I'm Back!

Opposite Do Attracts

Even though it was time to promote their comeback album, the girls were still practicing their choreography if they have time and some of the Topp Dogg members ocassionally visits them to cheer on them.


"Minmin-ah, can I talk to you for a while?" Gohn asked once he approached Minmin, who was staring at Seogoong from a far. He was happily talking to Minchan and Minchan was the same. She was feeling lots and lots of jealousy that Minchan and Seogoong could melt within her stare.

"Yes oppa?" Minmin tilted her head to Gohn's direction.

"Uhm...how do I begin?....Ah! Remember the day we all met?" Minmin nodded, signalling him to continue."Uh...Who approached you first?"

"Seogoong sunbaenim" she answered shortly.

"Hm, When we were visiting you all when you're preparing for your comeback, who usually sits and talks with you?"

"Seogoong sunbaenim" she repeated.

"Besides you, who else does he annoy?"


"Of course he does, they're best friends. Besides you and Minchan then?"

"Then...." Minmin thought for a while, thinking of her other members. Then it hit her, she was the only one. "Only me?"

"Correct" Gohn retorted. "Now, do you know why he's like that to you?" Minmin shook her head. But it made her curious suddenly. How come Seogoong was like that to her and not to the others? "It might sound creepy but I have been observing him lately and it's definitely unusual for Seogoong to be like that"

"What do you mean oppa?" Minmin asked, still unsure of what Gohn was trying to tell her.

"I have never seen him smile like that before. Every time he approaches you, something seems different. Maybe he was somehow...interested in you?" Minmin looked at Seogoong then back at Gohn.

"How can you be so sure?"

"He's my best friend, I know him more than you do"

"But why is he suddenly cold to me?"

"Dear, he told us you hate annoying people so he said that he'll try to change so that maybe, just maybe, you'll like him" Gohn can't help but chuckle at the thought of his childish close friend. Minmin's eye slowly widened in realization. Could it be that he heard her and Minchan's conversation the other day? She thought.

"Oh my goodness..." Minmin whispered to herself. 




[Seogoong's POV]


How lucky of me. I was asked by my manager to go to the near convenience store to buy him something. He barely allows us to go out. Now's my chance to go and buy all food that gets in my sight.


"Wahh..." I whispered in awe. The convenience store is so big. There might be lots of good food in here, but first manager's favor. I might forget it once I get distracted by the goods in here.


I fetched the list from my pocket and glanced at it for a minute. "Energy drink first" I made my way towards where the drinks are. There's lots of energy drink in rows, which one should I get?


I just grabbed a random energy drink, he was not specific anyway. I glanced back to the list. Our manager really, why would he make a list when he there's only two items to buy? "Ah, chips? Then it should be this way" I mumbled to myself, making my way to the snacks section. I grabbed two bags of chips and placed it in my basket.


To my surprise, when I turned around, I quickly spotted Minmin two steps away from me. Oh no, what if she's me? Wait, scratch that, she already saw me. "S-sunbae" she called. I gave her a quick smile and a quick hi before speeding my pace to the counter. "W-wait sunbae!"


Once I'm done paying, I walked out of the store as fast as I could. She would only ask me what's wrong. Telling her the reason, I might annoy her again. No, I don't want that. It's better this way. No food for me now, there's still next time, I hope.


"Wait sunbae!" her familiar vouce called. "Can you hear me?! Wait! Stop! I want to ask you something!" she said. I only quickened my pace more, pretending not to hear what she was saying. "Wa-wait! Please stop! I know you can hear me!" She better stop I swear.


After a minute, not a noise can be heard. Did she stop? I turned my head a little, she's gone. I guess she gave up? Finally.


Just when I was about to continue walking, I heard a high-pitched scream. "HELP ME!"


[Minmin's POV]


"Shut the up if you still want to live" he threatened once he covered my mouth and pressing the knife on my neck a little. Tears were gathering in my eyes and I'm shaking violently. My heart is thumping wild inside my chest. That's it, my life is over. My body, my money, this night. "Now just shut up and be an obedient girl to oppa, okay? Don't worry, I'll make you feel good tonight" he whispered. That's it, I was crying but no sound was coming out of my throat because of too much fear. His knife was still on my neck, making sure I don't make a single sound.


