
❝trapped — yandere one shot collection


credits: trigger warning for yandere ships and all the dangers of being in it. 
disclaimer: pictures belong to their respective owners

Makoto Tachibana was husband material, as your friends would say as they gush over the hot boys in Iwatobi Swim Club. See, while the Iwatobi High School Swim Club had only got the attention of most the girls in school after winning several medals for the school, you had already knew about Tachibana when you first became a student here. And while the other girls seem to gush over the rest of the boys, there was something about Makoto's sensible boy-next-door image that you could not quite resist. Even though you were guilty of sneaking glances at the olive green hair boy when walking past his classroom, you had told yourself that it was unlikely that you and Tachibana would ever be anything more than acquaintances.

So, when you had found a love letter stuffed between your books written by a secret admirer asking to meet you at the rooftop, you had intended to do as the letter says and reject him properly. He did take the time to write you a love letter, after all. What you did not expect to see was Makoto, leaning against the roof, smiling gently. You were too shocked to speak at that time, so you could only stand there, mouth slightly gapped.

"Please... Be mine." 
And though you were still too shocked to speak, you nod your head happily.  

And with that said, you had breezed through one year of high school with Makoto by your side. He was sweet, loving and completely unselfish. He had walked you to and fro school even though you had told him that it really was not necessary. He had stayed over to your house a couple of times when you suffered from a breakdown just before the stressful period of college entrance exams.  

There were times he acted strange. Like when your classmate , who was a guy, had wished you luck and said that the both of you should "hang out someday together" on the last day of school. It was a casual remark, and you took it lightly but you could have sworn that your boyfriend's green eyes had darkened even though it had returned to normal just a couple of seconds later. Or how guys seemed to check you out, during swim meets and even when you two had gone out for dates together. Even though Makoto had looked at you with that sweet and loving look, his grip on your arm could only be described as iron-clad. You didn't think much of it, telling yourself that Makoto was a guy after all and all guys got jealous.

It was normal.

It was during the time you got your first job that he started acting even stranger. You were quiet, earnest and you were kind to the rest of the co-workers. But even then, you kept your distance. You were a worker and you did your work, preferring not to gossip. Three months into the office, you were already assigned to look after your junior, who happened to be a guy. The both of you had exchanged emails and as the both of you and the junior was leaving the office, Makoto had spotted you. The trip back home was awkward and there was tension in the air.

"Say, [name], let's live together from now on." Makoto says. You realise the tension in the air was no longer there. Makoto looks as if he finally understands something but you're not too sure what it is. You're not even too sure whether or not you would like what he says.

"L-Live together?"

"Why do you sound so surprised? Or is it you have someone else in your heart?"  Makoto concludes, his eyes turning dark.

"No, of course not. What's gotten into you? Why are you acting like this?" 

You realise you should not have said that as he turns silent, the tension in the air was indescribable. And he laughs. He laughs for the longest time and you are so stunned, you couldn't find words. What has gotten into your boyfriend? Then you felt your blood run cold as he smiles at you, a twisted smile. It was too foreign to you: who is this person? This isn't your boyfriend!

Then it struck you: This is the real Tachibana Makoto

At that moment, your phone rings and light up at a new text. You try to open it but he pries it away from your trembling fingers and reads it. He growls before crushing the phone like it is aluminium can.

"[name], do you know how much I hate it? I hate it when others look at you. I hate it even more when you look at other guys. I hate it when other guys text you too. Why can't they see it? You can only belong to one person and that person is me." He says aggressively, with a sinister smile on his face.

"B-But, he was just a co-worker. There is nothing going on between us, Makoto." You pleaded. "Please, you are scaring me."

"Ahh, I see how it is. Do you not understand who you belong to? I guess it can't be helped then, we'll have to live together until you learn who you really belong to." You are aware of how serious he really is and you can't help but grow frighten as the smile on his face grows wider. 

That night, you had fell asleep with Makoto's arms around you. His grip around your small body only tightened as he fell into slumber. It was apparently the best sleep he has had in months but for you, it was a long, sleepless night.


Months has passed. You were still Makoto's prisoner. You were long used to this routine, as scary as it sounded. He would be gone by the time you wake up. He would come back by 6pm, and he would cook for you or you would eat take out together and you would fall asleep in his arms.

Once you tried to escape, which had caused Makoto to snap. "Why? After all that I have done for you, you still wish to leave me?" In his crazed talk, there was mention about his confession. Your blood had run cold as you realised that he was not the one that wrote the love letter to you. He had found out from Nagisa that someone from another class was interested in you and he had beaten the guy up into a pulp for wanting to pursue you and then tied him up and placed him into a rubbish bin. You realise then he had always been watching you.

There's no way I can stay here now, not after knowing this. 

So you ran, as far as you could and it wasn't far because he had found you and dragged you back to the house, and broke your leg so that you couldn't try to run away from him again. The pain was so great that you were knocked out. When you woke up, your boyfriend was smiling at you gently. Maybe this was a dream now, maybe I am having a fever. But you looked down at the cast, and you realized that it was far from a dream.

"You must be under a lot of pain right? You've been out for days." He says with a gentle smile, but his eyes are cold and you can see the cruel intent in it. "I'm sorry I scared you but all this is necessary. If only you would stop running away from me. Can't you see how much I want to cherish you? Now please stop looking at me with those eyes and eat something. You've grown to become so skinny."

As you finish your dinner submissively, he gives you a gentle smile and showers you with a lot of gentle love but you can't help but be afraid. You will be trapped here, as long as Makoto lives. 

author's note:

i was bored.

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Chapter 3: Gah! Akashi tho...He's killing me~ NOOOOO! /faints
Hyoseong-ah #2
Chapter 29: This is good, but im wish you had labeled the character in the chapter title ^^
mikuthedog #3
Chapter 4: I love it :) <3 :) :3