Meet the Kims [Sequel]

To Date A Kim

Zitao's laughter rang all throughout the empty hallway. His face red, his hands clapping loudly making the sound echo. He hit his boyfriend lightly on the arm before he bent over and laughed again, clutching onto his stomach in pain.


Sehun snorted at his cute boyfriend and patted his back, rubbing circles on his spine to try to get the Chinese male to calm down. "Zitao, stop before you choke on your own spit."


Zitao finally stood up straight again and wiped the tears from the side of his eyes. His mouth was hurting for smiling too much and his stomach was also in pain because of excessive laughter.


"Okay, okay," He lightly chuckled between words. Suddenly he turned serious and turned to another male that accompanied them. "Chanyeol hyung do it again!"


Chanyeol glared, "No, you're just going to laugh." He crossed his arms. "You two are jerks." He pointed accusingly at Sehun and Zitao.


"But watching you fall face down and still managing to get bits of petals out from in your nose is funny." Zitao snorted and began laughing again.


Chanyeol glared at Sehun and the boy shrugged. "If my boyfriend thinks it's funny, it's funny. It's not his fault you're a clumsy ."


"You guys are so rude, no respect for you elders dammit!"


"Stop getting so butthurt, hyung!" Zitao shouts back with a smug Sehun.


Chanyeol frowned at the younger's lack of respect and turned to Yixing. "Man, how dare you raise those- those bad children!" He pointed at Zitao and Sehun.


Yixing chuckled, "First, Sehun and Zitao are not my children- they're Yifan's-"




"Second," Yixing paused calmly. "Isn't weird how you call them our children and they're dating? It sound like brothers dating and I don't know if you're into that but I'm not." He gave Chanyeol a judging look.


Chanyeol squeaked, "I- ew..." he shivered as the thought of crossed his mind. He shook that thought away and attached himself to Yixing. "I just want you guys to help me ask Baekhyun out!"


Yifan scoffed and removed Chanyeol's arm from Yixing smoothly.  "Well get rid of one and two over there and Yixing and I will help. We all know we can't get anything done with those two-"


"Wow, Yifan, keep talking like we're not here-"


"You shut your mouth Oh Sehun!" Yifan glared. "I know it was you who sprayed painted my car last week."


"Actually it was Zitao and I-"


"Is this way he's so mad about us being his kids?"


"You guys were out of line, Zitao."


 "Yixing, they're always out of line." Chanyeol chimed in and an annoyed Yifan nodded his head in agreement eagerly, hands crossed on his chest. Sehun and Zitao are such s, god help them.


"Well we apologize for the inconvenience, Yifan hyung." Sehun cutely says, cupping his face from the sides in a try at aegyo.


Yifan rolls his eyes and mutters something under his breath but then Zitao is doing the same thing and the older sighs. "I swear, you do it one more time and you won't have your fingers anymore."


Sehun pulls Zitao closer to him with an arm around his waist. "We can't promise anything, hyung!"


"Ugh," Yifan groans.


The bell chimes loudly in the hallway and Chanyeol squeaks loudly once again ("What a girl," Sehun and Zitao both snicker in the background.) He starts biting his lip and fiddling with his fingers (not to mention his right eye is beginning to twitch). Yixing pats his back comforting because it's lunch time and they accomplished nothing. Chanyeol can make a complete fool out of himself because they didn't take this serious so Yixing feels bad. Yifan drags Yixing by the wrist into the cafeteria before the boy tries giving Chanyeol a pep talk (once Yixing starts, he doesn't stop and he always loses his purpose when talking. Always ending up saying some weird that no one gets, so Yifan thinks he's doing everyone a favor. He's a saint).


"Hey guys," Jongin smiles at them, hands intertwined with Kyungsoo as they meet them. Students are already rushing out of class to get to the lunch room. "How did practice go?"


"Horrible!" Chanyeol faked a cry, "I fell a total of three times, look at the dam flowers!" He shouted as he held the bouquet. The flowers where limp, some were missing petals. "I'm ruined." He sighs and stuffs the bouquet in his back pocket, they're already messed up- what's the point now?


Kyungsoo shakes his head, "It's the thought that counts, I mean Baekhyun already likes you."


"Really?" Chanyeol asks with big eyes sparkling with hope.