He started with my neck. He attacked my neck first but before he can continue, my name was called and he was pulled off me after, causing his knife to make a small wound on my jawline.


The next thing I knew is that the guy was already sprawled on the ground, unconcious. I fell on my knees, clutching my heart. I was breathing heavily.


The one who saved me slowly squatted at my level. I looked up and saw Seogoong with his face, bruised and full of concern. I was still so traumatized that tears were already rolling down my cheeks. "Minmin, don't cry" he whispered. I was still silently sobbing. Getting no reply from me, he patted my head and placed it gently on his warm chest after. All I can do for now is hug him back and cry on his chest. "Minmin, it's already over...okay? I'm here, I'm here" he whispered with his low, soothing voice. I don't know but, his voice somehow helped me to calm down.


[3rd Person's POV]


Once Minmin calmed down, Seogoong released her from the hug. Minmin looked at his face and noticed the bleeding wounds on his face. "Sunbae...you're bleeding!" Minmin exclaimed.

"Are you okay Minmin? Did he hurt you somewhere?" He asked with worry.

"I'm okay! But you! Your lips has a cut and your cheeks are bruised!" she exclaimed once more."Come on sunbae, I'll take you home first. Let's clean your wounds"

"No Minmin, I'm okay. I can mana-"

"No, please come with me. Cleaning your wounds is what at least I can do for you, please" She begged. He stared at me for a while before nodding his head. "Arasseo"




"Here, sit here" Minmin dragged Seogoong to the sofa. "I'll get the first aid kit!" and with that, she left Seogoong and went to the bathroom to get the first aid kit. Then she quickly rushed back and sat beside Seogoong. "Omo, you're really, bleeding sunbae" she grabbed some cotton balls and placed a little bit of alcohol on it. "This might sting a little but I'll try to be careful" Minmin sort of warned and began touching the cotton first on the wound on his cheek. Then after cleaning the first wound, she then treated the small cut on his nose which dried a bit already.


Seogoong can't help but stare at Minmin's concentrating face. She's so cute, he thought. Oh, restrain yourself Seogoong, restrain.


The last wound was on the lips. She stared at his lips for a while before reaching her finger to his lips unconciously. Why would harm such beautiful lips? she thought. She traced her finger around his lip and smiled bitterly. "You know, this lips used to smile at me before..." she spoke. "And I wish it would smile at me again..." she added. Seogoong just stared at her. "Sunbae, I am so sorry for hurting your feelings. I thought at first that maybe I can live with the fact that you changed your behavior towards me but I was wrong. Every time we would meet, I would watch you from afar, keep telling myself that I was suppose to be that girl you're talking with. I get jealous of my members, whom you can talk with normally while all I can do is stare with jealousy in my eyes. Sunbae...I am missing the old you. I want to old you back. Call me Minnie a lot of times, I don't care. Do aegyo in front of me, I don't care. Just go back to the way you are already. I can't stand it anymore. I can't stand you being mad at me" Minmin said, wiping the tears that almost escaped her eyes. She stared at him and Seogoong was the same as silence fell. 


Without any reply, she just sighed and decided to continue treating the wound on his lip but before her finger can leave his lips, he grabbed her hand and then he gently kissed the tip of her forefinger then brought it to his cheek, cupping it with her hand. Minmin froze at the sudden contact. Her heart was, once again thumping wild inside her ribcage. 


"I'm sorry Minnie..." he spoke after the long deafening silence. Minmin swore that she would cry in joy when she heard the nickname. "Please don't cry anymore, I can't stand to see you cry" he said, lowering his head. "You see...I tried to change myself a little after hearing what you said in the bathroom. I'm not mad at you or anything okay? I just changed because I thought that maybe, I wouldn't get to annoy you anymore and maybe, just maybe, you can somehow like me..." he trailed off. Minmin widened her eyes at Seogoong's sudden confession. Like him? Just then, what Gohn said flashed back in her mind. "Maybe he was somehow.....interested in you?" could it be that, Seogoong likes me?!


