All you need is a little courage


This story is about you and your classmate Kris, who intruded your life without warning, and broke your outer shell all the way through and captured your heart. You are one strong-looking girl who have a soft side in you. You have pretended to be daring to scare people away from bothering you. But Kris boldly crossed the line and left you stranded. So are you going to admit your affections towards him? This is a dilemma for you. Love has always been a two-sided coin. You have experienced the worst in your childhood, so are you brave enough to take the challenge again? Are you prepared to withstand the stinging pain in love, after all you have been through? 


You are an introvert but you can present yourself well. You are not really comfortable with socializing and making friends. You have a pretty face and figure, and are intelligent and capable. That attracts attention and admiration from your peers. Boys find you attractive, while girls find you outstanding. Some of them therefore try to make friends with you, but you are never those girls who can stand the attention of the crowd, and so you usually sit at the corner of the school sportsground reading a book or resting whenever you are free. The cold glare from you is enough to keep people from bothering you. They find you weird and anti-social, but you couldn't care less and are happy to be left in peace. You are headstrong and you always seem to be cool and all when it comes to friendship, let alone romance. So is that all? Are you really as apathetic as you seem to be?


That is actually your camouflage. You armored yourself up, only to prevent yourself from getting hurt again. No one understands, or have cared about you enough to know what you have been through, which have left you so tramutized that you have that cold figure just to protect your once-scattered heart. And you have always been alone apart from your besty, Sooyoung, who had stay on your side and accompanied you through those tough time. She is the only one that sees you witih your tender heart. 


And one day, there came that tall boy Kris who happened to be your seatmate, and is undeniably hot but bratty in attitude. You found him annoying, but you never knew he would be the end of you. Majoring in Law, both of you challenging each other are more like reflex actions. It was the least expected that you would fall for Kris. So what are you going to do? 



Credits to Baboracoon graphic shop for the beautiful poster. Thank you!


Hi readers, this is my first story!! OMG I have never imagined myself writing one. Anyway, forgive me for any grammatical mistakes. Enjoy:)


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