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If Earth was a person, then it would be Sehun's number one enemy. Sehun hasn't gone back to the wretched place in five years and he planned to never go there again but Kris had to pull the pity card to convince him to go back. And when Kris pulls the pity card, he doesn't stop until you do what he wants you to do which was what Sehun was doing right now – sitting in a spaceship towards Earth, listening to Kris' every command until he reached the destination. 

Kris seemed like a scary guy but he never really was. All he really did was order his apprentices to finish the missions and he earnestly did care about them. It was just the cruel destiny that some of his apprentices had to face due to the dumb natural laws of a planet Sehun never even knew existed that pressured Kris into giving his all to bring back each and every one of the figures back to EXO even though he knew it was impossible. But believe it or not, in the beginning, Kris actually got too used to the Vacant Planet. He forgot about his apprentices and slept all day until Suho finally figured out the way back and left to EXO Planet on his own, snapping Kris out of his own little reverie and that he must be in control now. Sehun doesn't blame him though because for him to judge Kris, he had to be the best leader in the world which in fact, he definitely wasn't. He probably became even lazier than Kris was back in the earlier days of his leadership. 

But Kris wasn't the only thing on his mind. During the journey to Earth, Sehun's mind flashes back to all the horrible memories he had five years ago and wishes he would just erase it from his head but he couldn't. The memories of his once living partner were engraved in his brain like a tattoo and it would take a whole lot of pain to get rid of it. And thinking about going back to EXO Planet without him just made it worse. 




A few hours pass and Sehun is able to finally transfer to an area near his puppet's destination and so he teleports from the spaceship into – what he assumes – a random supermarket in South Korea. Everything is in Korean, a language Sehun is now able to read, write and speak in. Sehun remembers that wherever you land in, you automatically adapt to the culture and race so if you're in Japan, you're Japanese and if you're in Korea, you're Korean. And for sure, Sehun was a 20 year old Korean man this time unlike his previous mission five years ago where he was a 15 year old American boy. He has forgotten a lot about how things work back here in Earth after such a long break from doing missions. But he didn't forget how much he hated people.

He sighs in disgust. These ing humans make me sick. He takes a few steps forward to adapt to the walking and the filthy air that suffocated Sehun’s nostrils. Soon enough, Sehun's mind becomes blank after roaming around the supermarket for longer than needed. He has never been to South Korea so everything was completely new and fascinating but he would never admit it out loud.

He picks up a pack of ramen – something he’s never seen before – with one hand and puts his other hand in his pocket, finding a crumpled piece of paper inside it. He puts down the food in his hand and unfolds the paper. It was the contract he signed about his mission. Right, I had a mission.

The tall male briefly skims through the contract to read information about the boy he’s supposed to manipulate into falling in love with him. There’s nothing special about him that catches Sehun’s attention so he supposes the puppet will be easy to mold. He crumples the paper back into its original form and stuffs it into his pocket again.

He then suddenly hears several slams on a storage door nearby, “Yah Baekhyun, stop eating snacks and help me get the box on the top shelf.” Sehun turns to his left to see a short middle-aged woman speaking to the door with a nagging, loud voice.

He decides to help but before he could, the storage door opens and a young man that’s approximately a head shorter than Sehun, steps out, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand. “Mom, you always ask me to reach for things that I’m not capable of reaching. I’m not that much taller than you so it’s obvious I can’t get that,” he complains with a low, weary voice.

“Be quiet, Baekhyun. You’re always sleeping around and doing nothing. At least make yourself useful if you’re going to work here and expect to get paid. Now go try to get it okay? I have more important work to do,” The woman wipes the dust off her palms onto her apron and walks away. Baekhyun groans and apathetically reaches his arm out, tippy toeing to get the box. It was obvious that it was far out of his reach but he tries again, only to fail once again.

Sehun couldn’t stand to watch this pathetic short boy try anymore so he steps in and leans forward enough that he’s behind the male, one hand touching the boy’s shoulder and the other stretched upwards, grabbing the box easily and quickly.

The boy around abruptly, watching the taller – and not to mention really, really good looking male in front of him, hold the heavy box and nonchalantly hand it over to the latter whose eyes twinkle in amazement. “Thanks...” The smaller boy says, rather sleepily. Sehun forces a smile and turns around to walk away. He wanders through each of the aisles, interested in almost every product within the grocery store. He suddenly remembers his mission once again and shakes his head to bring himself back to his reality.

Okay, enough walking around this dumb supermarket and helping dumb boys reach for boxes he can’t reach. I have to find my puppet or I’m going to fall behind my rival. Sehun bites his lip and searches for the exit before getting pushed to side by the same boy he helped earlier who was running now. He hears a faint call from his mother, “Come back safely, Baekhyun!” and sees the boy put up an okay sign with his fingers before leaving the supermarket.