Kyungsoo gives him a nod and a pat on the back for encouragement (to which Jongin pouts at, he's trying to tone down his jealousy). "Yeah, just go now so you can catch Baekhyun alone."


Chanyeol nods and takes off quickly to the cafeteria. Sehun gives Kyungsoo a look, "That was oddly nice of you."


"Kyungsoo can be nice," Jongin scowls at the blonde, defending his boyfriend. "He's not an ."


"Neither is Sehun, he's nice too... sometimes!" Zitao sticks his tongue out childishly.


"No one really gives a Zitao." Kyungsoo fakes a smiles, "Besides Chanyeol just needed an extra push, the hell I know if Baekhyun likes him back."


"You mean there is a chance Baekhyun might not even be interested in that tree?" Sehun asks with a smirk. "I knew there was a reason why you were my favorite hyung."


"You change them every week," Kyungsoo rolls his eyes when Sehun slings are arm around his shoulder.


Jongin and Zitao try not to be jealous.


"Exactly so why are we still standing here when we can witness Chanyeol make a fool of himself." Kyungsoo said with a smile, "Sorry babe, but Chanyeol is funny when he's nervous."


Jongin shrugs, his best friend can be a idiot sometimes. "None taken. Now come on before we miss the show."










Chanyeol's palms began to sweat, heart harming in his chest and he doesn't doubt that there is a blush on his cheeks. With red ears due to embarrassment,  Chanyeol sets off to find Baekhyun who is alone (thank god) buying a bottle of coke from the vending machines.


He looks across the room to where his (now new) friends are watching him attentively. Luhan and Jongdae look smug (they've gave him some advice earlier), Minseok and Joonmyun look like their bored, Sehun and Zitao looked amused and the scene that will play out. At least Yifan and Yixing are giving him encouraging smiles along with Kyungsoo and Jongin so he doesn't feel like he's alone in this.


Jongin shoots him a thumbs up and Chanyeol nods, turns back around to walk towards Baekhyun. He pats at the sides of his sideburns, "I'm going in." He murmurs to himself.


When he arrives behind Baekhyun he hesitates before slaps his hand on the boy's shoulder. Baekhyun jumps and knocks his head forward on the glass of the vending machine. "!" He hisses at the pain on his forehead.


"Oh my god," Chanyeol's starts sweating harder. "Baekhyun, I'm so sorry-"


"You ing-" Baekhyun turns around with his palm pressed to his forehead before he notices it's Chanyeol and squeaks. "Oh, um, hi Chanyeol."


If it wasn't for the given circumstances, Chanyeol would have squealed happily- because yes, Baekhyun actual got his name right this time.


The younger of the two swears he can hear Zitao's laughter, but that's not important right now. "Are you okay? I swear I didn't do that on pu-purpose." Chanyeol's voice cracks at the end and he mentally face palms.


"What's up?" Baekhyun asks with a smile and removes his hand from his forehead to reveal a red spot where he smacked his head.


Chanyeol knows Zitao laughs this time for real, he will not hear the end of this. "Oh um, your forehead kind of- sorry."


Baekhyun takes out his phone quickly and uses the screen as a mirror. He quickly slaps his hand on his forehead (Chanyeol flinches at the sound because that sounded like it hurt). "Oh it's okay, ha."


"Ha," Chanyeol laughs awkwardly in return.


It's quiet for a few seconds before Baekhyun speaks up. "So, you wanted to say something?" He bites his lip.


He looks shy, this is the first time Chanyeol sees him like this and it makes the taller's heart flutter. "I wanted to ask you something?"


"Okay," Baekhyun smiles, hand still on his forehead. "But wait, let me get my coke first."


Chanyeol nods quickly and watches the boy put his dollar in and punch a few buttons before the coke falls and he picks it up.


"Okay, go." Baekhyun gives him an eye smile and Chanyeol has to stop himself from getting a heart attack.


"You- you like boy's right?" Chanyeol blushes, he's a but that just slipped.


Baekhyun rolls his eyes playfully, "No I look s- duh I'm gay, everyone knows this." He snorts.


"Yeah sorry,"  Chanyeol ruffles his hair. "Okay well, doyouwanttogooutwithme?" He says in one go.


Baekhyun look at him, hand off his forehead now. "Say that again, it was to fast."




"What? You're talking to fast!"




"Yah Park Chanyeol, talk slower!"