"But seeing you cry right now and on the other day, it stings. Just why do you have this kind of effect on me? Not even Minchan can affect me this much. I'm so sorry okay? Minnie, don't cry okay?" Seogoong said, brushing his thumb on the back of Minmin's hand that was cupping his cheek. Minmin thought his reason was so cute so a smile crept on her face as her heart warmed in full bliss. 

"Seogoong sunbae...I missed you really..." she whispered as she grabbeed Seogoong and hugged him tightly. Seogoong was taken aback by her sudden actions but relaxed and hugged back anyway. That's it Seogoong, no more restraining, he thought. "I miss you too Minnie~" he whispered, his lips dangerously near her ear. Minmin burried her face on the crook of his neck. Gosh, I really missed this person...


After the long hugging session, Minmin released the hug, remembering that the wound on his lips is not yet treated. "Oh Sunbae, your lips, I forgot!" she said, getting another cotton ball from the kit.

"Yah, call me oppa" he ordered.


"Call me oppa" he repeated.

"I don't like" she replied.

"Fine then. You really wanted to be treated coldly. Then I'll give it to you" he threatened. Minmin instantly changed her mind.

"No! I'm joking okay? Sorry oppa~" she sang. Seogoong didn't response.

"Sorry Geongie oppa~ please forgive now~" she aegyo-ed. She never used aegyo before, NEVER in her entire life. She swore she felt disgusted. That big effect Seogoong has on her. 


Seogoong's face immediately brightened. "Oh, is my Minnie doing aegyo now?" he teased. Minmin slighlty blushed. "Oh and Geongie oppa? Okay, oppa forgives you~"

"Good, now let's treat your wound" Minmin said, raising the cotton to his lips but his hand stopped Minmin's.

"No Minnie, that won't work on my lips" he said.


"That won't heal my lips"

"Then what do you want me to do?" Minmin asked with a hint of sarcasm. Seogoong brought his face a little closer to Minmin's. "I want you to kiss me..." he whispered darkly, staring into Minmin's eyes. At first, she thought he was just joking so she slapped his cheek softly. "Oppa, stop teasing m-" but before she can continue on what she was about to say, he grabbed the nape of her neck and crashed his lips on hers. Minmin's eyes was about to pop out from their sockets when she widened them. She can't believe it, Seogoong was kissing her while she was there, staying still. She was to shocked to process anything.


Seogoong s his other arm around her back. Then he slowly moved his lips on her. Minmin, on the other hand, was already closing her eyes slowly while she wraps her arms around his neck and shyly kisses back. Seogoong smiled in the kiss, knowing that Minmin was already kissing back so he pulled her closer, making sure not to leave any spaces between them.


Seogoong then left Minmin's lips slowly. She thought that he stopped but no, he trailed kisses from her lips to her jawline. He then left a kiss on the wound on her jawline. Minmin's heart was in for another marathon as she realized what Seogoong was doing. After he's done with done with the wound, he went back to her lips again.


Soon, the kiss came to an end as they both broke away, breathing heavily. "Have I...ever told you....that I like you?" He asked between pants, with his forehead on hers and his eyes close.

"You just did?" Minmin stated in a questioning manner. Seogoong kissed her nose.

"And it seems like you like me back~" he cooed in a whisper.

"When did I say that?" Minmin teased.

"Then where did all your strength in kissing me back came from?" Minmin can't help but blush at Seogoong's question.

"Okay fine, you got me" she said and pecked on his lips. "I like you too"


"Yah...Minniee~" Seogoong called.


"Can you be my girlfriend?" Minmin chuckled then pecked on his lips again.

"I don't know, maybe-"

"Minmin-ah" he threatened.

"Okay fine, I'm all yours, geez"

"That's my Minnie" and with that, he crashed his lips on her again, this time deeper.



So it ends here! I hope you liked the story! :D 

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SharonTheImaginator #1
Chapter 2: Yayyyy! There's finally a seogoong fanfic! He is so cute!!
I relate to this oc a lot she's so like me xD
Good job in writing it though!
SilentBliss #2
Chapter 2: It's so cute! I can't even... Seogoong is so lovely, why are there so little fics about him? :c Anyways, I liked your story!
FutureMain #5
FutureMain #6
juju95lc #7
I want to cry T-T!!! Please Seogoong go back!!!
FutureMain #8