Lesson 04: Just one of Yoona’s Crazy Mornings

Living with My Seonsaengnim's (HIATUS)

Lesson 04: Just one of Yoona’s Crazy Mornings


Yoona’s PoV


“Hwang Miyoung!”


“YAH! Don’t call me that Soonkyu!”



“Why I outha…”



“NOOOOOOOOO!!! My cereals! Y-you two are murderers! You two should be imprisoned for this horrible crime you have done, Cereal killers! OH MY GOD, call 911!” (TToTT”)



“YAH! Shut up shikshin and just eat your cereals or I’ll push you down the stairs.”



“Evil bunny…”



“What did you say? *glares* ”



“Nothing!” (<_<”)



“Sicababy~! Please don’t ignore Kwon Seobang, pweeasee~ *aegyo* ” (>_<”)






“Sicababy~ pweaassee notice Kw—“



“YAH! Kwon stop the annoying aegyo! It’s your fault that Jessi got mad at you,”



“B-But…” (>o<”)






“You wanna die shikshin? *glares* ”



“*gulps*” (O_O”)






When would I get peace in this house?  (=_=”)



“Sicababy~!”  (>o<”)



“Shut up Kwon… *icy glare*”



“*gulps* O-okay…” (O_O”)





Yoona’s PoV


After experiencing the craziness of my unnies I couldn’t thank God so much that I was be able to arrive at school in one piece. I arrived early this time of course with the courtesy of Tiffany-unnie who have set an alarm clock not one but three of them. I didn’t even know where she got those alarm clocks.



I was taking out my books from my locker when somebody hit the back of my head.



“Oww!” I turned around only to be greeted by a llama with a silly grin on her face.



“You llama! Why did you do that for?” I asked her. Amber just shrugged her shoulders.



“Well your back is open so I just took the opportunity and hit you,” she said as she stuck out her tongue at me. I also stuck out my tongue at her.



“You’re not the only one who could do this, Merong~--Oww!”



“My tongue!”



“Cut the crap you two!”  While the two of us were busy we didn’t notice Luna’s arrival until she hit out head that we almost bit our tongues off. I glared at her whilst she just rolled her eyes at me. Typical Luna.



“You’re early today Yoong,” greeted Sulli. Yup, all because of Tiffany-unnie.



“Well I don’t want to get into trouble again.” I casually shrugged my shoulders as if it’s nothing. But seriously only those who are seriously stupid and already have a death wish would dare to be late on Jessica-unnie’s class, well unluckily I got a taste of the glare that she uses on those tardy students.



“Hey, Yoong are you still hurt?” asked Luna.



“Don’t worry it didn’t even hurt when I fell from heaven,” I told her which earned me a smack on the head. “Hey!”



“I’m not in the mood with your jokes Yoong, so how’s your cheek?”  she asked.



“Still fluffy as ever,” I saw her raise her hand and I immediately raised my arms for protection. “Okay, okay…fine, it’s okay don’t worry my unnie treated it” overly treated if you ask me and she almost brought me to the hospital. I wanted to add that but sadly I couldn’t.






“So what’s our first class?” I asked them. Though we’re not always in the same class there are still some instances that I get to be in the same class with my friends.



“Economics,” said Sulli as she checked our schedule in her planner.



“Aww, man~ why do we have to take this again?” whined Amber, she’s not really fond of cooking but she loves eating. Even I could say that I love eating more than cooking.



“Because we need to learn how to cook and take care of ourselves in the future.” Said Vic-umma.



“But I’m the man in the relationship so why do I need to learn this?” said Amber.



“Yeah, me too!” I agreed for what she said.



“Who asked if you’re the man or not, just attend that damn class you dimwits!” said Luna as she took my head and Amber’s and  began grinding them to each other.



“Waaah! T-that hurts Luna!”



“Let go!”



“Vic-umma!” Amber and I called at the same time. Victoria shook her head as she approached our direction. She took Luna’s hand and stopped her. Luna just rolled her eyes at us.



“Just let them be Luna,”  said Vic-umma.



“Merong~” we meronged at Luna before dashing off so wouldn’t be able to catch us and writhe our necks.



“Run Ambro!”  “Run Yoong!”






Author’s PoV


“Sicababy? Please don’t—Ooff! Oww…my nose” Yuri was very persistent in getting Jessica to talk to her but the latter slammed the door right on her face.



“Aish, I swear I’ll strangle a cheerleader when I see one…” growled Yuri.



“Oww!”  a clipboard suddenly flew on her Yuri’s face hitting it fair and square. She saw Jessica in front of the door.






“Teachers are not allowed to strangle their students Ms. Kwon, now go to your class.” said Jessica as she closed the faculty door with a loud slam.



“*sighs* Damn it! I Kwon Yuri officially swears that I hate cheerleaders from this forward!...or just until Sicababy forgives me.” Yuri mumbled the last part.





Yay~ ‘Living with My Seonsaengnim’s’ have reached 50+ subscribers and 500+ views. Thank you very much~ *bows* (^_^)

Because it reached 50+ subscribers  I’ll give a prize on the 50th subscriber  which is ‘akiraCubos’.  It is either Karma Points (5 Karma points) or a request on what you want to happened in the next chapter.  Just PM me or leave a comment below on what you want your prize to be.






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Chapter 7: hahahahaha taeng kidnapping her boo xD
Amberlily #2
The story is pretty fluffy and cute. But some of the characters' relations to each other are confusing. Are Sunny and Sooyoung dating? Is it just Hyo, Taeng, and Seohyun living together without anyone else? Are Jess, Tiff, and Yoona sisters?
Chapter 7: Hahaha.. So the kims is pretty rich i see..
How about Jessica n Yoona ? It should be Ims right ? Why Different surename when they are sisters ?
Are Sooyoung n Sunny lover like Jess n Yul ?
Heheh sorry for to much question author,, just to make sure...
Your story is good... Really fluffy... And offourse this is made my day! XD
JasKoh89 #4
Chapter 7: Wahhaha. I love this story. Laughing from the start till now. Awesome. Await ur next update
Chapter 7: Hehehehe! Alright I got it... they are the IMs. You make my day happy author-nim (^_^) can't wait for the next chapter
yellow0325 #6
Chapter 7: gid!nore pls.!
i have to do some re-reading. its nice that you finally updated. this story is so much fun to read