"Date me dammit!" Chanyeol shouts and it catches a few of the student's attention.


Baekhyun flushes, "Fine, but only because you're hot when you're frustrated."


"I- oh my god, you just agreed." Chanyeol looks dumbfounded and Baekhyun snorts at how cute he looks right now.


"I did," Baekhyun muses. "You better wow me on our date, I won't hesitant to dump you in front of everyone."


Chanyeol breaks into a big (creepy) smile. "You can take this back! I promise this date will be amazing."


"Okay, I hope you keep your word." Baekhyun winks before he struts off.


Chanyeol stares at the vending in disbelief, "It happened- I'm going to take Kim ing Baekhyun out."


It takes a minute of two before he collects himself and walks to his table. When he arrives everyone is minding their own business (except for Sehun and Zitao who giggle at him but he can't be bothered by them right now), Baekhyun shoots him a smile and another wink.


Chanyeol smiles back and takes a seat between Sehun and Jongin before he yelps loudly and stands quickly.


"What the hell?!" Shouts Sehun in surprise because that scared him.


Everyone at the table looks at him in surprise and then Chanyeol pulls the bouquet of squished, beat up roses out of his back pocket. He hands them to Baekhyun sheepishly.


"These are yours, I sat on them and the thorns stabbed my ."


It doesn't take long before the whole table breaks into laughter while Chanyeol pouts and rubs his cheek through his jeans.


Baekhyun chuckles at Chanyeol and knows if the boy acts anything like he's acting now on their date, they'll have a blast.







"Hell no!" Changho shouts, arms flinging in the air dramatically. "You mean to tell me my sons, my youngest children, are dating?!"


Miyun snorts at her husband, flipping through her magazine like this is old news. Its is. "I thought they told you, oops."


Changho slams his palms on the kitchen table, "The hell you did! We're suppose to be a team! We're suppose to keep our boys innocent and pure. We are not suppose to let them have ''sleepovers" their boyfriend's house!"


"Let it go, dad!" Comes a shout from upstairs and Changho scowls.


"Luhan, I'm not your dad. You aren't even married to my son so-"


"Who knows, one day I might just be." Luhan yelled out from upstairs (most likely Minseok's room).


"Shut up Luhan, Joonmyun and I are trying to study here!" Jongdae's voice sounded muffled behind a door.


Changho groaned, "Jongdae's here too?" He looked at his wife with desperate eyes.


Miyun shrugged her shoulders and continued to flip through her magazine. "Oh yeah, Joonmyun and Jongdae are studying-"


Minseok and Luhan walk down the stairs and towards the kitchen where Changho and Miyun are. "Studying?" Minseok snorts at his mom, passing the table and heading straight to the fridge.


Changho watches Luhan give them a wave before he follows after Minseok. "Yah, Luhan don't you have a house?! Why are you always here?!"


"I would be offended but since it's from you, dad, I'm not!" Luhan called out. "Besides Jongdae is always here too!"


As if on cue Jongdae and Joonmyun stumbled down the stairs. Minseok snorted, coming back with an apple in his hand, as he catches sight of his younger brother's red stained lips. Jongdae was suspiciously sporting equally red lips.


"Studying my ," Luhan and Minseok muttered in union.


"Yah Kim Jongdae, don't you have a home too?!" Changho pointed at him with his finger.


Jongdae smiled cheeky, "I do, Mr. Kim but I like it better here." He paused and looked at wife, "By the way, what are you making, mom?" (In the back, Changho squeaked out a, "Mom?")


Miyun smiled at Jongdae, "Kimchi spaghetti, It's already done but do not touch it until the rest get here." She warned with a look and everyone else nodded because when things don't go her way, she can be scary.


"Oh, this is going to be interesting." Luhan smirked, rubbing both his hands together.


Joonmyun snickered as he fixed at loose strands from Jongdae's hair. "I bet you Jongin and Chanyeol don't even know."


Jongdae planted a small kiss on Joonmyun's lips as a thank you, Luhan took a bite from Minseok's apple while the elder glared only to smile when Luhan kissed his cheek. Changho scowled at the sight of his sons with their boyfriends, sure they were cute but hell he's the dad he's suppose to be overprotective.


"Just get married!" Changho's wife clapped happily at her son's.


