Are you lucky enough?


You are a talented girl. You are capable in academics, music and sports. But you never managed to prove yourself. It was not that you are not hardworking enough, it is just that you were never lucky enough to show it. 

Luck is never your thing. Well, you have never been lucky from the start. Ever since you were small, you have always got the least wanted gift during Christmas party. You got caught watching TV every time. Growing up, you studied really hard and prepared everything for the biology test, but the test just happened to be testing that extra bit that you have not revised on, so you didn't manage to score high. You practised the music piece for a million times, and have repeatedly honed up your skills to perfect the difficult parts of the concerto, but during the recital you happened to miss a beat at a random part and got yourself embarrassed. And at the sportsground, you paid your greatest effort during trainings. The coach was amazed that you were running as quick as a leopard.:)(well it is the fastest among the animals) and have made your way to the finals, but hey, you tripped over yourself the day before the championship and broke your leg! These cases just repeat themselves that you kind of grow used to it and consider it as a trade-off for your all-round ability. 

But there is this exceptional case in your life that makes you think that you are the luckiest in the world - to be a childhood friend of Luhan! You two are really close that many girls are envious of you. So would this luck lead to you two becoming more than friends? 


Luhan is your childhood friend. He has been your neighbor and is the son of your mother's bestfriend. That's why you two grow close to each other since young. You always share little secrets with one another, except that you rarely talk about work and academics, as both of your parents are demanding and you guys just want to escape from the stress and pressure. The two of you are quiet, but Luhan is better than you in terms of words, so he can fit in the crowd just right. He has that shy character in him as well, but he enjoys singing and dancing, so with practices, he becomes accustomed, or even, begins to enjoy being in the limelight. He has debuted as one of the member of the hot and popular boy group EXO! And have received support and cheers from fans. The boys in EXO and you are all continuing with the studies and have entered Seoul National University as Year 2 students. Luhan and the boys are majoring in popular culture and music, while you take a double degree on science and mathematics. However busy you are, you both manage to spend time together and bond your friendship. And the members in EXO are also fond of you. They always see you and Luhan as a pair, so would that actually work out? Or would it be just be another unlucky event of your life, that you would end up being rejected as well as losing your treasured friendship with Luhan?




Special thanks given to SUNDAY DREAM GRAPHICS SHOP for the poster AND the background :)))

hi readers, I have added a poster for the story. I hope you all like it:)


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tiffanymak1996 #1
I love the poster.
BeTrue #2
So *cough I decided to comment -if you didn't mind...

I like your idea, the two of your story catch me but if you didn't mind I want to give some advise

Reader -which I am- love something challenging and like to know more

So just put something mysterious that you think interesting and importan about your story so thank it wouldn't be too long,,
And you can just put the rest of description in her POV

But it juts an advise though

So sorry for comment too long :3
Kepp writing!!!