
❝trapped — yandere one shot collection



credits: trigger warning for yandere ships and all the dangers of being in it. 
disclaimer: pictures belong to their respective owners


Your voice is barely above a raspy whisper as the silhouette of a blue hair figure can be made out from above the dust and debris. Your heart is racing and cold sweat is pouring down your face as the figure slowly approaches you. You are clearly frightened, yet your feet are planted firmly on the ground. You are unable to move.

“Why didn’t you wait for me?”

There are flashes of memories in your head. They all belong to Tower of Heaven, and they are memories you would rather not live without. You had spent the first decade of your life seeing death and destruction. And then when he came about, he treated you better than no one else have done before. So you dedicated your life to him. You did everything you can to be a good person. But he fooled you. It turned out that he is the evil he was supposed to be defending you against.

Just that memory is enough to shatter your heart into a million pieces.

He asked a good question, a valid one. But your eyes are wide in shock, as if you don’t know the answer. The truth is, you already have a good clue what this answer is supposed to be but you can’t give him an answer. Your words are the manifestation of the hurt and suffering he put you through. That's why, your voice is unable to leave your throat because it knows how scathing your words are. 

“Erza left me,”

His voice is hoarse, like he is about to cry. As his blue hair forms a curtain around his eyes, your worse fears are confirmed. Tears, are falling from him. For the first time in a long time, he looked ashamed, embarrassed. Your heart clenches unbearably in your chest as he starts sobbing. Maybe its because you can see how human he is as he sheds tears, or maybe it hurts for you as well but eventually you find your arms wrapped around him. You embrace him in a hug, one you think he probably feels that he does not deserve.

“She‘s still alive. They… They are still alive.”

Even if it is a lie you tell yourself, you still have to believe in it. But it still hurts to know they were on an island that has suddenly perished. And that's why you eventually find yourself breaking down. But it's not all bad because you think you finally reached closure. Right now, it was a new starting point between the two of you. And this time, the two of you will finally be what friends were supposed to be.

You are wrong and right.

There is a sharp pain from your neck, one that eventually leaves you out cold and vulnerable. Jellal has a smile plastered across his face, one full of menace and dark intentions as you drop onto the floor. He attaches a choker on your neck, one that will slowly the magic out of the user. He scoops you up effortlessly, so that he is carrying you bridal style in his arms. 

"It doesn't matter whether or not they are. " He utters under his breath, "Because you are here now." 

And he'll do whatever it takes so that things remain the way they are now.

author's note:

i was bored.

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Chapter 3: Gah! Akashi tho...He's killing me~ NOOOOO! /faints
Hyoseong-ah #2
Chapter 29: This is good, but im wish you had labeled the character in the chapter title ^^
mikuthedog #3
Chapter 4: I love it :) <3 :) :3