Changho gasped dramatically in disbelief, "We're suppose to be a team! We're suppose to keep our boys from marrying, getting pregnant and-"


"I can't get pregnant-"


"What's the point now?" Miyun argued, "They have boyfriends, I trust my boys-"


"The hell I will let them get pregnant before they marry!"


Joonmyun sighs, "Once again, I can not get preg-"


"That's why I'm telling them to marry!"




"Kim Changho," She said, her tone was a warning. "Just get ready because you'll soon meet Kyungsoo's and Baekhyun's boyfriends."


"How long have they even been dating those boys? A week?" ChangHo shook his head stubbornly, "They will not step into my house-"


"I invited them," She glared at her husband. "Kyungsoo has been with Jongin for a month and Baekhyun id dating Chanyeol for two weeks now. Learn to deal with your children growing up."


"But, we're suppose to be a team..." He trailed off, but then crossed his arms. "I'm scary the out of them."


"I never said you couldn't," Miyun shrugged as Joonmyun, Jongdae,Luhan and Minseok shook their heads rapidly in a yes.


Honestly, Miyun and everyone else wanted to see how this plays out.








"Do I wear a suit?!" Jongin rushed out quickly as he fiddled in his room.


Kyungsoo bore holes at his boyfriend, "Calm down, you're only meeting my parents."


"Exactly you're parents! What if they hate me and forbid you from dating me?!" Jongin cried dramatically, arms flying in the air.


"That won't happen," Kyungsoo smiled. "Besides my dad will try to scare you off but he's not intimidating at all. Luhan and Jongdae call him dad-"


"And they're still alive?!"


"Yes, because he's no longer intimidating when you meet him."


"But I want your dad to like me," Jongin wines rather cutely and Kyungsoo laughs lightly.


"He will," Kyungsoo says determinedly, "Now come here and kiss me!" He shouts loudly.


Jongin quickly hushes him, "My family is downstairs and my sister is such an eavesdropper."


"Oh right, sorry." The older smiles sheepishly, "Come here and kiss me!" He whisper shouts and Jongin chuckles at his cute boyfriend.


He obliges and tackles Kyungsoo on his bed, the older's laughter ringing in his ear and somehow setting his heart at ease.








"Ohmygod," Chanyeol says in one breath for the twenty-seventh time, yes Kyungsoo counted.


"Shut up," Baekhyun and Kyungsoo mutter at the same time. Baekhyun is currently driving and Kyungsoo's is in the passenger seat.


Jongin had sat in the back with Chanyeol and he knows the boy is his best friend but he's getting ing annoying. "Chanyeol calm down-"


"Like you didn't have mental breakdown already," Chanyeol hissed playfully at his best friend.


Jongin shrugged, "I did but now I'm cool."


Kyungsoo, who was on his phone, snorted from the passengers seat. "He like was jumping off the walls in his room in pure nerves."


"Yeah but I'm okay now, hyung." Jongin whined from the backseat.


Kyungsoo looked at the younger from the mirror and snickered, "Sure, we'll see."


Jongin made a psh sound in the back, "You act like I'm going to piss my pants from horror. I'm perfectly fine, hyung."


Chanyeol snorted, ruffling his hair as he looked over his best friend. "I'm on the same page as Kyungsoo you're going to make a fool of yourself."


"You make a fool of yourself all the time, so I wouldn't be talking Park Chanyeol." Jongin hissed with a glare. The hell he'll let someone as dumb as Chanyeol make him look like a girl in front of his boyfriend and his parents. "I've got this unlike you."


Baekhyun rolls his eyes, "I bet you won't even remember your name when my dad asks for it."


"Yeah, tell him honey!" Chanyeol yelled from the backseat.


"I meant you Park Chanyeol."








"So this is Jongin and Chanyeol?" The twin's mother asked with a small smile. "Hi, I'm Baekhyun's and Kyungsoo's mom!" She chirped happily, bringing her hand out to shake for them to shake it.


Jongin's hand was already clammy but it'll be rude if he just left the women hanging. He quickly shook her hand with a smile, "I'm Jongin."


"And I'm Chanyeol," The giant beamed, showing off his straight teeth in the process.


Their mother isn't intimidating, the two boys mused. She's short with long honey hair, a petite body form, big eyes with long lashes and a nice heart warming smile. She's pretty pale as well and she looks pretty young for someone who's hand four (high school) children already.


