Perpetuum Grata (Forever Grateful)


What if the two persons you ever truly love shared the same heart?


Perpetuum Grata (Forever Grateful)
By: inlovewithcheesecake
Copyright 2014

Other stories from the author:

Thank you for the great main poster, CupieCakesx3 of Zhang Yi Xing Graphics <3


Kim Jongin is stuck. Some days, fleeting memories of Joo’s hands—cold and delicate, probably the only pair of hands he thinks could ever perfectly fit his own—would unveil the left side of his brain. A smile that brought light to his darkest, and kisses too many but never enough. Most days, however, retrospect would take him back to the white-ceilinged four walls that smelled of sanitized syringes under green and purple veins and machine-washed fabrics. It would also take him back to the sound of a monitor that beeped too loudly, until it stopped.

done with chapter 2. See you in the next chapters, lovelies


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cklovinexo #1
Chapter 1: Wow, I commend you for your writing improvement author-nim! I hope this gets featured because even your first chapter tells me so! This is my most favorite story of yours now. I'm curious to see the next update. Fighting! :)
cklovinexo #2
Another angst of yours! Can't wait for your updates, I'm missing you and your perfect writing skills I'm jealous. And it's kai this time! Hehehe. (forgive me, he's my bias) ;p