Chapter One

Teacher, Be Mines!

Tao P.O.V

~Beep Beep~ I turned off the alarm and got up. 6:30am, it's going to be my first day at at the new school. Hopefully the students are good. I went into the bathroom and took a shower, getting out and putting on my clothes. I hope they don't mind me wearing casual clothing. My daughter Yumi, is currently staying with her grandparents while I go to work.


I looked at my watch and saw there was no time for breakfast, so I got an apple and water. Making my way to the car, I smiled to myself and thought maybe this teaching job won't be as bad. 


Driving towards the school, I saw students walking through the gates. I parked the car and met with the principal.


"Annyeonghaseyo, Tao-imnida, you're Principal Soo right?" I asked her. She nodded and shook my hand.


"That's right, we're grateful to have you here with us. Alright let me just give you your class schedule and the keys to the room. So you will teach English Honors? Then your classes will be 1st, 2nd, you get a break at 3rd period, and then 4th through 6th you have classes again. Here is the student roll sheet, their name, home phone, parents email should all be there. So if you don't have any further question, are you ready to go to your class? 1st period will start in 20 minutes." I took all the things she gave me and made my way towards my class room. 


"hmm, Room 402? Ah found it!" opening the door to the room, I set my supplies on the desk and opened some window.


I look at the desks and did not like how they were place, so I rearranged the whole class. Luckily I finished before the bell rang.


Students started making their way into my class. I wrote my name down on the board and turned around to face my class. They were very quiet. 


"Hello, my name is Mr. Huang, I will be your teacher from now on. So I will do roll call. Please say here if you are present." I started doing roll call, and made it half way.


"Yifan Wu? Is Yifan Wu present?" all I heard were gasping as if they were shocked. 


"Mr. Huang you shouldn't have said that" a girl I believe her name was Hyorin


"and why shouldn't I have said that? I asked her questioning 


"because I would kick your , but since your new I will let it slide. Next time you're dead" I sighed. Damn this why I hate high school


"alright, sir what should I call you" I said in a angry tone


"Kris, call me Kris and if you have a daughter she call can me oppa when we're in bed" he smirked. I was furious. He said that about Yumi, not only was I mad I was disgusted.


"Yifan, you can go to the principal office" Everybody was shocked again


"What did you just call me?" 


"Yifan Wu you can go to the office" I smirked and turned around which was a bad idea. Kris grabbed my arm harshly and pushed me against the board.


"Listen , I run this class, so better listen to what I have to say, or else you're dead" I simply laughed it off and reversed the move making him face the board.


"I'm sorry, Yifan the only person running this class is me, if you like to argue about it. I would be glad to have you here for detention. So make sure you're here after school" I let go of him and saw his red angry face, so I teases him more by shooing him out the door and to go to the principal office.


I turned around and everyone was clapping


"Wah! Mr. Huang DAEBAK~" I was confused at why they were so happy about.


"Alright students settle down. It's time to start the lesson. We are going to go over a sonnet, who here know what a sonnet is?" So that day I taught all my classes, all periods were fine, just some of them have class clown, but the worst was Yifan Wu. I wonder if that's how he really is. Hmm we'll see. 


Starting from today I'm going to see whether of that's his real personality or not. After school, came quicker than I thought. I was sitting at my desk waiting for him. I looked at my watch and saw it was already 40 minute passed the detention time. I sighed and got up packing my things, ready to go home. I left my classroom and made my way to my car and saw Kris leaning against it.


"Yifan, you didn't go to my detention. Why not?" I asked whiling putting my stuff into the trunk. I heard Kris scoff.


"Mr. Huang, I need a ride home." I laughed, wasn't this the guy who tried to intimidate me. I unlocked the car.


"Get in Kris." I got into the drivers seat, while he got in beside me. "So where do you live?"


"Umm, actually, can I spend a night at your house? My parents just left the country this morning.." I looked at him kind of shockes.


"Sure, I guess. Only if you promise not to do anything stupid" He nodded. "So why are you such a jack " he started laughing.


"Mian Mr. Huang, it's just an act I do. I don't like socializing with others as much" laughing I poked his head. I knew it, he wasn't really like that.


"Stupid, why would you wanna be a jerk to others?"


"It's because I don't like having friends, I found out that all of your friend will soon turn on you." I kind of looked at him sympathetic.


The ride to my house was quite, but it wasn't awkward. Just really quite. Parking the car I got out and grabbed my stuff from the trunk and made my way towards the door with Kris following me.


Opening the door, I put all my stuff on the table and cleaned up Yumi's toys. 


"There is only one room so, You can sleep on the couch. Is that cool?" He nodded and sat down.


"Mr. Huang, why are there so many kid toys?" He said while playing with the barbie doll. I chuckled and told him about my daughter Yumi. He immediately stood up bowing.


"Mr. Huang, if I had known your daughter was a child I wouldn't have made that joke about the oppa thing.." He explained while he put his head down.


"It's fine Kris." he looked up at me smiling


"You called me Kris." 


"Well, you get angry if I call you Yifan" he chuckled and sat back down.


"You hungry? I'm going to cook dinner" He nodded and ask if he could. 


"We are going to make Chicken Alfredo, with Garlic Bread" He smiled brightly


"I always wanted to try that, it looks delicious when other people eat it" 


"Well you'll be eating it this time." I started boiling water and cut the bread.


He helped me toast the break and put the garlic on them. After finishing the pasta, we set the table. I brought out the plates and put food in both. I poured water for him and red wine for myself.


"Mr. Huang, can I try some wine?" I laughed.


"What's your age sir?"


"18! I'm old enough!" laughing I poured him some wine.


"If you get drunk off of that, I'm going to laugh" we both started eating and I can see the happiness in his eyes, and well his mouth too, since he's with every bite.


"Mr. Huang this is amazing!" I told him I know. When we finished he wanted seconds, which he didn't wait for a yes or no, he just grabbed some more and ate. I put the left overs in the fridge and cleaned the plates and pot.


I grabbed him an extra blanket, and put it on the couch for him.


"Alright, if you get too cold, I will turn the heater on. The bathroom is next to my room, Tv is right there, when you are about to sleep turn it off" he nodded. I made my way towards my room when he stopped me.


"Thanks, so much Mr. Huang, you're the nicest person I ever met." smiling I ruffled his hair.


"No problem, I'm going to bed now." He nodded and I got ready for bed. I laid down on my bed. Closing my eyes, about to fall asleep, when Kria came in. 


"Mr. Huang, the couch is hard to sleep on.." 


"Alright, you sleep on the bed, I'll sleep outside" He shook his head, feeling bad.


"No nevermind." he made his way out, when I called him.


"Alright we can share the bed. Come on." he slide his body next to me and next thing. We both knocked out. 


Never had I thought, this day would be the start of me falling for my own student.


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Chapter 2: Wae no update?!!
Chapter 2: XD man interesting please update
Chapter 2: omf
update soon pls lmao
Chapter 2: niiice .. waiting for an update plz ♡
I am so excited for this :)
Update soon ~
faraaaaaahemilia #6
Update soon :)
seems interesting!!
looking foward for this ♡