"Please come in!" She steps aside for them to enter. Kyungsoo and Baekhyun walk in before them, taking their shoes off by the door and making their way towards the kitchen where they hear laughter.


Jongin watches his hyung's figure disappear and internally cries, he wants to go after him but he doesn't want to intrude around the house. Chanyeol just stands there, awkward at what to say or do.


"Okay well, if you boys are hungry, I've prepared dinner. You can just follow-"


"Well, well, well, if it isn't my sons' boyfriends." A tall (well, now they know the kids get their height from their mother) man exclaimed rather obnoxiously.


Jongin instantly straightened his back, along with Chanyeol. , this was Mr. Kim. His face looked intimidating, compared to their mothers. He had angry eyebrows, jet black hair. He looked a lot like all four boys in a way. But still, he was scary as .


"Dad, just leave them alone." Baekhyun said as he walked back into the living room, food in his hand. Chanyeol almost cried in happiness when he laid eyes on his boyfriend.


His mother gave him a glare, "Why are you eating? I specifically said no one eats until thetable  is set." She said sternly and the look on her face quickly snapped something in Baekhyun.


He quickly shoved down the food and pointed towards the kitchen, "I'm not the only one! Minseok and Joonmyun was already eating, I swear!"


"Baekhyun, the table better be set or I will-"


"I already set it, mom," Kyungsoo walked in and gave him mother a smile.


Baekhyun narrowed his eyes at him, " up, just because you're boyfriend is here." He hissed as the younger stood beside him.


"Shut the up," Kyungsoo seethed back.


"Rude," Baekhyun muttered back before he made his way into the kitchen, his mother and Kyungsoo following after him.


Changho who was watching the scene of his wife and kids, turned back to the two young boys infront of him. "Anyways, what are your names?"


Jongin instantly starighten his back again, "J-Jongin si-sir, very nice to meet you sir."


"Mi-mine is Changmin- I mean Chanyeol, sir. Its very nic-nice to meet you." Chanyeol stuck his hand out for the man to shake, but Changho ignored it.


"Good, now please sign here and here." The man points to a contract.


"What for sir?" Chanyeol asked curiously.


The older man laughs casually, "Oh you know, just a contract stating I have the right to do some damage if you ever hurt my sons. You know, nothing too major." He gives them a smile and a wave of his hand to knock down any of their worries.


Jongin visibly pales at the man, "I don't know-"


"Sign the dam contract!" The man barks and Jongin and Chanyeol jump at the sound.


"Yes sir!" They shout in unison.


Mr. Kim smiles fondly at the two. "Very well then- honey, can you get these lovely boys a pen?"


Miyun, Changho's wife, snorts, "Stop scaring the poor boys." She says and Jongin and Chanyeol relax about the whole contract thing but then she hands Changho a pen and they both squeak. "After you finishing signing, come to the table so you can eat." She smiles nicely before she walks away.


Luhan and Jongdae snort when they watch Miyun come back into the kitchen, "This is why I like you the best, Mrs. Kim."








Kyungsoo scowls as he stabs into his food, eyes glaring holes at his father who seems to be uninterested in his son shooting daggers at him. Instead the man is glaring at Jongin and Chanyeol as they eat. He had Baekhyun and Kyungsoo sit on the opposite side of the table, away from their boyfriends. He knows Baekhyun is glaring at him as well but he can't be bothered. He's too busy making Jongin and Chanyeol squirm under his eye sight.



"So, what do you do for a living, Mr. Kim?" Jongin speaks up first, he looks at Changho but when he sees the man's glare he quickly looks back down.


Changho has been waiting for this question, "I'm a police officer." He announces with a smirk, "I carry guns and ." He almost laughs at the way Chanyeol's eyes widen.


"Oh, how nice?" Chanyeol says with a nervous smile, the idiot even drops his chopsticks from how bad his hands are shaking.


"He's not going to kill you," Luhan says with a mouth full and Miyun scolds him like he's her child, hands slapping at his greedy fingers. The older just pouts as Minseok snorts at his mother and boyfriend.


"Well not yet," Jongdae decides to be a douche and say with a smile. Changho actually likes Jongdae for helping him scary the of the boys.


"By the way, when was the last time you had ?" Changho asks and Chanyeol and Jongin choke on their food. Everyone continues eating calmly as if the questions is asked all the time.


