDYB!! You're jjangg!!
Chapter 14: Awwwww!!!! Love everything about the story!

Can't wait for your next one!
queenkiz #8
Chapter 14: It's perfect. A perfect ending to a wonderful story. Thanks for writing!!
jusmee #9
Chapter 14: I liked the ending and this epilogue was just sweetly cute.
peacelove2 #10
Chapter 14: Magnificent,This so beautiful,romantic and well written.I"m so happy they are together in Korea and Youngbae family's accepting Jiyong.I love the part when Youngbae told Jiyong how his wish came true when he throw a white stone in the Han-River finding Jiyong to spent the rest of his life with him and Jiyong want to do the same.This sooooooo sweet by heart melt You"'re awesome,This is great ,Thank you Thank you.