Sudden Changes

Opposite Do Attracts

"Hi Minniee~" Seogoong greeted as he approached Minmin who was talking to Xero and Minki. Minmin's happy expression immediately fell once she heard the nickname given to her by Seogoong.

"Ohh, look who's where~" Xero spoke and stood up. His girlfriend, Minki, followed his actions.

"Unnie, we'll just get something to eat, be back!" Before Minmin can reply, Minki already pulled her boyfriend away.


Minmin breathed in a little frustration. They left Seogoong with her again. The last time that she met Seogoong, she swore that she got pissed. He was so girlish and stuff. He keep on smiling like a girl, being cheerful like a girl. She thanked her enduring patience at that time. Without it, she might have punched the boy's face.


"Minnie~ why the face?" Seogoong asked with a pout on his face.

"Nothing" Minmin forced a smile. Despite the fact that he can be gay-ish at times, she has no right to be rude at him since he has not done anything wrong to her....just the nickname.

"Am I bothering or annoying you, Minnie? Come on, you can tell me" he said and smiled. Now Minmin felt a little a tinge of guilt. It seems like he noticed.

"Aniyo, not at all!" Minmin exclaimed.

"You sure?" he asked once more, unsure. "Ne" Minmin flashed a wide smile, enough for him to understand. He let out a sigh of relieve "I thought I was annoying you! You always have that look on your face when your with me" he said, playfully placing his hand on his chest.

"Haha, aniyo, gwenchana" she chuckled a little.

"Wow, you chuckle" he sarcatically stated."Do you perhaps laugh too?"

"Yeah, I do" she chuckled again. "I just don't talk a lot when there's a lot of people" he then nodded in acknowedgement.

"Ah! Let's get something to eat? I mean that's the reason why I came here" he said. "I heard that they're preparing a surprise party for your comeback. I already decided not to come at first but when I heard that there'll be food, I changed my mind" he added and let out an innocent smile. This time, Minmin laughed.

"You sure do love food" Minmin laughed again. "Okay let's get food, Kaja~"

"Okay, you just laughed, that's awesome" Seogoong playfully said.


"Minnie~ what do you want?" Seogoong asked, getting two paper plates for both of them.

"Wahh, you all..." she trailed. There were lots of food prepared on the table, making her speechless. "Made this?" Seogoong chuckled then leaned on her ear.

"I made most of the food" he whispered, sending electric currents down her spine, even making her blush at the sudden closeness.

"R-really? T-then which are the ones that you cooked? I-I want to try" Minmin stuttered, trying to avoid eye contact.

"Why are you stuttering?" he teased, bringing his face closer to hers.

"W-what are you doing?!"

"Aigoo, my Minnie is blushing~" Seogoong cooed.

"My what?! Yah, who said I'm yours?!"

"Me, I just said it~" Seogoong sang. Minmin was in deep red already.

"Hey, stop it" Minmin said. "You're embarassing me"

"Aigoo, sorry Minnie. I was just joking" he said. "You can smile now, come on, smile for me" Minmin kept her poker face while Seogoong tries to make her smile. "There's nothing you can do, no one can make me laugh or smile easily" she said. Seogoong's shoulders deflated in surrender.

"Fine then, let's just eat, I'm hungry already"


"Seogoong sunbaenim, I'll just wash my hands" Minmin stood up and waited for his reply.

"Minnie, call me oppa from now on~ jebal~" Seogoong pleaded, pouting.

"Bwo?! I don't like!" Minmin retorted then walked to the bathroom.


In the girls' bathroom was Minchan, who just came out from one of the cubicles, heading to the faucet to wash her hands. "Eo, annyeong Minchan-ah" Minmin greeted and took the faucet beside Minchan's.

"Eo, annyeong unnie~" Minchan greeted back and flashed a cute smile.

"Smiling like that lately, huh? Is it because of Hojoon oppa?" Minmin teased.

"Aish unnie, stop" Minchan chuckled. "Everyone has been teasing me ever since I announced that he's my boyfriend"

"Arasseo" Minmin said, shutting .

"Unniee" Minchan called. "Seems like you and Seogoong oppa are already close" Minchan teased.

"What are you talking about?" Minmin's eyebrows furrowed.

"Aye, stop denying, you we're having fun while talking to him a while ago~"

"We were just talking" Minmin replied, not showing any interest about the topic.

"Aigoo, unnie stop denying, you like him, don't you?" Minchan continued teasing her unnie. Minmin grew annoyed by her dongsaeng's teasings.