"Oh, never..." Jongin trails off, embarrassment evident on his cheeks.


"What about you, Yoda?" Changho asks the Chanyeol.


Chanyeol is too scared to tell him his name is not Yoda, "I'm a too..."


Changho stayed silent for a moment, well at least they were innocent s, they can't taint his sons. "Well, why do you like my babies?" He fires back, "Are you aware I can arrest you if I feel threatened by you?! I feel threatened!"


"Dad, stop scaring them with your questions questions!" Baekhyun whines over his food. "You weren't like this when Luhan and Jongdae came."


"I was too!" Changho said childishly.


"No you weren't!" Kyungsoo joined in.


"Yes he was," Miyun decided to be a good wife and join in on her husband side.


Changho smirked, "See, your mom said so."


"She's just taking your side because you guys are married." Kyungsoo pointed out.


"Speaking of marriage-"


"Luhan don't even start-"


"But Dad!" Luhan whined cutely at the male.


"No," Changho whined back, his facade quickly falling. "No, I completely disapprove."


"I approve-"


"Miyun, you're my wife." He reminded with a pout, "We're suppose to be a team." He whispered.


Kyungsoo snorted at his father and patted his back, "See and you guys were afraid of my father for no reason. He's a softie," The younger male smiled at his dad.


"I'm not," Changho snapped but his image was already damaged.


"Oh okay," Jongin said slowly. He seemed to be relaxing in his seat and Changho scowled at him which made the male straighten up again.


"He's not intimidating anymore when you get to know him, right dad?" Jongdae smiled at the man.


Changho groaned and rubbed his temples, "Not you too Jongdae, you were becoming my favorite."


"I thought I was your favorite!" Luhan pouted.


Joonmyun, who was being quiet, rolled his eyes. "You're no ones favorite, Luhan."


"Kim Joonmyun, fight me."


"Fight me first!" Jongdae jumped in.


"Yah, Kim Jongdae, shut up!" Minseok joined in the argument as well.


"Father, Chanyeol and Baekhyun and playing footsie under the table!" Kyungsoo announced loudly.


"What- no!" Chanyeol answered quickly.


"Yah, Kyungsoo!"


"Stop doing weird under the table with your foot!" Kyungsoo fired back and Jongin snorted.


"Why are you laughing?" Chanyeol gasped, "You're suppose to be my best friend."


"It's either my life or yours, I like Kyungsoo too much to die." Jongin said stubbornly.


"Aw, Jongin!" Kyungsoo cooed.


"Ew," All the other couples groaned, soon a argument broke out between all of them.


Changho and Miyun watched the arguments that sprouted around the table. Changho gave Miyun a look and the women rolled her eyes playfully at her husband before she spoke up.


"I swear if anyone says another word and their food is not finished on their plate," She stares at them with a deadly look.


"Yes, ma'am." Jongdae and Luhan instantly said. They've been here long enough to know who's the one they should really worry about. Miyun runs in this house.


"Lovely," Miyun smiled as she watched everyone eat their food in peace and quiet.








"I told you my dad wasn't scary," Kyungsoo smiled as he and everyone else, minus his father and mother, sat in the living room.


"He's scary as when you meet him," Luhan spoke up, arm around Minseok's shoulder. "But when you've been around for too long you know who you should watch out for. Their mom is scary when she's angry."


"This one time, she accidently dropped a picture frame on my foot." Jongdae whined as him he could remember the pain. He had decided to go barefoot that day, not the best choice. \


"I guess that's where they get their attitudes then." Chanyeol chirped up and Baekhyun glared.




"Hello, peasants!" Sehun yelled as he walked inside the house with the rest of the crew following after them.


When Zitao seen that they were all resting in the living room, he frowned. "Did we miss everything?"


"Seems like it," Yixing frowned, even he wanted to see Jongin and Chanyeol scared less.


"You guys should have been here," Luhan laughed, "Whenever Changho talked they were like dears caught in headlights."


"They just stared at their food waiting for permission to eat until Changho told them to eat." Jongdae wiped the imaginary tears from his eyes.


", we missed a lot." Yifan frowned and made his way into the living room with the rest of the group. He instantly seated himself by Yixing who was arguing with Joonmyun about something completely irrelevant.


"It was scary," Jongin muttered. "He made me sign a ing contract and everything."


