
❝trapped — yandere one shot collection


credits: trigger warning for yandere ships and all the dangers of being in it. 
disclaimer: pictures belong to their respective owners

‘Ahh, maybe I shouldn’t have stopped for smoothie.’

You thought to yourself as you arrived at the train station at exactly seven twenty in the morning. There were several unfamiliar faces; some belong to the working class while the others were sporting identical uniforms as your own. With one hand holding onto a vanilla smoothie and another brushing through your [colored] locks, you found yourself meeting the gaze of a blue eyed individual. He seemed to have noticed you as well.

The two of you exchange brief smiles.

And then the train arrives, blocking the view of the mysterious blue-eyed individual. You find yourself brushing through unfamiliar faces to get to your destination. As you approach the gate of your new school, you find yourself once again surrounded by people. This time, they are seniors of various different after school clubs, trying to get you to join their ranks. Surrounded by the excitement of finally being here, in high school, you forgot the blue-eyed boy that had caught your eyes.

But he didn’t.


It has been three weeks.

Three weeks since the start of his basketball career in Seirin;
Three weeks since he found his light, Kagami Taiga;
Three weeks since the two of you exchanged brief smiles;

In a busy subway station, full of unfamiliar faces, you had somehow managed to locked eyes with the blue eyed male. He was genuinely surprised, when you had looked at him. After all, he had always suffered from a lack of presence and no one ever heeded him any attention.

Yet, you manage to find him.

But now, you were just like everyone else. You did not notice him. He supposes that he should mind, but he really doesn’t.

After all, he wasn’t a greedy person. He is contented. He gets to sit several seats away from you and he gets to see you every day because the two of you are in the same class. He gets to see you smile every day, even if he is not the reason behind its radiance.

He steps into the classroom, to find Kagami and you standing around at his seat. As he approaches his desk, you did something he did not quite expect.

With a kind smile on your face and an outreached hand, you introduced yourself.

“I’m [first name, last name]. It’s nice to meet you, Kuroko-san.”

His heart stops just for a second.


The squeaking of sport shoes against a seemingly spotless court seem to echo as their owners engages in an invisible battle of tug-a-war over a red ball. Their faces are intense, brows knitted tightly together. They are perspiring, sweat glistering under the glaringly bright lights illuminating their stage, the basketball court. Then there were the audience, excited students from both schools cheering on their respective teams.

This was quite an overwhelming experience for you, but you enjoyed it.

Your school is completely taking down the other team, tearing down their defense and scoring point after point. Though it was only a practice game, they appear to be giving it their best shot with Kagami and his ridiculous jumps and…

You started to frown, noticing something amiss. You felt like you just left someone out, even though you don’t know who. You started to observe the match more closely, keeping an eye on the red, black and white jersey sporting the name of your high school.

Your school had won. By the time the game was over, the sky was already painted with dark shades of blue. Kagami had offered to bring you home but you had politely declined. So you were the only one left in school but you didn’t want to go, not until you saw him. Just as you thought that, you heard footsteps approaching, until they stopped in front of you.

“It’s him,” You thought as you looked up, [colored] eyes meeting his blank blue ones. He’s not saying anything, but you know he is in fact questioning you on what you were doing here. It’s late and you shouldn’t be here. But instead, he finds himself entranced by your eyes.

The same pair that managed to find someone as invisible as him.

“I saw the game, Kuroko-san. You were amazing.”


“Kuroko-san, isn’t it tiring to be constantly living under Kagami-san’s shadow?”

There was a flicker of surprise in his usual blank eyes and you realized that you had asked something strange. You were about to apologize, but he begins to speak,


This time it was your time to be surprised.

“Call me Tetsuya.”

And there was this awkward silence between the two of you as he continues to look at you. Well, I guess it was far from quiet. After all, you could hear the short extracts of conversation from other consumers sitting beside you and even when the door swings open to reveal more customers.

To everyone else, you two look like a couple but this could not be further from the truth. The two of you had met each other coincidentally at the fast food restaurant after school; you even ordered the same item and because you were acquainted with him, you decided to join him at his usual table, which is by the window.

“I often come here to watch people,” He says as he looks out the window. You decide to do the same, eyes scanning the sea of unfamiliar faces. Your frown deepens upon the realization that they all share the cold and unfeeling looks on their faces as they march to wherever they are supposed to be.

By the time you were done with your smoothie, you have long forgotten the abrupt conversation between the two of you as you walk to the train station together.

But your words were constantly on his mind.


“Break up with Kagami-san.”

You were pushed up against the wall, with Kuroko pinning you against it. His arms around yours, you feel like he has been waiting for a long time to hold you the way he did. As he looks at you with his blank blue eyes, you feel a chill travel down your spine. There was something different about Kuroko; something you didn’t quite recognize.


He appears displeased that you have called him Kuroko. His grip on you tightens as he looks down at you.

“Tetsuya,” He says, voice low, “Call me Tetsuya.”

“What is wrong-”

Before you can finish your sentence, he begins to kiss you with a raw intensity. He was starting to scare you. You did not like him, not in that way. But he didn't give you a choice but to accept the deepening kiss. As he breaks for air, he buries you deep in his chest and whispers in your ear:

“I’m tired of being invisible.”

author's note:

i was bored.

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Chapter 3: Gah! Akashi tho...He's killing me~ NOOOOO! /faints
Hyoseong-ah #2
Chapter 29: This is good, but im wish you had labeled the character in the chapter title ^^
mikuthedog #3
Chapter 4: I love it :) <3 :) :3