"I don't like him, okay?!" Minmin bursted out. "In fact I hate him! I hate guys who are a little girly! And he's very annoying! Thank goodness I have good patience, if not, I could have punched him on the face!"

"Unnie, chill! I was just joking, geez! Talk about temper" Minchan half-yelled. She then closed the tap of the faucet. "But unnie, don't be like that. Seogoong oppa is really a nice person. Give him a chance okay? You never know, maybe he's the one for you"

"He's not my type" Minmin hissed. Minchan shrugged.

"You'll never know~" 


[Seogoong's POV]


All right, I heard enough. Better get out of here before they caught me. I stepped back from the girls' bathroom and headed back to the room where the party is.


After Minmin left, I decided that I should wash my hands too. I got out of the room and being a stupid Seogoong that I am, I forgot to ask where the bathroom was so I just decided that I'll look for it myself.


I found one, finally. I was about to enter but I heard Minchan and Minmin talking. That's when I realized that it was a bathroom for girls. I'm about to leave but I heard my name so I pressed my ears on the door to hear what they were talking about and that's how I found out that Minmin hates guys like me.


Going back to the room, everyone was giving me stares. "Hyung, you okay?" Sangdo asked. Ah, maybe they noticed?

"Yeah, I'm fine" I replied flatly and sat on the sofa I was sitting on a while ago.


[3rd Person's POV]


"Back!" Minmin and Minchan chorused once they returned from the bathroom.

"Front!" Maknae Minjung yelled back then laughed at her own joke. Some ignored her while some were giving her their faces.

"Okay, continue eating everyone!" Heerin said, as if telling everyone to ignore Minjung's joke.


"Eo, you're eating already? Why didn't you wait for me?" Minmin asked, sitting beside Seogoong.

"Sorry" Seogoong said shortly and continued eating.

"Why the face?" she asked then chuckled. Bipolar bastard, Minmin thought.

"Nothing" he answered.

"Aye, why are you like this?"

"Nothing. Just continue eating okay? You're food's gonna get cold. If you're gonna waste your time asking me then you can give me your food" he scolded.

"Arasseoyo" Minmin held her plate of food and just decided to eat ans shut . Weird, she thought.




After that day, Minmin noticed the sudden change of Seogoong. The outgoing one is gone. She thought at first that Seogoong is just playing with her, acting cold. But it continued. Seogoong kept on giving her cold shoulders, like how she was to him before. Everytime they meet, Seogoong would never greet her or call her Minnie. It was replaced with simple hellos or his and instead of Minnie is Minmin-ah and the thing is Seogoong is only like that when it comes to her. When it's with others, he's back to his own self.


"Fine, be like that, I don't care" she would always say to herself but deep inside she knows that she wants the old Seogoong back. It pains her a lot when he's being cold towards her. She keeps on denying it to herself but she knows it, that she misses the old Seogoong. She doesn't know why but all she knows is that she badly wants to old Seogoong back and she wants to know what's wrong.




"Seogoong sunbaenim! Wait!" Minmin grabbed Seogoong's arms, stopping him from walking further. Minmin decided to finish this once and for all so she decided to visit him and ask what is wrong. She wants to know what she did wrong and she wants him to treat her the way he does before.

"Eo, Minmin-ah" he spoke.

"Tell me, is there something wrong?" she asked, looking directly into Seogoong's eyes. Seogoong innocently blinked at her.

"What are you talking about?"

"I know there's something wrong, so please tell me what it is...please." Minmin pleaded.

"There's nothing wrong, Minmin" Seogoong answered."Now, if you'd excuse me, we have to somewhere to go" he gently pulled his arm off Minmin's grasp. "Bye Minmin" and with that, Seogoong left Minmin there standing. Minmin watched Seogoong's disappearing figure with tears forming in the corners of her eyes.


"Hyung, I think you're being a little harsh" Hansol spoke as he look back at Minmin."Hyung she's crying, I think"

"She said she doesn't like annoying people, I'm trying not to be one" Seogoong replied.

Okay, what just happened?! Seogoong suddenly becomes cold. Oh no! But is there a way to change him back? Comment beloww~ anticipate for the next chapter. Ppyong. Lovelots. - nekochii

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SharonTheImaginator #1
Chapter 2: Yayyyy! There's finally a seogoong fanfic! He is so cute!!
I relate to this oc a lot she's so like me xD
Good job in writing it though!
SilentBliss #2
Chapter 2: It's so cute! I can't even... Seogoong is so lovely, why are there so little fics about him? :c Anyways, I liked your story!
FutureMain #5
FutureMain #6
juju95lc #7
I want to cry T-T!!! Please Seogoong go back!!!
FutureMain #8