"No one told me he was a ing cop!" Chanyeol hollered but instantly toned his voice down. Oh, , what if Changho heard him?!


Minseok snorted along with Joonmyun. "Oh, guys, my dad's a cop." He told Jongin and Chanyeol.


Jongin glared while Kyungsoo and Baekhyun laughed along with everyone else. He scooted closer to Chanyeol. "We're lone wolfs in this, man."

Chanyeol whimpered, "I know." He whispered back.


"Stop being ing wimps," Sehun and Zitao rolled their eyes. "It's Miyun, their mother, you should worry about."


Zitao nodded, "One time, I cursed too loudly at one of her Christmas' parties and she dragged me outside by the ear where she proceeded to scold me. She scolded me for cursing, but the bad words that flew from -" Zitao looked shocked, "She seemed so nice."


"My mom wears the pants in this house," Joonmyun shrugged casually. "My dad says he doesn't have favorites but Kyungsoo and Baekhyun come in close. So, you just jumped into a trap, good luck."


Chanyeol whimpered again, "I'm going to die a ."


"I haven't lived my life to it's full potential." Jongin cried.


"Oh, it was nice knowing you guys." Baekhyun smiled at them with a wave good bye.


"Baekhyun your suppose to be my boyfriend!"


"Oh, , right. Then, I won't let him kill you honey."


Jongin looked at Kyungsoo, waiting for a response from the elder. "I won't let my parents kill you either." He said and Jongin was instantly at his side cuddling him.


"Whipped," Minseok and Joonmyun snickered at their brothers which resulted in both of the younger males to glare holes at them.


"Luhan, Kyungsoo is killing me with his eyes." Minseok pointed out.


"Oh," Luhan turned around from his conversation with Jongdae. "Jongdae, do something about it."


"Jongdae is my boyfriend," Joonmyun hissed. "You be a man."


"Now Baekhyun wants to kill me too!"


"But, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo are scary as when they're angry." He squeaked quietly at Joonmyun and Jongdae.


Joonmyun frowned, "Minseok, you're boyfriend is a queer."


"No I'm not!" Luhan snapped, "Sehun, do something about it."


"Zitao, Luhan said to do something about it!" Sehun said.


"Father!" Zitao singed, "Do something about it."


Yifan frowned, "Yixing, your children are calling you."


"Ge, it takes two-"


"Oh, hi Mr. Kim." Sehun waved happily as the man and his wife came into view. "Hello Mrs. Kim."


"Sehun, how are you?" Changho smiled and Chanyeol and Jongin gaped. "I see Zitao and you are still together, how lovely."


"Oh, Yifan and Yixing are here too." Miyun smiled at the two, Yixing was her favorite because he had yet to do anything to piss her off.


"Hey, Miyun!" Yixing waved with a dimple smile, everyone watched as Miyun waved back with a caring smile.


Jongdae and Luhan gasped, "How the does he do it?" Jongdae muttered to Luhan.


"There is still food," She motioned all four boys to the kitchen, "Come and eat."


"Yes," Sehun stood up and dragged his boyfriend to the kitchen. Yifan and Yixing stood up as well, following after them.


"Tell Sehun and Zitao if they make a mess, I'll kill them." Miyun said, a smile on her face but her voice deadly. Yixing and Yifan nodded before disappearing.


"So, I talked to your mom," Changho said, looking at his sons. "And... I kind of... like... approve."  He said.


"Approve?" Baekhyun and Kyungsoo both perked up. "Please elaborate." Baekhyun said.


"You know what it means-"


"I'm still confused on what approve means, dad-"


"You can date the Yoda, dammit!"


Baekhyun beamed and attacked his father with a hug. "What about me?" Kyungsoo pouted.


Changho sighed and looked away, "I guess you can date Jongmin."


Kyungsoo hugged his father as well with Baekhyun. Chanyeol and Jongin smiled (even though Changho got their names wrong) and on instinct went and hugged the man as well.


Miyun laughed, "Welcome to the family."


"Oh hell no," Changho pushed them away from him lightly because his sons were hugging him. "They aren't married so don't-"


"About marriage-"


", Jongdae, not you too." Changho whined.


"Hey, marriage is my idea!" Luhan snapped.


Changho instantly joined the argument while Minseok and Joonmyun laughed.