Wait a minute.

Baekhyun. Sehun repeats in his head ten times.

Now that he thinks about it, Baekhyun seems like an oddly familiar name. He swiftly grabs out the crumpled paper from his pocket again and finally reads it carefully this time.

Mission: Make your puppet fall in love with you.
Puppet: Byun Baekhyun.

Sehun’s eyes widen and he rapidly chases after his puppet but outside of the supermarket was a crowd of people walking back and forth on the sidewalk. Where is he? He pushes through the swarm and he was glad he was tall this time or he wouldn’t have been able to see the back of the boy he was looking for. But because of Sehun’s normally bad luck, the boy had already crossed the street that was occupied by driving cars and buses that sped so quickly while Sehun was still on the block before. But once the light turned to a walk sign, he couldn’t even find his puppet that was lost in the mob of people now. He grabs his own hair and ruffles it in frustration, not caring about the people staring at him bizarrely. 

He had the amazing luck of being in the same exact place as his puppet which is one of the rarest things that could happen when teleporting because he would usually teleport in a store nearby in all his past missions but no, he actually got a hold of his puppet within ten minutes in Earth this time and he had to ruin it by not reading his damn contract closely.

Sehun sighs and calms down. It's okay Sehun. He works in the supermarket right? Then all I have to do is wait in the supermarket and he'll eventually come back. He then realizes that he's been talking to himself way too much now that he's back in Earth again and that all this stress is making him go close to insanity because after he realizes he's speaking to himself, he begins realizing that he still needs to find a home, his puppet and the most important thing: his rival.

What Sehun didn't know though was that his rival is just a block away from him. Kai, who decided to call himself Kim Jongin now so that his rival wouldn't figure out who he was, wandered the streets of Seoul as people shoved, brushed, and pushed past him. Occasionally, Jongin would have spit landing on his face from the passing people who were speaking to each other. It hasn’t been long since Jongin was last here on Earth so he was immune to all these gross puppets. His last mission was just a few months ago and he wasn’t alone. He was with Chanyeol in every mission he has ever had since they began mission completing and Chanyeol was a total mess in every single one of them but Jongin still missed him.

He remembers the previous mission when Chanyeol and him finally found a house to live in in Italy, and at that time they were Italians, trying to find their Italian puppet. Chanyeol tried to cook something and almost burned the house down on the second day and Jongin swore that if he has him as a partner next time, he'll be sure to kill himself before they even take one step on the ground of Earth. So now Jongin doesn't have to kill himself anymore because Chanyeol was back home, probably eating and sitting in a luxurious bed while playing video games. There were no worries in EXO Planet and it was a lot more free than Earth where you have to obey laws and actually do stuff to earn they're so-called "money". But Jongin didn't mind Earth. He thought Earth was always more exciting each day because according to the tan young boy: "without rules, you can't have fun."

Stuck in his thoughts, Jongin didn’t even notice that the streets were almost empty now until he bumps into a rather small boy who drops a whole box of coffee cups filled with coffee onto the floor, some of the drinks splattering on the latter’s shirt.

“I’m so sorry,” the shorter boy says – probably for the millionth time after the first apology. Jongin laughs, “It’s okay but w

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bdz357998 #1
Chapter 2: please update soon!! this is very interesting and I can't wait to see what happens next between sebaekai!!
Chapter 2: This story is very interesting, author-nim you have a fantastic imagination! The concept has so much potential for plotline twists; though whoever successfully gets baekhyun to fall in love technically wins the mission, it sounds to me like the one who fails the mission could genuinely fall in love the "puppet", who could then in the future (after getting over the victorious "figure") grow to love the figure left on earth as well. So the one left on earth actually ends up with Baekhyun haha but seriously, there are so many plot line possiblities! I personally think Sehun's character fits the role of returning to Exo planet victorious while Kai is left behind. But this is your story author-nim, I will enjoy reading this fic no matter who truly ends up winning Baekhyun over :)
Chapter 2: this is nice! please update soon author-nim. hehe
Chapter 2: I will kill you if you end this with kaisoo ^^ /sharpens knife/ ^^ kaibaek furevar ^^
Chapter 2: Both Kai n Sehun made some progress..:D It'll be interesting to see what Baek thinks about them..:P

Update soon..>.<
Chapter 1: Omg! I'm going to love this! Can't wait! And I'm in dilemma. I love both pairings! Nooo! ;A;
Chapter 1: Update soon...:D
theperfnerd #9
Lol jk I dont mind whichever. Excited for this story! And if you dont mind, where did you get the sehun pic on your poster. I'd like it for my sehun pics collection lol kbye
theperfnerd #10