"Miyun, I'd just like to say, Sehun an Zitao spilled spaghetti on your floor." Yifan came back looking all smug.


Miyun didn't hesitate to stalk her way into the kitchen, he mouth twitching to scold the two boys she dearly loved but still managed to tick her off.


"That's what they get for spray painting my car," Yifan muttered under his breathe in satisfaction.








"Our family is pretty crazy, huh?" Changho asks suddenly at Jongin and Chanyeol who nod. "Makes you want to break up with my sons' right?"


"Oh um, no sir." Jongin answered shyly. "Sorry..."


Changho sighed, "I swear if you break my sons' hearts." He threatened with dark eyes.


"I would never, Mr. Kim." Chanyeol bowed quickly and Jongin followed suit.


Changho laughed lightly at the younger males. He supposes he could get along better with them then Luhan and Jongdae, those too have been around too long. It's not like Changho hates Luhan and Jongdae, he doesn't. He knows Minseok and Joonmyun are in good hands, he knows they'll be treated well. But the thought of his kids leaving his home makes him feel like an overprotective father, not to mention now he has realized that someday he has to let go of Baekhyun and Kyungsoo too. But still, he thinks he'll like Jongin and Chanyeol because the boys are still respectful and still scared of him.


"Loosen up," Changho smiles at them for the first time and instantly Jongin and Chanyeol sigh in relief. "We'll be seeing a lot of each other I suppose, might as well get used to it now." He shrugs.


"Thank you," Jongin suddenly said and bowed.


"Yeah, thank you for your approval, Mr. Kim." Chanyeol smiled politely.


Changho snorted, "It's fine." He smiles at them, "Just know I will ing kill you if you hurt my babies."


"Yes sir!" They shouted in union.


Miyun decided to step out then, "Oh, Jongin and Chanyeol, Kyungsoo and Baekhyun are looking for you two." She smiles and the boys nods quickly. They bow at the both of them and scurry off to their boyfriends.


"Our kids are growing up," Miyun smiles at her husband.


"I guess," He sighs, heart heavy on his youngest children dating.


"It'll be okay," She laughs lightly. "It's not like they're getting married, right?"


"Oh," He laughs suddenly. "Yeah, your right-"


"So Minseok and I were talking and we decided on the decorations for our wedding," Luhan suddenly comes out with a big smile. "Anyways we were thinking about something-"


Changho shook his head, "No, Luhan, at least wait till you two are done with college." He sighed dejected.


"So you're saying yes?" Luhan didn't even wait till Changho finished, running inside yelling. "I GOT HIS APPROVAL, HOLY !"


"Looks like you'll be seeing Luhan for the rest of your life." Miyun smirked and Changho groaned, "And I'm pretty sure you're stuck with Jongdae, Jongin and Chanyeol too. I don't think they're going anywhere."


Changho paled, "."

A/Nwhathaveidone, this is horrible. I want to cringe at how un funny this is. BUT I JUST WANTED TO FINISH THIS DAMN THING. I am sorry.

Honestly, I'm very sorry for this. I just, ugh. I really wanted to finish this for you guys because, I posted this in the summer and 2015 is like two days away. But, I have lost my touch. I'm so sorry, but I hope this at least made you smile? Feel free to ignore this update if it was horrible. I- ew. Anyway, thank you so much for everything, have a happy new years! (:

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holy crap, one more sub and I'll be at 500. why are you guys so nice.


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Chapter 4: Its 2020 and i still come back to this fic for a good laugh. This is a legendary fic super cute and an all package fic
Tipti_2000 #2
Chapter 4: I love it so much ....i needed to pee since i was laughing so hard at them XD
Min_SU9A #3
Chapter 4: XD This is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was crying from laughing too hard, and this story was one of the funniest I've ever read ;)
Can you write a sequel???? Please???????????
Chapter 4: It was hilarious...
I loved Luhan's character hahaha~~~
Iminthezone #5
Chapter 4: Love the dynamics of the family
soo cute !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 4: Lu Han is my spirit animal
Chapter 4: Fudge I just love this story. It's funny and I enjoyed a lot while reading. Thank you for making my day! ❤
Chapter 4: I did not want this to end it was so hilarious lmfao
Chapter 4: XD this is funny~ good job for this author-nim♡

Can I have a sequel for side pairing SuChen or BaekYeol I just love the pairings so much